Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/421

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sus . H. C11. 343. 1885. 393 messengers on the soldiers’ roll, under the control of the Doorkeeper, at one thousand two hundred dollars each, and hereafter messengers on the soldiers’ roll shall not be subject to removal except for cause reported to and approved by the House; nine messengers, including messenger to the rep0rters’ gallery, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; nine messengers, at one thousand dollars each; seven laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars eacb; ten laborers, during the session, at the rate of seven hundred and twenty dollars each per annum; one laborer, at six hundred dollars; for the two laborers now in charge of water-cl0se*, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; six laborers in charge of cleaning the Hall of the House, known as “cloak-room men", at fifty dollars per month duriug the session; for the two "cl0ak·room men ”, one on each side of the hall, now longest in the service of the House, fiom March fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, no June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, at fifty dollars per month each; and for one female attendant in ledies’ retiring-room, six hundred dollars; two messengers, during the session, at the rate of eight hundred dollars per annum each; for one employee (John T. Chancey), one thousand ilve hundred dollars; one Department musenger (0. W. Coombs), two thousand dollars; tor labor in folding books, speeches, and pamphlets: one foreman, one Folding. m thousand five hundred dollars; one messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; one folder in the seulingqoom, one thousand two hundred dollars; one page, five hundred dollars; one laborer, iour hundred dollars; ten folders, at nine hundred dollars each; ive folders, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; three folders, during the session, at the rate of eight hundred dollars per annum each; and Iifteen folders, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; and for thirty-four pages, dur- p,;.,, ing the session, including two riding pages, one telephone page, and one telegnph page, at two dollars and fifty cents per day each; in all, one hundred and twenty-seven thousand six hundred and ilfty-seven dollars and forty-tive cents. For rent of additional folding-room, one thousand dollars; one night _ Additional ¢‘¤1d~ watchman, nine hundred dollars; one driver, six hundred dollars; for *¤l5¥°fu*:·m feed for horses and care and repairs of wagon and harness, six hundred H:rw, °,. dollars; in all, three thousand one hundred dollars. w,;,,,, ei, Omucim or P0sr1nsrmz.-For Postmaster, two thousand live bun- _Pm¤•¤m, a. dred dollars; ilrst assistant postmaster, two thousand dollars; ten mes- ¤¤*•¤*· °*¤- sengers, including mmsenger to superintend transportation of mails, at one thousand two hundred dollars each- three messengers, during the session, at eight hundred dollars each; four messengen, at one hundred dollars per month each, during the session; and one laborer, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, twentytwo thousand four hundred and twenty dollars. _ · ` For hire of horses and muilwagons for carrying the mails, five thou- Horses and mailsand dollars. "¤S°¤¤- For two stenographers to committees, to be appointed by the Speaker smqfnpnmmr on or after December iirst, eighteen hundred and eighty-tive., at four www ¤•¤¤- thousand dollars per annum each, four ibm- thousand six hundred and seventy-four dollars. OFFICIAL nmrornzus.-For one chief omcial reporter (John J. onem upon- McElhone), six thousand dollars- and four ohlcial reporters of the m- proceedings and debates of the éouse, at ilve thousand dollars each; messenger to the odlciul reporters, one thousand dollars; in all, twenty- seven thousand dollars. And wherever the words “dunug the session" occur in the foregoing they shall be construed to mean seven months. For contingent expenses of the House of Representatives, namely: Contingent ex- For materials for folding, sixteen thousand dollars. Fcldingmnferinl. For fuel and oil for the beating apparatus, seven thousand dollars. Fuel sud ¤¤1· For furniture, and repairs of the same, ten thousand dollars. Pm!f:·¤¤¤¤r¤•¤¢|»