Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/54

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26 FORTYEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. OH. 53. 1884. - · · ·‘ his act or the laws apphcable and not m conflict with the prov1sions of t _ · _ _ ImP1`i¤°¤¤¤¤¤* i¤ of the United States; and the sentence of imprisonment lll any crmflmal °’i‘“l““1 °“°°· case shall be carried out by eonnnement in the jail or penitentiary ereinafter provided for. But the said district eoiut shall have exclusige jurisdiction in all eases in equity or those involving a question o _ 1 e to land, or mining rights, or the constitut1o_nal1ty of a law, and 111 all Civil eases how criminal oiienses which are capital. In all 01Vll cases, at common_law, ¢l¤¤¤fmi¤¤d- , any issue of fact shall be determined by a jury, at the instance of e1ther AP¥’°°1“· part-y; and an appeal shall lie in anyhease, pr guminalgfgtlz 311; ` . t f o`d`oners to the said IS r1c cour aihlgnihtlingolggd incghlyn case is two hundred dollars pr more, and in any criminal case where a fine of more than one hundred dollars or imprisonment is imposed, buapon the glinlg oiégesufggitengrappgag gg1g2u2g' th · t l' t approv y c _ _ _ . wma of sms Wiiésddfiriggig giihingl cases shall issue to the said district court from I the United States circuit court for the district of Oregon in the cases provided in chapter onehundred andseventyzsix of the laws of eighteen Jurisdiction or hundred and seventy-mne; and the jurisdiction thereby conferre upon cirwit ¤¤¤¤¤ i¤ circuit courts is hereby given to the circmt court of Oregon. And the O¥’;§1;’:,·judgm°nt fmal judgments or decregs of saiidgzupymttcalngtdismsg maya " edb th Su eme ourtote m aes _ Btiand district. VKSYEG. 8?Th;t thersaid district of Alaska is hereby created a land dis- · U- 8- me °¤°° trict and a United 2 tates land-omce for said district IS hereby located "* S“k‘· at Sitka. The commissioner provided for by this act to reside at Sitka Re im, shall be ex officio register of said land-oliice, and the clerk provided for R;,,,,,,,,; by this act shall be ex officio receiver of public moneys and the marshal ` provided for by this act slgill beg eg otliicio s:111rivley<€;—gene;a;`1 giggalnd 2::-I U-S-mit“t dth lasof the nit taesre g m1n1 · s h'" ""d° :1:1% thlgrights iseidilit thereto, shall, from and after the passage of act, °'u°` be in full force and effect in said dI8H10b, under the administration thereof herein provided for, subject to such regulationsas may be made Proviao. by the Secretary of the Interior, approved by the President: lfromded, That the Indians or other persons in said district shall not be disturbed I·•¤d¤ ¢W¤¤d b! in the possession of any lands actually in their use or occupation or now I“‘“"“· claimed by them but the terms under whichsuch persons may acquire hmm title to such lands is reserved fer fgturellegitselgtion by Congreuss : .. ided urther, That parties w o ave oca mines or mm privim¥;‘,?mQ“d mm` {gs theifein under the laws of tl; Unilted Statesdapplicable todthe tpubé h han im rove or exercise ac s o ldgdleiship oggrzugh dlaimogcsllgll not be dilsturbed therein, but shall be allowed to perfect their title to such c1aims_by payment as aforesaid: Promo. And provided also, That the landdnot erceeding sgdhundred andhfoptly _Mi¤¤i°¤°1’S' ¤**• ac s at any station now occupie as missionary s ons among e - “°““‘ did; tribes in said section, with the improvements thereon erected by or for such societies, shall be continued in the occupancy of the several religious societies to which sand m1ssionary stations respectively belong 6,,,,,,,,,; jam] until action by Congress. But nothing contained in this act shall he laws of U. s. not construed to put in force in said district the general land laws of the ¤1>1>1i¤¤l>1¢- United States. Appointment or SBC. 9. That the governor, attorney, judge, marshal, clerk, and com- Egverngr, itc-Mtv missioners progided fgr in 5his lshalll be appplinted by thqfrgsidsgt E"“ ° Y ° f th U 'ted tate an wit c at vice an consen 0 e en Pr.;:;:,':'?; Gmc, gud sehalllliold theirsregiective offices for the term of four years, and unt ` til their successors are appointed and qualified. They shall severally Fees. receive the fees of office established by law for the several olilces the duties of which have been hereby conferred upon them, as the same are determined and allowed in respect of similar offices under the laws of the United States, which fees shall be reported to the Attorney-General and paid into the Treasury of the United States. They shall receive 5,;,,,;,, respectively the following annual salau1;ies.~ The govelrnor, th; sulm of three thousand dollars· the attorney e sum 0 twothousand ve undred dollars; the marshal, the sum of ,two thousand five hundred dollars;