Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/821

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CONY’ENTIUN—WINDWARD 1SLANDS—l\IO)lEY-ORDERS. JULY 2, 1884. 793 by Article 13, of this Convention. The amounts so converted shall be checked at the receiving office of exchange. Aurrern 7. · The lists despatched from each office of exchange shall be numbered Lists. consecutively, commencing with No. 1, at the beginning of the month of July in each year; and the entries in these lists shall also have consecutive numbers. Of each list despatched a duplicate shall be sent, which duplicate after being veriiied by the receiving office of exchange shall be returned to the despatching office of exchange. Each office of exchange shall promptly communicate to the other the Errors. correction of any simple error which it may discover in theveriiication of the lists. When the lists shall show irregularities which the receiving exchange irregularities. office shall not be able to rectify, that office shall apply for an explanation to the despatching exchange office, and such explanation shall be adorded without delay. Should any list fail to be received in due course, the despatching ex- Duplicate lists. change office, on receiving inibrmation to that eifect, shall transmit without delay a duplicate of the list, duly certified as such. Anrrcm; 8. ` Duplicate orders shall only be issued by the Postal Administration Duplicate orders. of the country on which the original orders were drawn, and in conformity with the regulations established or to be established in that country. Anrrcnn 9. The orders issued by the United States on any of the Windward Isl- RFg¤l¤ti<>¤¤ SOV- ands or by any of the Wnidward Islands on the United States shall be,°"““g P“Y“‘°“°· subjcctpas regards payment to the regulations which govern the pay- ment of moneyorders, in the country on which they were drawn. The paid orders shall remain in the possession of the country of pay- Paid orders. ment. , Anrronn 10. · Repayment of orders to remitters shall not be made until an anthoriza- Repayment (,5 tion for such payment shall iirst have been obtained by the country of vrdcrsissue from the country where such orders are payable, and theamounts of the repaid orders shall be duly credited to the former country in the quarterly account (Article 12). It is the province of each Postal Administration to determine the manner in which repayment to remitters is to be made. Aurxcmr. 11. Orders which shall not have been paid within twelve calendar months Orde rs void, irom the month of issue shall become void, and the sums received shall "h°¤· accrue to and be at the disposal of the country of origin. The Bridgetown office shall therefore enter to the credit of the United Unpaid orders. States in the quarterly account all money-orders entered in the lists received from the United States, which remain unpaid at the end of the period specified. (Article 12.)_ On the other hand the Post-Office Department of the United States quarterly , c- shall at the close of each month transmit to the Bridgetown olhce for counts. entry in the quarterly account, a detailed statement of all orders in-