Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/10

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Xi (STATUTES II.—1886-1887.5 . . Pa Military Academy graduates. An act for the relief of graduates of the United States Military Acad- B _ emy, and to iix their pay. December 20, 1886. . . . . . . . . . . . .. -. . 351 Voce-Admiral S. C. Rowan, Roar-Admiral John L. Worden. An act for the retirement of certain of- 6061:S of UW Navy of the United States. December 20, 1886 ,..,., , _____ , _____ _ _______ __ 351 San Francisco, Cal., lands to. An act to relinquish the interest of the United States in certain lands to the city and county of San Francisco and their grantees. December 20, 1886 . - 351 Twelfth Michigan Infantry. An act for the relief of certain soldiers of the Twelfth Michigan Volunteer Infantry dishonorably discharged under special orders ninety-two, \Var De artment, g;ljpggé1t~Genera1’s Office, dated March Bret, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. December , ... . . ... . . ... . . . . . .. . . 352 William P. Chambliss, An act for the relief of William P. Chambliss. December 21, 1886- 352 Urgent deficiency appropriations. An act making an appropriation to supply a deficiency in the apropriation for public printing and binding for the Hscnl year ending June thirtieth, eighteen liundred and eighty-seven, and for other purposes. December 22 1886 . ...,_., ,,, , 353 Petty o_yicers’}pensions, Navy. An act amending sections forty-seven hundred and fifty-six and forty- seven undred and fifty- even of the Revised Statutes, relating to pensions to certain disabled persons who have served in the Navy or Marine Corps. December2t), 1886 ,..,.. - , . 353 Public building, Springjield, Mass. An act providing for the erection of a public building at Springfield, Massachusetts. January 3, 1887 .. . . . ..,,. . ..- .. , ,..,, _ ,,.,. 354 Duluth, M inn., inspectors of hulls and boilers. An act to amend section four thousand four hundred anilsfourteen of the Revised Statutes, relating to inspectors of hulls and boilers. January 3, 87 . . .. .. . . . . .. _ ,., . .,,.,. 354 Postal notes. An act to amend the act entitled "An act to modify the ostal money-order system, and goqgglier purposes", approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty- three. J anuary , .. ... . . . .. . . . ... .. .. . . . 354 free delivery extended. An act to extend the free-delivery system of the Post-Omoo Department, and for other purposes. January 3, 1887 . . . .,, , ,,... ,,,, .,,, ,,., ,. .. .. 355 Bridge, Saint Douia River, Minn. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Saint Louis River at the most accessible point between the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin. January 3, 1887 . . .. ..,. . .,,,, , __,,.,,,,__,, , ,___.., . ,... 356 Jlyfw E- Dunlop. For the relief of Myron E. Dunlap. J anna;-y 3, 1887 ... ,- . . . . 358 Sitka, Alaslta, claims. An act referring to the Court of Claims for adjudication the claims of John _ _ H- Kmkuad, Samuel Sussman, and Charles O. Wood. January 17, 1887 .. .-.. . . 358 Cincinnati poa¢·o_yice. An act for the relief of the Greensburgh Limestone Company and other . January 17, 1887 ..., . . -... .. -- ., ,, . . -- ,. - 359 Public building, Eastport, Mc. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to sell and convey the United States custom-house and postmmco property at Eastport, in the State of Maine. lately destroyed by nre, the proceeds thereof to be invested in the pumliase of a new site for and to provide for the erection of a new public building at that place. January 17, 1887. 360 Albion S. Kcillr. An act for the relief of Albion S. Keith. January 17, D;87 .. -- . . 360 Banda of executors, District of Columbia. An act to amend the law relating to the bonds of executors in the District of Columbia. January 17, 1887 ... Z . . . . 361 Bight of way, Gila River Reservation. An act to grant the Manco}: and Phoenix Railway Companyés; Arizona, the right of way through the Gila River dian. Reservation. J anuary 17 1 .. - . . - · --··- - ..-.------·-- - ---.- - ·---· - ·--- · ---·-- - ----. . ...·. . . . . 361 Public lniilding, Camden, N JZ An act for the erection of a public building atCa1ndeu, New Jersey. January 26, ISS7 ...· · .··~·- ··· -·---~ - ----- - ·-·-- ---- ---- y----- --·· · ----- - ·---· . - - 363 Tax-sales, District of Columbia. An act relating to sales for taxes in the District of Columbia. January 26, 1587 ... ..-"- -·-·· ·-··-- -·····- ·-··- ·-.-·-·.•· ·.u•••...- 364 Francis Denmead. An act for the relief of Francis Denmead. January 26, 1887. . . ... . 364 Corcoran Art Gallery, District of Columbia. An act to exempt from taxation all pro erty held by the trustees of the Corcoran Gallery of Art, and for other purposes. January E6, 1887 .. 364 Young Men': Christian Association, District of Columbia. An act to exempt the property of the Young Men’s Christian Association of Washington, District of Columbia, from taxation. January 364 26 1887 ,,,,,, _ ___,.,.,.,.,,... . ... . . .. . . . Protection from fire, etc., District of Columbia. An act for the further protection of property from tire, and safety oflives, in the District of Columbia. January 26, 1887.-,..._.. .. .. . .:. . 365 Insurajce regulvélions, District of Columbia. An act to regulate insurance in the Dnstnctof Columbia. 366 uuuu 6 1887 ...- - ---- --·- ---------- ·.--·- - ---.--- - --.·-··-- · . Sao and For Za 11mm Indian Reservations. An act to amend the third section of an act entitled “A¤ not to provide for the sale of the Sao and Fox and Iowa Indian Reservations, in the States of Nebraska and Kansas, and for other purposes/’ approved March third, eighteen buwlrcd uud ciab¢:y·fiv¤· Juuuury 26. 1887 -·-- - . .---- · --·------ Z- ---·-- - --·-- . -.·-.- _ - 367 Jleal-estate agenlu, District of Columbia. An act to repeal parts of an actrelating to tan on the business of realestate agents in the District of Columbia, approved June twentieth, eighteen 4 hundred und seventy-two January 26,1¤87- ---·- ._ ...--- ---- ----» _- - 368 Police regulations, District of Columbia. An act to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to make police regulations for the_government of said District. January 26, 1887. 368 .Nucco Moctczuma. An act to provide for an American register for the steamer Nuevo Montezuma, uf Philadelphia, Pennsylvania- J uuuury 26. 1887 ·..·.- ---- -·--- 1 --·- ,- ...·--- 369 Public building, Los Angeles, Cal. An act providing for the erection of a public building at Los Auzclru, Culif<>r¤iu· J¤¤¤¤¤y 29. 1§¤7’ -------· ·--- ---- -,·-_ -·-- ---- - -·--------· 370 Public building, Worcester, Mass. An act ior the erection of a public building at Worcester, Massa· _ <=l¤¤¤¤¤¤- ·l=~¤¤=¤ry 29» 1897 ··---- - ·-----·-·-- - ----· · ----- - ----·-----·--··----·--· - · - - ---- 3·0