Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1028

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PROTECTION or sUB·MAE1NE oABLEs. MARCH 14, 1884. 999 ci·dessus indiquées, si,en leur nom, colonies or possessions, if, in their une notification a cet eifet a été [its!] name, a notification to that adressee par le Représentant de Sa effect has been addressed by the Majesté Britannique a Paris, an representative of Her Britannic Ministre des Aifaires étrangeres do Majesty at Paris to the Minister of France. Foreign Aftairs of France. Chacune des colonies ou posses- Each of the above—named Colo- Co1onie¤m¤.y•d» sions ci-dessus dénommées qui au- nies or possessions that shall have MTB- » rait adhéré a ladite Convention, adhered to the said Convention, conserve la faculté de se retirer de shall have the privilege of withla meme maniere que les Puissan- drawing in the same manner as ces contractantes. Dans le cas on the contracting powers. In case Pune des colonies ou possessions one of the colonies or possessions dont il s’agit désirerait se retirer de in question shall desire to withla Convention, une notification a draw from the Convention, a notincet etiet serait adressés par le cation to that effect shall be ad- Représentant de Sa Majesté Bri- dressedby HerBritannic Majesty’s tannique a Paris au Ministre des representative at Paris to the Min- Afaires étrangeres de France. ister of Foreign Affairs of France. K Fait en vingt—six exemplaires a Done in twentvsix copies at Paris, le 14 mars, 1884: _ Paris, thisfourteenth dayof March, 1884. L. P. BIORTON. L. P. MORTON. Signatures. HENRY V1GNAUE. _ HENRY VIGNAUD. HoHENLo1sm. HOHENLOHE. . M. BALCARCE. M. BALOARCE. LAE1sLAs»¤ HoYos. LAE1sLAs umm Horos. BEYENs. BEYENS. LEOPOLD OEEAN. LEoro1.E OBBAN. ... D’I'l‘AJ`UBA. ··» E’I1·A.rUEA. LEoN SOMZEE. LEoN SOMZFE. MoL·rKE-Hv1*rEELE·r. MoLcrxE-Hvu·1=·ELEr. EMANUEL DE ALLIEDA. EMANUEL DE AIARIEDA. TMANUEL SLLVELA. MANUEL SILYELA. JosE G. TELANA. Josi: G. TEIANA. J ULES FERRY. JULES FEEEY. AD. CoouEEY. AE. OoonE1zY. LYoNs. LYoNs. CRISTANTO MEE1NA. CRISANTO MEE1NA. BIAUROCORDATO. MAUROCORDATO. PIENABREA. MENABREA. EssAE. EssAE. ... DE ZUYLEN DE NYEVELT. ···. DE ZUYLEN DE NYEVELT. NAZARE~AGA. NAZAEE-AGA. F. E’AzEvEEo. F. D’AZEV'EDO. ODOBESCO. OEonEsc0. PRINCE Unnorr. PRINCE O1zLorE. J . M. TORRES-CAYCEDO. J. M. TORRES-CAYCEDO. J. BIARINOVITCh. J. LIABINOVITCh. G. SIBBERN. G. SIBBEBN. JUAN J . DIAZ. JUAN J. D1Az. And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified by the United Preamble. States of America on the one hand, and by seventeen of the signatory powers on the other hand, and the respective ratifications were exchanged at Paris on the sixteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eightytlve; _ _ And whereas pursuant to Article XVI. of said Convention, the contracting parties have agreed upon the fifteenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and eightysix, as the date on which the same shall go into etfect ;