Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1066

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INDEX. 1 039 Pa I P . Arkansas {liver, Ark., go- i Army—Continued. ago appropriation for improvement of ...- 323 I appropriation for pay of stef onicersz f for removatl og strings, eItoAn1€..i{ E. 323 i gag Department; longevity .. 94,395 or survey 0 , e ween it e oc , r . n u ge—Advoeate-Genera1’s Depart- 8110 Wichita, Kaus .. . . 323 ment; longevity- .. ,_ . . 94, 395 Armammv, _ E for pay of retired ottlcers; longevity 94,396 appropriation fer, of vessels for the Navy - 216 I for retired enlisted men ..._.. 95, 396 pcrtign of, D1:)' be used for tools, ma- 216 l for contract surgeon; hospital matrons ;9 3 c mrry e c veterinary surgeons. . . . .. .. 5,· 96 for new slnps,,etc., to beef domestic manu- for paymaeters’ clerks and messengers; faetpre -,1. . .. 559} travelling expenses . . . . 35, 396 uppreprin. ion or increase 0 the avy -. 94 expenses of courts-martial etc . 5, 396 Armbrecht, Louise (Mdmv), i for additional pay, officer in charge pubp0DSi0¤ --·-.- . . .. E87 I lic buildings, etc., Wzzshingt0n .. 95, 396 Armand, Peter, commander military prison, Leavenpayment of damages 170, from Government I worth, Kane . .. . ... 95 dam, Menashn, Wis 283 for commutation of narters . ... 95,396 il A1'm01`, _ _ I for allowances for travel, etc., enlisted appropriation fur, increase of the Navy- -- 594 men .. . ... . . .. . 95, 396 used in bcontetrncting new xval vessels 2 for mileage to officers; maximum allowto e 0 domestic manu ctnre .. 15 ance ... .. . . 95 396 A snbjetif toltests .. .-.-, .. 215 for subsistence, supplies.. . . rmored ease a, commutation of rations .. .-.. , 397 construction of, authorized ... 215 civilian employees ... 96, 3W to have torpedo outfit.- .. . . 215 for quurtermasters’ supplies . ..,.. . . 96, 397 to be constructed cfdcmestic steel . 215 rintin to be done by contract -- 96 _ P 8 armor to ge of domestic manufacture- 215 for Qnartermasterks Department; inci-96 197 Armorriea an Arsenala, dental supplies .. .. ---. . ,· appropriations for . . 243 529 extradnty pay -... ... 97 398 Armoriea, National, , forpurchase of horses; limitation . 97, 398 appropriation for manufacture of arms at- 99 transportation of the Army .. - 97, 398 Armory, National, number of draught animals limited. . . 398 appropriation for manufacture of arms at- 400 arrears of, due land-grant railroads; Arma, compensation to bein full .. 97,397 annual appropriation for, etc., for militia .for barracks and quarters, etc ... W,399 increased ..,.. . . ... 401 approval of Secretary of War requisite appropriation for manufacture of, at na.- for expenditures exceeding $500 . 97 ‘ tional nrmories .. , . 99 civilian employee-s; limitation.. -.98, 399 for manufacture of at National Armory- 400 for shoctin ranges, etc . . . . 98 399 for States, repeal 0} provision covering for hospitni, construction and repair-..98,,399 certain appropriations into the Treas- 551 forA;n¥aud Navy Hospital, Hot Springs, , I1!')'. . . .. ...-...-... · l" .. . . . .- A wiron , A. JI., for quarters forhospitalstewards · extra- Tpnaymeiilt to widow of -. . .-...---.-..- 655 duty pay; construction . ’ . 7 .98. 399 Armstrong, Charles {ll, Secretary or Wm- to designate posts. ..98. 399 payment to ______ _ _,__,,_,,_,_,_,__,_,... 670 for clothing; camp and garrison equip-,8 199 .4··¢v .Jh M- age-.- ----- - .-.-----... . ..--- i .- Ignlgiiiggts tip ,n ,,., C ,,.. . ..-.-.. . , . . GTG I limit for military prison , - ..-. , . . . . - . , 399 Armstrong, Joshua (father), i I for medical department, supplies, em- Pgpgiq D ____ _ _ ______,_ , .,,. , .,,_,__ , _,.,. SI2 . ployecs, ntteiidarice, etc .,..___,.__, 98, 400 Armstrong, Mary, civilian employees . . . . . . . 95, 400 payment to . - 751 service nt Army and Navy Hospital, Hot Armstrong, Mrs. Mary C. (fm·m•·1·Iy Odill), Springs, Ark .. . . . .. 400 payment to .. . . . . . .. . 752 for Medical Museum .. . ...,, .98.400 Armalrong, Thomas M., for library, Surgeon·General’s omni,. 95, 400 payment to ,,,, .. .--. .. ,..,,,,... 7572 for Engineer depot, Willet’n Point, N. Y., Army, ‘ incidental expenses. . .. . . ..9**, 400 appropriation for support of ...,.. 93,394 i purchase of material . Uri, 400 Err pay of line officernr .. . . . . 93, 394 repairs and purchase of instruments. .98, 400 for additions.! pav . .-. .. ..93, 394 professional books for library . ...96, 400 for longevity pag; . .. . .93, 394 ‘ for Ordnance Service expenses - . 99. 400 for pay ofenliated men . . ... ..: . .93,394 I for ammunivion for smnll·urnis.. .. 99, 400 as general-eervice clerks; distributionw gg . fortmounting and dismonnting guns, 99 se n rg]essen ,,,.. . .. , .e c ..., . . .. . .,,, . . . urging . jr?.-. .. 93, 394 for ordnance stores. . . . . · 99 for pay 0 general etalf : I purchase and manufacture of ordnance Adjnmnt·Gener=¤l’¤ Department; len- stqres .. .. .---·- · ----·------ 400 ggvity _ , _ , _ __ , _,.,,,,.. . , - , , , , .,... 93, 395 i mp3ir|ng qrdngncg and nrdgguca Iuspectcr·General’e Department; lon- _ l stores_ .. . . _ ·.- . . 4 00 ggvity _ __, _,_,_ , _,,,,,,. , ___,,,, ,.,éQ?,:£;5; . fm; aluippgpm for infantry, cgvgirybg 400 C FErszlen vit . -- . I an arr ery .·..-. - -- .. . for px;  ::i8cere: gc y i for preserving, etc., ordnance stores - - 99 Ordnance Department; longevity.. ..94, 395 fo;·_mat1;i;f•oture°0t_a3s aglgrsorien -9;,20 artermantef D tme t · 1 v- 1mi mn as en an _ . - » Qlity .. ...?-. j??... .g]f?..g,395for recruiting and transportation of re-99 401 bsisven Department · bn e i -- .395 _ emits .-...·»--·------- _ ------·--.-.· . sltedieal lgzpartment; lai1gev1§:y‘lH..94,:i95 for expenses of Signal Service .. 99, 401