Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/878

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850 nmnx. Page. _ _ _ _ PUBU- Appropriations (see also Deficiency Appropri- Appropnononi (sge aglso gqjicwncy appropnahona)·—Continned. a uma — on mue . for maintaining order, etc., in the Distric; for paymsnt fo Dr. Thomas J . Jones for 688 fC l b' , 11' nt' me ica serv1ces . . ..-._.. gresidlezl, l12Q5H??? .l.l???T;-}?{1. T). 303 for payment to the legal representatives of for United States Geological Survey .. 212, 500 J0hl1 G- TML d00e3S6d —··· - ·-----·-- 692 for Government Hospital for Insane 5213, 500 for pnylment tg heirs of Langley B. Culley, 692 f , t ., f li 'ld` s a el n s, ecease .. . . . _ . or cmxashsnggin, CT?". {1...s\;(jl}--.'216,503 for payment to legal representatives of A. for completing the Washington Monument. 504 J. Guthrie, deceased. . - .. . .. . . . . 693 additional, for ceremonies of completion all estimates for, and for deficiencies in, to 0f\Vasl1iugton Monument . ..-519 ge traénsuiititif to Congrfss through 254 for national cemeteries . . ...-‘ , `ecre ary o rensury on y .. . .. . for continuing publication of Records of 508 unexpendetd] balpnce lpf ua};/nl,3for18%1f h R ·bcl1i . . . . . mon · s our mg ecem ·r , , for statue u;Gcm?:il La. Fayette .. 508 rcuppropriated --------··----------- 295 for military prison, Fort Leavenwortlrém 508 for mzpine hospipol service chargeable to 57 Kung ______ ____,, _ ____ , ____... ,,.. , 01111308 H·l€S--... .. . ---. ...-- for artillery school, FortressMonroe,Va..&2·22,509 expenditures of, under Light-House Board for National Home for Disabled Voluntee;22 09 toilae made by contracpj egspuom. $01dit-rs ______ ___ _ __,__, , _, , , .,... 5 certain, or origina service, tml ... for maintenance of certain Indians, Mon- , rm provisions ol} act making, ger inves;§st‘ion, g · ______,_,,__, , ,___,_,,.,. . . 0 etc., o contagious iseases ec mg for expillzes of sale of Sac and Fox and domestic animals, repealed.?.. 251 Iowa, Indian Reservation .-.. 353 transfer of certain, to appropnatxous for for suppression of pleuro-pneumonia, etc., Marine Corps, Navy ... _ . 944 in domestic animals .. . . 33, 355 Aqueduct Bridge, District of CGIMMMG, for expenses of committee on “Indian ap- lessees of Alexandna Canal to keep spans propristions Paniln improvement of 17 ed otkletcz in repmré . 125 Yellowstone at .. . .. 4 Aga uct, as 'ngton . ., for com ensntion of civilians employed on appropriation for repairs and maintenance P board to examine fortifications, etc. 434 of .. . . . ... . ..---.. 125, 313 for printing and engraving portrait of the redemption of certificates of indebtedness Inte1§_V¥:].inm A. Duncan .. . . 517 cg . - - E- . .j_ .. .-.. . 313 of John . vins ... 518 Aransas ass and g, ex. for printing, etc., report of Bureau! of Ani- rw appropriation for improvement of .. .. 135 mal lndustry .. o Arapahoe Indiana, { of of Amicultigp .. --. 520 approprintionslgorinstallments, etc.,t0.7S, 32;, 3673 orre 'e o s erers by ossof vernment or support o .. .. . . , steamer J. Don Cameron .. - 637 for payment of damages from raids of. .. 95 for payment to heirs of Mary Jane Venzie, money to reimburse W. C. Obum to be paid for pp;ce£,}o{ prppgrgy tnl¤;_on .1}.- 674 A In tfrpmt mgneygldue the .- . 498 en on . rseyorsnppes rcocco aa to troops .. . . - . 674 appropriations fdr salaries, etc., in the office for payment to William F. Shepard for sup- of the . 188, 419 plies to troops . . . ... - - - . 674 Arickaree [indians, _ for payment to Alexander D. Scbenck for aygizroprmtion for subsistence of .. .-.-89,377 supplies stolen by commisssry ser- 67 Arai. , Samuel, gent - . - . . . 5 payment to . ... . . . .. . 580 for reimbursement to 0 L. Cochran .. 675 Argentine Republic, for payment toJolm G. Herndon for hay agreement with the, to increase size and _ t . . . - - . . . --. . 676 weightof pxackets of merchandise exfor rclieipg John F. Severance for loss by 676 I A changed} ough the mails . 748 1*0 ry .. . . . ... .--. rizona . for pnyment to Levi Harris lor improve- 6*- appropriation for incidental expenses of ments .. . .. . . . . i » udiun service in . .. 93, 379 for payment to William Harris for improve- for expenses of govsmmsnt of .. -. 177,408 ments .. . . . ... .. .. 677 for salaries, etc., in office of surveyor-gem . for payment to Henry Boyle for improve- ern] of ,. . ,,.,.,...___, 177,420 ments . . . - .. . ...·- 677 deiicionc appro ristion for com nsntion for payment toJ. H. Babb forimprovements 677 of Ylepositalry at Tucson . . .1f ... 449 for reliefcf William H. Davis lorwharfand for survey of connrmsd private land wht6h0D8B burned . . ... - .. . 677 claims in .,...,,.,,.. . . ..,, , _ _ ,211, 499 for payment to Fendnll Carpenter for com- , for preliminary survey of unconfirmed pri- \¤¤ ¤¤lZ¢d ·-----·-·- - --.-····-·· . .. . 678vate land claims in. .. .. .-.. 211 for payment to John W. Martin for postal i Arkansas. • ¤¢l’Vl¤¢¤ ··--·- - ·---· - ------·--·---·- 678 E sale of school lands in the State ol} authorfor payment to estates of Hugh and Byrd E ized . . .. _ _______ ____ ______ _ 41 fppgggygsgzwd, for rent and dsm- 680 Unitedstlagss circnia ttnd distgict opnrts in, .. . , ve 'urisc i i n rs for payment to Nstkinn H. Dnnpne for sugar between {half, Co(l¢?r:1oc:ndmg;nt{ f seizedt by anlilgnry soshority -.f.. 683 j F6 Railway Company and certain In- 0],* paylhell 0 0 l} RV Of ani I] of di]]]!,,,,,,,,,_,__,,,_,.,,,,,_,,,,, 72 lumber used by army . . 683 * estslilishmcuv of branch home for disabled for poymont to J. H. Hammond for loss of 684 Q xplunzeier soldiers and sailors in, an- 120 ···.-. -. . . - . .- I I OTIZ ...-.. ·..· ······. . -