Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/883

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mnnx. 355 _ Page. I Pago. Board of Managers of Home for Disabled Vol- Boston, 1laas.—Continued. unleer Soldiers, _ [ old United States courthouse at, authorauthorizecl to locate homes for disabled I ized to be sold at public auction 479 volunteer soldiers and sailors, in Ar· ! Boatacick, Judson, kansas, Colorado. Kansas, Iowa, Min- pension to __________________ _ ____________ 799 nesota, Missouri. or Nebraska, ... 120 Y Botanic Garden, to I'€€f·j V0 f¤fop0Slti0¤S from managers of . appropriation for employes of ______ _ ____ 165, 395 i Veteran Home,NapaCounty, Cal., etc 121for labor and materials for the . ..--165, 395 to mqnrre mw the expediency of establish- { for comming wa1ks,sm.,a1; .,. 165, 478 ing branch, etc., ID the State of Mich- | deiiciency appropriation for salaries, etc-. 254 ngan .. . . ... 121Botanical Division, Agricultural Dqoarlment, may mgggpl; donations of land, 5154;,, for gpprqnprigtiqpg for the ,_,_ _ __ _ ___, __ _,,_.. 37 home .. 121 Bowler, J. W., 4* Son, Board of Vigitorg, payment to _.,,,.__, , ,, ,_.. , _ .- ...,.. 454 appropriation for expenses of, to Naval Bothner, Doratlwa (widow), Academy .. ..- - .. - 293, 431 pension to . . . . . . . 624 to Military Academy . -- . - .. 9, 301 Botkin, A, C., Boaz_ Thomas H., payment to . . 468 pension to . . . 673 Bogqford, O. H., Boddy. Lvlivu, payment to . . . .. .-. . . 554 relief of ..---.-- . . . . . . 525 Boundary Intcrcepting Sewer, D. O., Bodkiu, Mary A., deficiency appropriation for .- 454 payment to .. . ... . ... 571 Bounty, Bodkin, Meek, appropriation for, to volunteers, their paynnent to administrator of . . 554 widows and legal heirs. . . .. 220 Bmof Ifirer, La., for, under act July 28, 1866 .. . . - 221 appropriation for improvement of .-.. 141 for enlistment, to seamen . . . 262 Boggu, John A., deficiency appropriation for . . 259 pa yment to .. . ... . . . . 575 deficiency appropriation for, for destruc- Boilcaw, Paul, tion of enemy’s vessels, etc ... . .259, 262 payment to . . . ... . ... 248 deiioieucy appropriation for payment of.- - 458 Bois Blanc Island, Bonrquin, Jacob (or Burnquain), proceeds of sale of laude on, to be applied to payment to -. .. .--. .. 578 the improvement of National Park.. 104 Bow, Jesse R., . Boise Cify, Ida o, payment to widow of .. . . . 572 appropriation for salaries, expenses, etc., Bowen, William, at assay office .. -- . 177, 408 claim oi referred to Court of Claims .. 617 deficiency for appropriation assay oflioe 1:1;-238. 449 Bowman, Addison, Bolar, Andrew J., payment to .. --. . . ... 553 increase of pension to .. .. .. . . 609 Bowman, Daniel, Bolton, Isaac L., payment to . . .. . . 553 payment to administratrix of -- ... 554 Bowman, 1I H., Bolarork, William, payment to .-.- .. .. -... .. 553 pension to . .. . . . . 645 Bowman, William C. E, Bond, Jana, pension to . . . . . .. .. -. 645 pension to . . . . . .. .--. .-.- 669 Bozter, Thornton, Bond and Jenkins, payment to .. . - -. . . . . 582 duties refunded to, for lumber burnt; pm- Boyd, Elizabeth B. J., viso ... . . . . . ... 668 payment to . . .. .. 562 Borda, Nota, ctc., Boyd, John L., not to prevent and punish counterfeiting paymenttoadministrator of . .-. ,- 553 foreign, within the U. S .. . . 22 Boyd, R. W., Bonds, U. S., Bopazynégnt to .- - -.---..-.-·---· 554 appropriation for en raviu , rintin , and y , mnaa Pp liinishing regisiered, ¥orptransi§r¤--199, 487 payment tafadministrators of. 554 Book-kcqring, Boyd, William A., appropriation for uniform system of, for payment to .. - ·-·-- ·--· --------·-- --- 554 coun; omoials .. . ... 224 Boyden, Leonora A., _ B99n,Ja1n¢m, p€¤Bl0I1 t0. . -..-.··· ··~· ···.----· 609 pgyrnent $4) _., , __,,_, ,, , ,... . .. . . 572 Boyctt, JDREUJI, Boone, 1'Aopmq, payment to . . 554 payment to .--- . . . . . . 578 Boyle, Henry, Borden. Willian W., 1 payment to, for improvements .. .. 677 payment m ____ ____ , ,_,_,,,.,,,,,.,,. 578 { appropriation for . . .. .- -. .. . . .. 677 Bo4•1um·,Jolu•, Boyle, Jolm, gqligf of _______ _ __________ _ ___,_,_,, ,. ,,.. 549 l payment to . ... . . .. .. 572 Bonny, M4;,;,, Boyle, Jolm, appropriation for improvement of harbor at 133 E pension to .-.- ---·--·.-· - -···- - ----- .- 681 for salaries in office of United States ae~ _ Boylen, 72 J., simue treasurer . . .-..173. 404 I relief of ..-...---· -- ---- - -·-- 529 for public building at . ... .195.479 l Bmdbdfy, P- VK, deficiency appropriation for furniture, can penswn tv ..-- - ----·--·--·----—- ·--— ·- --~ 602 pets, etc., for poet-otiice and sub- E Bradford, James, granny__ _ _____ _ ___, _ _____, . ,,... 16 v pension to . ..,.. . . . . . 644 Ielury of special examiner of drugs, etc., Bradford, Ned, _ _ {5;;,; ____ __ ,_,,_ , ,,,, , .,,,,,,,,,,., 40 i payment toadmrmstrator of . . - 553