Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/905

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· mnsx. 87 7 _ _ '_ _ Page. PB e. Ilml1.u·rr. Qu., _ I ; Fort Brom: Military 1?eservali0n, Tel., g ` anpprunprlaltiou for llllp1'0\'t*lllt*D( ot 14O approprlzitiun to enable the S€01‘et8.ry of Ilorulu. _ > \\`ur to acquire valid title to tho, for giplq-qpprlgitiuu for `u];·u·{(~5, gtg-_, in ()&i(»g of Yuitgd States _ _ _______ ___ __ _ 507 surijeyor-general of . .. 1;*9, 421 Fort Dodge, Iowa, for cou_tmgr·ut cxpcnscs of .. . . . . 209 : terms of courts thr northern district of act relating to sale of lands of military res- , Iowa, at . . . . 3 _ crvatiuns in State of, repealed .. r.. . 104 { Fart Gratiot, Mich., Fluk¢·,_Lfe0*rge H., _ appropriation for cemetery lot at . 219 additional pension to . 552 Fort Hall Indian lfcsewaliozz, Idaho, Flushing Iiay, N. Y., ‘ appropriation for support, etc.,of Shoshone appropriation for improvement of harbor , and Banuock and other Indians at. .90, 378 M ---- - ---- - ---·----.-.-.. . 1254 ~ For! Hayes Military Reservation, Kuna., Fly, C. C., _ _ sale of portion ot] authorized .. . .. 40 payment to adxninistratrix of ..,, . 558 · Fon Lgqygnqpwlll, Kang,, log-Signals, I appropriations for United States military appropriation for expenses of., .. .,.. 200, 487 · prison m, ______,_____ _ ,_,, , __,__,, 7:21, 508 Fogg, William, - for additional pay to Army offcers in payment to administrator of .. 558 I charge of prison at ,... 358 Folding, Fort Lcavcnuorlh Military Reservation, 8pP!‘0pl‘iIlti0¤ fol', for Senate .. . . 162, 390 appropriation for improv•·m¢·nt of roads on. 508 for House of Representatives .. 164, :193 1 1-brt Lyon Military Reservation, deficiency appropriation for, House of Rep- certain patents tbr lands of, confirmed 103 resentatives . . -. 250 i sale of portions of, etc., authorized ... 103 for Solmte -. . .. . .. .. . 249, 467 _ Fort Mackinaw Military Reservation, Foldi·ug·Room, proceeds of sale of lands near the, to be apapproprintion for rent of additional, for I plied to improvement of National H01J8e . . . . 163, 393 Park ., _. .,.. . . . 104 ]"0l¢-*9. EWUF, I For! Madison, Iowa, payment to -... . . .. . . . .. . 573 appropriation thi- improvement of harbor` Foley, Patrick, I at ,... , ,_... . . -.-. . 145 increase of pension to .- .. . . - . 597 , For: Marion, calm Augustine, Fla., Foltz, Benedict, , appropriation for the preservation of .. 159 payment to administrator of --- . .. 57:5 ’ Fart Myer-, Vix., Fonlanclle, Henry, I .appropria\ion for signal corps at .. -... 506 payment to .. . . .. - ... 464 i Mart Peck Indian Agmwy, Food-Fishes, { appropriation forsupport of Indians at.90, 378, 516 appropriation for propagation of . 205, 494 for support of destitute Indians at 267 or collecting statistics of, sea·coast and Fort Robinson Military Reservation, Nabr., lake fisheries . . . 205 right of way granted through, to Fremont, for illustrations for report on --.- .._. 205 Elk Horn, and Missouri Railroad Comdelicioncy appropriation to pay liabilities, pany ,_... . .. . . ..-. 284 etc., account of propagation of .. 239 Y Fort Stott, Kuna., delicicncy appropriation for propagation appropriation for road from cemetery, etc., of ,_._.. , . - ... . ... 255,494 to ___,_, , ,,,,, , , - . . 219 Forage, for erection of public building, etc., at 482 approprimiou for, for Marine Corps .. 294, 432 i FM; Smith, Ark., _ Foreign Lomla, Notes, ctc., . donation to the city of, of portion ot lands act to prevent and punish counterfeiting, ’ in military reservation, etc.; condiwithin the United States -.-.--- 22 [ tions .. . . . ..---· ·- - - - ·--· -· 19 Foreign Emigrants, , Fort Wayne, Ind., importation and migration ot, or aliens un- , appropriation for court-liousc and postder contract to perform labor ill the ‘ office at . . -- .. .. .-..-- 195, 480 · United States prohibited; proviso . . 332 increase of appropriations for public build- Foreign Iuiercourac, ing at . . . . -- .. 337 appropriation for .. . . . . . ..-.· 260 1·‘m·1{/imliona, deticiency appropriations for .. . .. 254 l appropriations for . ..,., . . ,..: ., I 158, 434 » Foreign Mails, E dciiciency appropriation for contingencies aptpropriation for transgyrtation of.-. -. .157,387 I of ___,___,_,,.., .,.. .. 258 or salaries, etc., in 0 cc of Superintend- for preservation and repair of .,., ... . 474 ent of .- - ..- ---l91,423 l Fortresa Monroe, Va., deiiciency appropriation for ...· . ..--- ,--248, 465 , appropriation for establishment of buoy transportation of, to be on American , am], supply depot at . . . Y 197 steamships .. . .. . - - - 387 appropriation for artillery school at- 222, 509 Foreman, Elizabeth,Foster, Annu J. (widow), payment to administrator of .. . ... 572 i pgugign to , __,_, , ... . . i .. 601 Forest Grove, Greg., _ ‘ Foster, Daniel M., _ appropriation iorsupport of Indian school at 9\,38l pay mgm; to _,__ _ _,,.. . , . . 5-27 Forestry, _ , Footer, G. C. and Martha A., _ _ appropriation for investigation and report _ Puygnqut to lwirs of , ,,_, _ ___,___,,, , ,.,.. nit; on, by Commissioner of Agriculture .391, 356 [*0,;,,-, 9,-;,,,4;,,, rome, zmgzu r., · pension m . . . ... - 688 payment to .. . . . .. . . 453 I router, James L., _ Fort Belknap Agency, Mont., _ payment to executor of .. . -. .. Fwd appropriation for maintenance of Indians ’ Foelcr, John, __ at the ..-. . . -. 2*57, 516 payment to ..., . ,. . ... - .. 55o