Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/759

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COX VBS ZIOX -F1{AXCE. L‘nnncAnY 8, 1883. 731 de nfeinpresse de vous iniormer qu’en vcrtu des pleins pouvoirs que j’a1 recus demon Gouverneinent pour la conclusion de la Convention dont il s’ag1t. et dans le but de ne pas retardcr la ratification en presence de la prochaine prorogntion du Sénat, jhadliere at la modification qui a été proposée et i’en informa mon Gouvernement. Veuillez ugreer, Monsieur le Secretuire d’Etat. les assurances de ma tres-haute consideration. TH. RoUsrA1~:. Honorable Fnnnmgrcx T. lfnnrmeunvsniv, Secretaire d'Emt des 1·)tat.w—Unis, Washington, D. O. [Translation.] LEGAT10N OF FRANCE, WAsmNomoN, February 27, 1883. MR. SECRETARY OF STATE: I have received the letter which you A°°°P*¤¤°° of did me the honor to write me on the 24th instant, informing me that the g°;;;° °'m°° d ` Senate had consented to the ratification of the Convention concluded ` on the Sth of February, for the purpose of extending theterm of the French and American Claims Commission, with the following amendment : . “Art. 1, paragraph 3. After the word ‘death’ at the end of line 2, insert the Word *or’, and in lines 3 and 4 strike out the words ‘retirement or cessation of the functionsl I hasten to inform youthat, in virtue of the full powers which I have ‘ received from my Government for the conclusion of the Convention in question and in order not to delay the ratincation, in view of the speedy adjournment of the Senate, I adhere to the proposed amendment, and shall so inform my Government. Be pleased to accept, &c. Tn. BOUSTAN. [Ratification by the President of the French Republic.] · . Ayant vu et examine les dites Convention et Declaration, nous les S6B¤W$¤=·*·i°¤ gf avons approuvécs et approuvons en vertu des dispositions de la Loi m;;? tgmggsij votée par le Sénat et par la Chambre des Députés ; Déclarons qu’elles dem of Frguch sont acceptées, ratiiiées et coniirmées et Promettons qu’elles seront Republic. inviolablement observées. En foi de quoi. nous avons donné les présentes, revetues du Sceau de la République. A Paris, le —Jnin 1883. [SEAL.] IULES GREVY. [Translation.] D Having seen and examined the aforesaid Convention and Declaration, we have approved them and do approve them in virtue of the provisions of the law passed by the Senate and Chamber of Deputies_; we declare that they are accepted, ratified and confirmed, and promise that they shall be inviolably observed. _ In testimony whereof, we have issued these presents, bearing the seal of the Bepublicggg ` June -— 1 .

i¤T£.] ’ Jonns onnvr.