Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/245

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 332. 1884. 217 keeping in repair the lamps, under any expenditure provided for in this act; und authority is hereby given to substitute other illuminutin g material {br the same or less price, and to use so much of the sum hereby nppropria.ted as may be necessary for that purpose. For repair of water-pipes and fire-plugs: For repairing and extend- _R¤pairs ofwnterj ing water-pipes, purchase of apparatus to clean them, and cleaning the P‘PF’· °l°"'“g °’ springs and repairing and renewing the pipes to the same that supply °prmg°’°t°' the Capitol, the Executive Mansion, and the building for the State, \Vm·, and Navy Departments, tw.» thousand five hundred dollars. For telegraph to connect the Capitol with the Departments and Gov- Telegraph conernment Printing Oilieez For care and repair of the same, one thousand ***;*1****8 C “P I t °l two hundred and fifty dollars. M D°P"tm°°t°° For the building for the State, War, and Navy Departments: For Building fmooutiuuing the construction of the building walls of the several stories of §'¤¤*°» ;)V*¤'· Md the west und center wings, preparation of cnt granite for the upper mtg; °p°"t' stories of the same, and for each and every purpose connected with the ' construction: of the building, including the rent of necessary office- . rooms, three hundred and nity thousand dollars. MILITARY POSTS. Military posts. For the construction of buildings at and the enlargement of such militmy posts as in the judgment of the Secretary of War may be necessary, two hundred thousand dollars. ` For the addition of one story to the public building for :1 quartermaster and commissary depot in process of construction at Saint Paul, Minnesota, to be used us offices for officers of the Department of Dakota, nfteen thousand dollars. SIGNAL SE11V10E. To be expended by the Secretary of War: For the observation and report of storms: For expenses of the mete- Observation and orological observation and report of storms by telegraph and signal, or ’°P°'* °f '*°’¤'· otherwise announcing the probable approach and force of storms, for the benefit of commerce and agriculture throughout the United States; for manufacture, purchase, and repair of instruments, ilve thousand ive hundred dollars; for telegrapbing reports, one hundred and thirty six thousand dollars; for expenses of storm, cautionary, oiiisliore, and other signals on the sea and lake coasts of the United States, announcing the probable approach and force of storms, ten thousand dollars ; for cottonbelt reports, seven thousand dollars; for continuing the connections of stations at lifesaving stations and lighthouses, including services of operators, repairmen, materials, and general service connected therewith, five thousand five hundred dollars; Provided, That such connec-_ Provintions; in the opinion of the Superintendent of the Life-Saving Service and the Light-House Board, shall be deemed necessary; for mannfacb nre, purchase, and repair of instrumenbshelters, two thousand dollars; for rent, hire of civilian employees, furniture, and other expenses of offices maintained for public use in cities and ports receiving reports, outside of Washington, District of Columbia, forty thousand dollars; for river and flood reports, ten thousand dollars; maps and bulletins to be displayed in chambers of comme-me and boards of trade rooms, and for distribution, twentyfive thousand dollars; in all, two hundred and forty-one thousand dollars: Provided, That the work of no other De- P"°"°°· partment, Bureau, or Commission authorized by law shall be duplicated by this Bureau. For nmintenance and repair of military·telegmph lines, twenty-four Miii*•¤‘-*¤l¤- tbouszmd dollars. g"“Ph u“°“· For the establishment of signal stations upon the island of Nantucket, Signs! ¤¤¢i¤¤¤ and of submarine telegmplnic communication from such stations to the °” d?“*“‘:‘“ gf; mainland twenty thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction :;,ggp¥icm:,,m, of the Secretary of WB!. municationsmtc.