Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/898

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870 INDEX. hp . U r Page. Delegates from Tenitoriaa, _ Detrmt E11?€T,·MWh·,. _ appropriation for compensation and mile- appropriation for improvement of . 14g age of .. . . . . . . . .. . 162, 391 for ighbhouso .. . .. . .-. 49.) Dclp, James H., Detwciler, John B., _ payment to _ _,.., , _,...,,..,,,, . . 557 Dpayguout 1; BSUKB of -·--·- - ·--·- - --------- 404 Delvaillc Ariatidaa 6W, Pm8i? __ _ payment to i- 452 payment to ----- · --·--- · - -----—-- - - - - 006 Dclmillc and Joubwt, 452 Dicks, 4DR: T (widow), 6_0 payment to . ... . . PCDSIOD 0 ..-- j - · ·----- - ----· - -·-···----· 4 Dmaranville, Isaac, Dickson, Mary Eluo, 54) pension to .. . . . . . 628 pension to - .- · ----· - ----- - --·-- · ----- L Denham, John E., · 678 Dickson, Mary J., _0_ pension to ... . ... pension --..-- - ·---·- - -·-·------- - ··--- · 0 Dennis Bourne, Maas., Dichmg, Walter, _ _ Dcrenteg n port; of delivery 155 Dpzpsipn bg . . . . . --·--------·~--·-· 0·i· cnver olo. ie aco appropriation for court-house and post- 195 Dpayiment io executors of .. 580 0 cc at .. . .. . . . --. 568 pir repair of mint building at . ... .196, 204 Dtelpnoieglojsifapprophadon for alteration of. . 237 or salaries etc. in mint . . . . .. 176, 407man c ne for contiuiiing ivork on public building 480 D'p;{m:?n;h:cd--.Z. .. . --.-. . .-.-· - ----- 96 at .. .,,. . . . . . .6 r , Departments. (See also State, Treasury, etc., pension to - . .. . . . - - . 686 Dc Departments.) Dimmick, Russell F., 6 partmeut of Justice · pension to . . .. . . Z.! appropriation for sslaries, etc., in the.192, 424, 510 Diplomatic ojfiocrs, tor contingent expenses of .. . . .192, 424 appropriation for payment to widows or deficiency appropriation for contingent ex- heirs-at-law of, dying abroad. . 234, 331 penses and miscellaneous items...24S, 466 Direct Tax, for plumbing, etc., for buildings .-.- 248 doiicieéicy appropriation to pay, to certain Bq ibr judicial expenses .. . . . .256,261 tates . . . . . 2 . ibr gefemling suits against the United 0 appropriation fgr payment to certain pur- 20 tutes .. . . - . . .. ...- 51 c asers 0 ctc .. . ... . .- . T tor repairs and improvement of buildings Director of the Bureau of Ethnology, under control of .. . . . . 193, 510 _ printing, etc., of Sixth and Seventh Anfnr priming nnd binding for . ... 513 { nual Reports of the .. . . i>19 Depulll .l!ar#·ImI», U. S., i Director of the Geological Survey appropriation for tees and expenses of.. .224, 511 I appropriation for salaries, etc., in office Den Jrloinea. Iowa. of- .. . . . . . . . .. _18S, 420 approprist ion for extension and completion 80 I printiiég, etc., of extra copies of gixth and of puh ic building at ... 4 venth Annual Reports 0 .,, , , 519 tor vonrt house und post-office at .. . 195 I Director of the Mint, U. S., Dm Ju; mu Rapids Cuiml, loam, I appropriation for salaries, etc., in office of appropriation for construction of pier, etc., I the ,_,,_, . . . ______ . .,.. _ _,,. , .,__ 175, 40*2 M ; proviso . . . . .. . -- . 146 . Disabled Soldurn and Sailors, Des ilfoima Rapids Cana!`} 101:1:11- 1 i Dwho may be admitted to S0ldiers’ Home-- - 121 appropriation for ry 0c 46 isabled Volunteer Soldiers, Secretary of War to prescribe regulations T appropriations for national home for- 222, 509 for use, etc., of the .. . . . 148 detieiency for ,...,. . . ,,..,,.,.. , ..,, _ 45-3 Desorters, _ _ P i Discharge of Ameriixm Seann, _ Dreclsmstlou of American seamen .. --.. oo | Dipaymenn .. . ,. . ,,, - , _ . 4 eser wu vtirvclive paper ` charges of, removed from certain soldiers, 119 I appropriutio.»,l`or, for United States securi- 6 ¢= . -.. ties .. 204, 493 Deslihate American seamen. Distributing; Agmra, Post-Opicc Department, Dpei;alty]fo;· refusal, etc., to receive, abroad. 5.*3 I)3p])l'05I'l5ltl01l for pay of . . .. 157. 3:47 esti u e n ians. ixtrict lloruaya, Fueled Stain, Dappropria}ion iéorlsnppoiit of certain .. . 267 Z Duties of, in cases of violation of acc to supestruction a an , 'ash. ’ er. 5 press pleuro-pneumonia., etc., in doappropriation for liglit-homie, etc., ut. 485 mestio animals .. . . .. . -. .. . 33 Destruction of Amen, Bonds, etc. , Unileil Slam, appropriation lor compensation of . . .224, 425 approprintion for operating macerating ma- for assistant . . . . . . ..., . ... 224 _ ¤}1|¤P8 10K' f11P- ..-· . . ..- . . 199,487 for il·•·s for, postu|»sorvic•.· .. - ..., ,, » lfiti "2'L‘Zi;f'¥3*}s.,-m M mm- of title * ""}""°“°’ ""'¥“'}"‘“‘{°" *°$ ""€§ °f "”°‘ i".¥` , ·_ 1 _ or panymen . o , am assis an . · , Cl

  • ol [mired States to certain land in . 295 District Courts, I`. S.,

erection of pnlnlio bnglding ut, llllYl10l'lZf’(l. aiiproipinlting lor expenses of. .. ---.224, 511 · nppropria ion or _. . -. ...-. _ ’ term o t s irmingbsm Alu. . . ..--.. ld avr relating to pnbhc building at, anpproved for wvrrliern district ot', Iowa . .. 3 May 25, 1552. repealed . . 339 at Gulvwston, Fyler, Jciliersou. Graham, ><eu~•-mi y of 'l`re:•¤ury uuthorizeal to sell BJ Dallas, uml Waco, Tex. , . .. 48 property, e c.. at .. . . . -... I * for li trict of M i . .. I money s received from sale of property. etc., UiatriofegfBL'ol••mI»ia. u nn nt, to h•· covered into ’l`re;isnry. 339 appropriation lor expenses of govomment Detail of Claris Interim- jkpqrlmmt, nf ,_,,,,___,,_,__.,,.,,,,,,.,.._._ 123,3lQl 5UYT}10l”lZQ'Il 10K' St‘1‘V14‘¢* fm uominicnees of · · hir gqpntipggnt gxpqnggg of __________ __ J3], 319 House . . . . .,... . . . . . . . . 266 ilelicismcy for .---.. . . . . ---. -251, 454