Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/169

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FORTY-EIGHTH coxumcss. Sess. 1. cu. 2:9. 1ss4. 141 Improving; Black YVm·ri0r River, Alabama, from Tuscaloosa to NMR “ ¤¤‘¤‘i·** l)mm·l s Creek, fifty thousand dollars. m‘ *" · lunpm\‘1n;.;‘ Bxg Sundoww River, Mississippi: Continuing impI‘0\‘0- Big S¤¤il°"’°' mmr. hw tlmuszuul dollars. R*"*=r· I1n;»ruviu;,;· Noxubee River, Mississippi : Continuing iu1p1·0\‘cm¢·ut, N•>¤¤b¤¤ RWM- 4 seven tlmusaumd five hundred dollars. Improving Puscugou u River, Missbsippi : Continuing improvement, P N S <> aguul *1 tlu·e·4· thousand dollars. Hi"°¥· Improving Pearl River, Mississippi: Continuing improvement be- P¢==¤F1Riv¢r· tween Edmburg and Carthage, two thousand five hundred dollars; and below Jackson, including bar at the mouth, tau thousand dollars. Irxrproviug channel of Biloxi Bay, Mississippi: Continuing 1mprovc- ({1*********] °f Bi" muut, for which purpose the balance of the money heretofore appropri- lm Bay` atud thr the rcadsteud now Oll hand is hereby directed to bu applied to

 dqcpeuing of the channel from Mississippi Sound to the wharvcs at  

I JX]. lmproving Tallahatchec River, Mississippi: Continuing improvement, _T¤ Udh Mc Me tlmec thousand dollars. R“""· Improving Tchula Lake, Mississippi: Continuing improvement, one T<=h¤I¤ L¤k¢· thousand five hundred dollars.

 Improving Stevle’s Bayou, Mississippi, two thousand five hundred $¤>¤k>'¤ B¤y<>¤-

L ullalrs. Improving Big Black River, Mississippi, five thousand dollars. Biz B!¤<=kRiv¤¤‘· Improving Hom Island Pass, Mississippi, five thousand dollars. Hom I¤i¤¤dP¤¤¤- Impmvin g Yullabusha River, Mississippi: Continuing improvement, Y¤11 ub us lr n two thousand dollars. - R""- Improving Yazoo River, Mississippi: Continuing improvement ten Yuzoo River. thousand dollars. Improving Bayou Black, Louisiana: Continuing improvement five Bayou Black. thousand dollars. Improving, Boeuf River, Louisiana: Continuing improvement, five Boeuf River. thousand dollars. Improving Bayou Bartholomew, Louisiana and Arkansas: Coutinu- Bayou Bartholoiug improvement, five thousand dollars. um'- Improving Bayou Uourtableau, Louisiana: Continuing improvement, Bayou Courtsibur thousand dollars. **1******- Improving Bayou Teche, Louisiana: Continuing improvement, six Bayou Techs. thousand five hundred dollars. Imprm mg Bayou D,Al'b0DD€, Louisiana; from mouth to Stcin’s Bluff, B u, y n u D’Artive thousand dollars. ¥><>¤¤¤· Ooufinuing examination and for the thorough survey of Bayou Pierre, Bayou Pnerm. Louisiana; uiglnt thousand six hundred dollars. Improving Loggy Bayou, Lake Bistenau, and the Doruhcat, Louis- Loggypaynu, Hmm; five thousand dollars. 1I;::;£:¤*°¤*“» Improving Cano River. Louisiana; two thousand iivo hupdmd dollars. Camo River. Improving Bayou La l·`0urc|u·, Louisiana: Uoxmnuiug 1mprov0mcut, Bayou Ln. Four- Evc thousand dollars, including removing obstructions at the mouth. Gimlmpmving Ualcasiou River, Louisiana: Continuing improvement, six calcuieu River. mhuusaud five hundred dollars; to which is added the sum heretofore appropriated to be used at the mouth of the river. lmpmving Red River, Louisiarm and Arkansas: Coutmuing improve- Red River. ment from cbc Atchafalaya to Fulton, Av kansas; seventy-tive thousand dollars, to be expended as thllows: Not exceeding iifmcn thousand Harbor at Alondollars thr revemmeus no protect the harbor at Alexandria from damage *¤‘**•- by the current of the river: Not: exceeding five thousand dollars to close the outlet: of the river known as Sale and Mm·phy’s Canal; the remam hS$:°C M"` der (including whatever balance may remain uusxpcndcd from above P Y ' improvements embraced in this puragrnph)t0 be applied to the imp1·•»v•em•·nt Mm main ebagncl OEIS river. Im movinbm iver, uisiauaz on inning improvement, •¤gip• 9a Lwo \%10llS8I€l clcgg · R""'