Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/285

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Fosrr-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. cn. :;::4. 1884. 257 For salaries, district marshals, eighteen hundred and eighty one and District may- prior years, thirteen dollars and eight cents. °h“'°· CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE FIRST AUDITOR AND OOMMIS- Chim, allowed SIONEB OF CUSTOMS. hyd Iéirst ssgiiim BD Omml 0DOI' For expenses of co lecting the revenue irom customs prior to July °f C¤¤*°¤¤¤- first, eighteen hundred and eighty one being the diference between 1°Ef§’;“"j::-0;*::; amount paid and legal compensation ilxed by section twenty-seven hom ,,,,€,t.,m,,,,t,,_ hundred and thirtythree and twenty seven hundred and thirty eight of R. S. 2733, 532. the Revised Statutes to certain customs officers, one hundred and eighty K S- WW 533- two thousand four hundred and thirty two dollars and eighty two cents, including two claims certfiled in Executive Document Number One Hundred and Forty-four, ilrst session Forty-eighth Congress: Provided · mum. That no part of the money appropriated in this paragraph shall be to any of the claimants until the Court of Claims shall have heard and coun of Claims determined all of the questions involved, and the liability of the United *° h°*¤' MQ 66*9* States Government therefor, in at least one test case, which case shall $J}$’0§“§,':‘°”“ m` be preferred in the order of the docket of said court. Full and complete ’ ' jurisdiction is hereby conferred on the Court of Claims for the purposes (you; of q;,;,,,, above named. If the determination of the Court of Claims shall be in to have mu jurisfavor of the claimants, they shall be pmol; otherwise not. The Attor- <u°¤°¤· ney General shall see to it that the nterest of the Government is protected in said suit or suits. To pay W. H. Robertson, collector of customs, New York, ilny three w_H_ 1;,,;,,,.;,,,,,,,, dollars and twenty eight cents; Frank N. Wicker, collector of customs, m;s¤kN.Wl¤k¤r. Key West Florida, twenty four dollars and seventy cents; Richard F. _B¤¤l¤¤d F- Gw- Gaygin, late collector of customs, Erie Pennsylvania, two hundred and $***,;.1,,,.,,,, Libby_ eighteen dollars and ninety one cents; William Libby, twenty dollars; 1;,,,,,,,,,. Bmw. Hennessy Brothers, four hundred and forty two dollars and seventy six ers. _ cents; Union Paciilc Bailroad Company, sixty eight cents; Herman, RU}i*°¤dP¤a°m° Boker and Company twenty ilve dollars; Louis F. Payne, one thou- “‘ _'°‘ °"' sand one hundred and ninety ollars; M. M. Price, thirteen dol- pg;,,,,,, mg, lars; Fred. Snyder, Mtyeight _ and seventy cents- S F. Burnett, at Co. five hundred and ninety dollars and Mw cents; W. C. Peet and Com- EF-Pew pany, five dollars; A T. Stewart and Company twelve dollars and forty FNL sn! "°°‘yd“,_ cents; in all, two thousand sixhnndred an sixtytwodollars and ninety g_p_gm-Mn_ three coms, on account of expenses of collecting revenue from customs W. C.Peet&0o. prior to July ilrst eighteen hundred and eighty one, coe- T- $*°"•** * For Life Saving Service, contingent expenses, eighteen hundred and Igubsuins eighty one and prior years, one hundred and twenty three dollars and g.,";,,, mm. Chtd (tilts. gent expenses. For expenses of Revenue Cutter Service, eighteen hundred and eighty 1;,,,,,,,,,, gum, one and prior years, sixty six dollars and eighteen cents. Service. ` For repairs and preservation of public buildings eigheeen hundred Repair-s,_stc., and eighty one and prior years, eight dollars and twenty four cents. P¤l>h¤ l¤¤m1¤8•· For Marine Hospital Service, prior to July dist, eighteen hundred Marine Hospitsl and eighty one, one dollar and ninety four cents. ’°"*°°· For supplies of light houses, eighteen hundred and eighty one and LisM·l¤¤¤¤¤•· prior years, thirty six dollars and sixteen cents. _ For repairs and incidental expenses of light houses, eighteen hundred and eighty one and prior years, eighteen dollars an thirty nine cents. For salaries qij_keemof light house, eighteen hundred and eighty one and prior dollars. For fuel, water for public buildings, eighteen hundred and Fus1,•t¤., publln eighty one and prior years, seven dollars and eighty-nine cents. hum! For furniture and repairs of same for public buildings, eighteen hun- rnmnm and dred and eighty one and prior years, three dollars and twenty five r¤1>¤r¤.¤¢¤· cents. For custom house and post omce, Albany. New York, three hundred U ,, and forty three dollars and sixty-three cents. J,nim¤;:h§?€’ xxm-17