Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1014

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COMMERCIAL CONVENTlON—MEXICO. JANUARY 20, 1883. 985 Therefore, the Commissioners hereby agree that the treaty is signed by them subject to the correction in the aforesaid item of the word " steel," so that " tools of iron, steel, brass, or wood," &c., shall be specified, if it shall be found that the omission was unmtentronal on the part of Mexico; and further, that if the omission be found to have been intentional the right shall he, and hereby is, reserved to the President of the United States of America to withhold the said treaty from the Senate, and to regard the same as not representing a true agreement between the respective Commissioners. _ [U. S. GRANT.] [Wm. Hmm? Tsmscor.] [M. Romano.] [E. Csmmo.] [Pnorocor. 2.] Agreement signed the 17th day of Jan- Couvenio firmado el 17 dia do Enero de nary, 1884, between Frederick T. Freling- 1884, entre Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, Protocol 2. huysen, Secretary of State of the United Secretario de Estado de los Estados Uni- States of America, and M atias Romero, dos de América, y Matias Romero, Envia- Envoy Extraordinary and Minister P`smi- do Extraordinano y Ministro Plenipotenpotentiary of the United State of M ;ico. ciario de los Estados Unidos do México. Whereas, pursuant to the tenth article Por cuanto a que, conforms al articulo of the Treaty between the United States X. del tratado celebrado entre los Estados of America and the United States of Mex- Unidos de América y los Estados Unidos ico of the 20th of January, 1883, it was de México el 20 de Enero de 1883, se estistipulated that the ratifications of that pulo que las ratiiicaciones de cse tratado Treaty should be exchanged at the City se cangearian en la ciudad de Washington of Washington within twelve months from dentro de dose meses contados desde esa the date thereof or earlier, if possible; fecha, 6 autes si fuere posible, ypor cnanto ’ And whereas, it may be impossible to que lpudiera ser imposible el cauge de las , exchange the ratitications within the time rati caciones dentro del tiempo iijado, el so fixed, the President of the United States Presidente de los Estados Unidos do Amé- of America has invested Frederick T. Fre- rica ha inveetido 6 Frederick T. Frelinglinghuysen, Secretary of State of the hu sen, Secretario de Estado, con plenos United States of America with full poderes, y cl Presidente do los Estados power; and the President of the United Unidos de México ha investido a Matias States of Mexico has invested Matias Ro- Romero, Enviado Extraordinario y Minismero, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister tro Plenipoteuciario de México en Wash- Plenipotentiary, atWashington, with like ington, con poderes semejantes, qnienes, power, who having met and examined habiéndose reunidoy examinado sus restheirrespective powers, which were found pectivos poderes, que fueron ercontrados to be in proper form, have agreed upon en debida forma, han conveuif o en elsithe following: guiente: Anmrroxsx. Arzrrcma. Arrrfcuno Amcxox ... It is hgreed that the time limited in the Se conviene eu que el tiempo fijado en tenth article of the Treaty between the el Artioulo X. del tratado celebvldo entre United States of America and the United los Estados Unidos de América _ los Esta- _ _ States of Mexico, of January 20, 1883, for dos Unidos de México el 20 de, Enero de _ L K t 6 ¤ 8 \0¤ of the exchange of the ratincations of that 1883, para el cange de las ratiiicacicnes Mw of °§¤h¤¤g¤ instrument, shall be and is hereby ex- de ese documento, sera extendido y por el of ¥'¤ml¤¤U0¤¤· tended to the 20th day of May next. The pfesente se extiende hasta el dia 20 de present additional article shall be ratified, aye proximo. El presents articulo adiand the ratifications shall be exchanged cional sera ratificado y las ratxtlcacxoncs at Washington as soon as possible. se cangcarau en Washington tan pronto ' como fuere posible. In witness whereof, we, the respective En fé de lo cual, nosotros los respectivos Plenipotentiaries, have signed the same, Pleuipoteucisrios hemos iirmado el preand have hereunto ailixed our respective sente yle hemos puesto nuestros respectiseals. vos se los. Done, in duplicate, at the City of Wash- Hecho por duplicado en la ciudad de ington, the 17th day of January in the Washington el 17 dia de Enero del ano de year of ourLord one thousand eight hun- nuestro Senor de mil ochocientos ochenta dred and eighty-four. y cuatro. Fnznx. T. Frnmxonuvsim. M. Ronxnno. [sean.] [sun.]