Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/921

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INDEX. 893 Page. . Page. Library, Deparhm=nt of Juslice, Lincoln Institution, Philadelphia, Pa., appropriation for . . . . . .. 192. 424 appropriation for support of Indian chil- _ Library, Surgeon- Gc·neral’0 Ojfioe, dren at the . .. -. -. .92, 382 appropx iation for .. . . ...- . . . .112, 360 for support, etc., of extra pupils at . 382 Lienx. Jlochanir.-s’, — Lindemood, George, in the District of Columbia, authorized .. . 64 payment to , . . . . . 581 Lije-Saring Service, Lindsey, Tarkingtan, appropriation for salaries in omce of -171,401 psyment to . . . . .. 579 lor sulariesof superintendents .. 198, 486 Line, Daniel, cf keepers .. . 198, 496 payment to ... . .. -. .. 581 · for miscellaneous items .. . -. 486 Linton, Irwin B., deticiency appropriation for contingent ex- payment to . . .. .. 250 pauses of . . - . . . . . .257, 261 Liquors, payment to volunteer surfmen of the Cleve- sale of intoxicating, to Indians prohibited. 94 land Life-Boat Station from appropri- Little, Joshua B., ation for, for 1884, authorized . 238, 450 payment to .. . ... 562 payment to S. M. Clemons from appropris- Little Kanawha River, W Va., tion for, for 1883, authorized - - . . 450 appropriation for improvement of ; no tolls L6/`e~S¢wiRy Station, collectible, etc . 139 appropriations for service of ... . . 198, 485 Little Soda: Bay, N. K, ibr payment of volunteers at .. .--. 198, 486 appropriation forimprovement of harbor at. 134 for salaries of superintendents, etc., Little, Wearc C., at .. . . . . . . . . . 198, 485 appropriation for payment of judgment of Lighfopgiio establishment of new . .. 199, 486 D. Court of ogaims in favor of; proviso. 241 t- Ja, ‘vermorc, Lol, a others appropriation for maintenance of .. . . 198, 488 water right granted to, ncross Umatilla Bes- Lig/•1·Hm•ue Board, ervaticn, continued to W. S. Byers to prescribe signals andlights on draw of- &, Co. ; proviso . . ... 343 bridge over Missouri River, Nebraska-. . 44 Liveuey, James, ‘ bridge over Missouri River, in Richard- payment to . . 452 son County, Nebr . . 46 Loan of Flags, ctc., bridge over Cumberland River, st Nash- to mayor of Richmond, Va., authorized". 271 ville, Tenn . 47 to mayor of Charlotte, N. C -... .. 271 bridge xml Missouri River, at Leaven- 52 to Portland Soldiers and Sailors’ Monument 2 wo , ns ... Association . . . . 73 bridges across the Willamette River, 53 to committee on inauguration ceremonies ; 707 Ore . . -.-. . -. proviso.- . . . ... ..-. mr bricige over the Missouri River at Lockett, Samuel H., White Cloud, Kane. . . . . 113 removal of political disabilities of . . .- 525 appropriation for salaries in office of .. 170, 401 Lockhart, William, for, for additional clerks in . 401 pension to .. . ,. .. 658 authorized to lease grounds for lights and Lockridgo, Janes H., beacons, etc. . .. ... . .. .- 200 payment to . --- .. 561 Light- House Establishment, Locks, _ appropriation for expenses of ... . 200, 487 appropriation for, for postal servme -157, 386 additional clerks of Light-House Board to tor, for public buildings under control of be paid from appropriation for .. 401 Treasury Department ..-. . 205,495 Light-Hounca, Lockwood, Bclva A., appropriation for construction, etc., of.. .196, 485 claim o£ against Eastern Band of Cherogor supplies and repairs of .. . .. 200,487 kee Indians, to be heard •nd deterrfor selsries of keepers of ... 200, 487 mined by Court of Claims .. . . - . 381 tor survey of sites and for plans for 488 Lockwood, Joseph S., deficiency appropriation for supplies, etc., appropriation for payment of judgment of _ gf __,, _ , _____,.,,,...,... - --. .. 257 Bfonrt of Claims in fag of ; proviso. 241 Li ht Jacob, Loggy you, Lake Bistenau, ., gnpmeut to _,,_ _ ,,_,, , . . . .. . . 576 approcpriation for improvement of -.-- 141 Light- Vessels, • Logue, amos, appropriation for expenses of . ... 200, 487 payment to executors of ...- . ..-.- 561 deticiency appropriation for expenses of.. - 261 Logue, Taplcy G., Lagbzer or Barge Pirate, payment to .. . . .. .. - .--·· ···· 561 American papers to be issued to .. 281 Lancs, Charles, Lightfoot, Jacob, payment to -. .. . - . ..---···--- 561 payment to ... . . . .. - . 581 Long, Ellen can, Ligluiag and Bsoyage of Rivera, relief of .· . ...-·..·--·--·- · ··--··-·- · · 539 appropriation lor .. . 200, 487 Long, Henry E, Liyhig, payment to ., .. . . .. .. 562 appropriation for inspection of, and other Long, Israel, aids to nnvigatnon .. . . ... . *200, 487 payment to ...- .. .-..-· .·- - ·-···- ---- ·--- 562 for buildings under control of Treasury Long, James, Department ... ..-- . ..-206,495 pnymentto .. .. .-.. ..·.·- 562 for Capitol and ands . - . 21E, 497 Longevity Pay, _ _ deiiciency apprepgstion for, for buildings allowed pusetl 1I3i8th5f engineers, U. S. under control of Treasury Depsrt- Navy . . ». .. ..-. 436 ment .. , , ,... . ,,,..., -. 16 Langevily Pay, Army, rules concerning, to be used in navigation. 438 appropriation for .. ..-. --.: . 107,357 L|lp(l’.igl¢·bou•• 1b»l••·)» for, to professors, etc., at Military Acadsppropristion for repairs to the ... 488 emy ... . . . ·.. . . 6, 299