Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/184

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156 FORTY—EIGH'IH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 234. 1884. July 5, 1884. CHAP. 234.-An act, making appropriations for the service of the Post-Ollioe Do- ——**;*—— gartmeut for the fiscal year ending Juno thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty- ve, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ Appropriations States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, g’&“*"'B'°°A‘;{ P°°;‘ and the same are hereby, appropriated for the service of the P0st—Office °° °p m°° ‘ Department for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, out of any money in the Treasury arising irom the revenues sSm¢.,s1. of said Department, in contbrmity to the act of July second, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, as follows: inurl uepiann. Omron or um Posrmssrmu-GENERAL.-For mail deprcdations and ”‘°“"· post-ohice inspectors, including amounts necessary for fees to United States marshals and attorneys, two hundred thousand dollars; and of this sum three thousand dollars shall be paid the chief post-office inspector; and post·0Hice inspectors shall be allowed four dollars per day in lieu of the charges now permitted, for personal expenses; and not exceeding five thousand dollars of this amount may be expended for fees to United States attorneys, marshals, clerks of courts, and counsel necessarily employed by post-office inspectors of the Post-Oilice Department, subject to approval by the Attorney-General. Advmmng. For advertising, twenty thousand dollars. umeuoneous. For miscellaneous items in the office of the Postmaster-General, one thousand five hundred dollars. Postmaem. Omvrcm or mm Fmsr Assxsrwr Posrmssrmz G1:mmAL.-For compensation to postmasters, eleven million dollars. cmu. hFor compensation to clerks in post-offices, four million nine hundred t ousaud dollars. Lane:-can-ion; For payment to letter-carriers and the incidental expenses of the free &•=¤ d¤Iiv•=ry gil- delivery-system four million dollars; fortyfive thousand dollars of

2  :;":*’1'° ‘ which may be used, in the discretion of the Postmaster-General, for the

” ’ °' establishment, under existing law, of the free-delivery system in cities where it is not now established. Wmppingpuper. For wrapping-paper, thirty thousand dollars. Twine. For wrappingmwine, seventy thousand dollars. Mm-king, rating, For postrmarkiug, canceling, and rating stamps, twentydive thousand

 •;••¤•=¤1i¤z dollars.

u“I;.erwp::l`m% For letter-balances, test-weights, and scales, twenty-ive thousand

    • 18 •¤ dollars.

•e•le¤. gmt_ fue]., ,;,4 For rent, light, and fuel, four hundred and eighty thousand dollars. hmm-): punt-omoe, And the Postmaster-General is hereby authorized to rent a suitable $*:51;: 3DES LL building on Capitol Hill for use as ai branch of the Washington City {nt of lzduding posuodiee, at 2. mine not exueeding thuty dollars per month. cgaiggfggzgm. For safes and other office furniture, forty thousand dollars. mgziionory. For stationery, sixty-five thousand dollars. _ Mm.,u,,,,,,,,,_ For miscellaneous and incidental expenses of post·oHoes, including Postmaster; at repmrs, gas-fixtures, a¤d telegmms, eighty thousand dollars; and the

3 '
l*£€’ l:;? Postmaster-General is authprnzcd to designate postmasters at money-

u dm,m.,i§; of order post-offices as dnsbursnng oilleers for the payment of the salaries scam, ew, of officers and employees of the postal service, and for such other pay- ments as postmaste rs are now authorized to make trcm postal revenues. Inland moi} 0H10E OF THE SEc0m:• ASSISTANT P0sTMAs*1*1·:u·GENERAL.—For ¤•¤•P¤¤•*i¤¤- inland mail transportation, namely : For transportation on railroad routes, twelve million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars; and if any railroad oumpuny shall fail or refuse to transport the mails, when re- Retnnd or fail- quired by the Post Oilee Department, upon the thstest train or trains W °*' '*;l*°°d run upon said road,said company shall have its pay reduced fifty per Sxgmgu {3 centum. of the amount provided bylaw. The Postmaster-General is msn.; pmmy, authorized to pay, out of appropriations for transportation on railroad routes, for special railroad service between the union depot in East