Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1084

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INDEX. [057 P¤L'¤· _ Page. Cherryalone, Va., . Chicago, Kansas City and Tau Railway Com- Cape Charles City to be port of entry in- pany, stead of . ... 76 authorized to bridge Missouri River be- Chcsapcake Bay, _ _ tween Kansas City and Sibley, Mo,. 493 construction of light·ship and fog-signal Chicago, Milwaukee and Sain! Paul Railway at entrance ot, authorized .. · 15 Company, appropriation for .. ---. 225 authorized to bridge the Missouri River at Chester, Pa., V _ Chamberlain, Dak .. . . ..-. . 67 Secretary of _W an to code to, upper and in Clay or Jackson or Clay or Platte lowerpners in Delaware River .. 313 Counties, Missouri, and Wyandotte Chestnut, WZ A., County, Kansas .. . . 518 P¤yl¤¤¤t to estate of .. 671 Chicago, Santa Féand Calyornia Railway Com- Cheetnui, William, pany, D¤Yl¤¤¤t to · -··-- - ··-. - .--·· 771 authorized to bridge Mississippi River at Cheyenne ond Arapahoe Agency, Fort Madison or Keoknk, Iowa 564 appropmation for pay of Indian agent “Chicago", Steam Cruiser, it ---- -..- .. . ..--. . 30,450 appropriation for armament .. . . . 151 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Roaerralion. for completing construction 154 proclamation prohibiting grazing ou, In- deficiency appropriation for gumcarriages dianTerritory ..,... 1023· for . ..,.. --.- . . - ... 7 Cheyenne and Northern Railway Company, Chickaholminy River, Va., granted ripht of way across Fort Russell appropriation for improvement of 319 and ort Laramie military reserva- Chickasaw Indians, H011S .. -... . ... 104 appropriation for permanent annuity in Cheyenne Indiana, goods .. . .. 31, 451 appropriation for fulfilling treaties witl1--3l,45l appropriation for interest due national for support, ste., of .,.. 41, 460 fund .. - . . . . 46, 466 deiiciency appropriation for support of. -.293, 300 lands oL not subject to allotment in sev- Cheyenne Indiana, Northern, ernlty ., . . . . . , . 369 appropriation for fulfilling treaties with .-35,455 . time for completin Saint Louis and San deficiency appropriation for support of 293 Francisco Railroad through lands of, relief of distress among, on the Rosebud extended two years .. . . ---. 76 and Tongue Rivers, Montana ... 3 Chicot Pans, La., Cheyenne: I radium, Upper Arkansas River, appropriation for lighting , , . . 516 deficiency appropriation for support of 293 Chief Engineer Iire Department, D. C., Cheyenne River Agency, to designate location of tire-escapes, etc-- appropriation for pay of Indian agent at"29,450 to give certiticate of approval of nre- Chioago, _ escape, etc . 365 acceptance of land for military purposes to cause fire-escapes, etc., to he erected on near, donated by Commercial Club.. 646 failure of owner, etc., to do so .. 365 appropriation for assistant treasurer, Chief of Engineers, Army, clerks, etc .. . . 187, 610 to have {preliminary examinations made for breakwater, marine hospital 512 be oro surveys. . . .. 335 for public building . . ... 222 to report if river or harbor surveyed is for public building, repairs . . . .. 510 _ worthy of improvement 335 for improvement ofharbor . 315 g report of preliminary examinations andsurterms of courts, northern judicial district veys to he made to House of Repreto be held at . . . ... . 442 sentntives and printed . . 'snle of land in, to Chicago and Great Chilean, Sarah, \Vesier¤ Railroad Company, auth0r· payment to mlministmtor of . . 755 ized ,_ _,_,., ..._.. ,-.. . 70 · Cliildren, minor, proceeds to he invested in pxurchasc of sitemrc of pension oi'. increased., . . .- 5 and erection of ware ouse, customs, Children'; Hmipilul, lfaxhinglon, D. L'., etc,. uso; ,,,,, , , _ . . 71 appropriation Ihr ...133, 579 act " for the erection of a public building ( ’I•ild:·e:»», James H., Y at Chicago, Il|in0is,"approvcd Marc payment to mlnunistmtri: of . 940 3, 1885, replealecl . .. . ... 71 ('hildr¢aa, Marion, _ chgooyo and Guo: nlern Railroad Company, payment to administratrix of . . .. . 656 sale of land in Chicago to, authorized . 70 Chiles, Solomon, Cmoogo, Bm-lioglon and Northern Railroad payment to .. EMO Company, Chili, _ _ _ authority granted Winona, Alma and appropriation for mini ter to 10% 479 Northern Railway Company, to lor secretary of legation.. . 100, 470 bridge Wisconsin, Chippewa, and Chilocco, Indian Territory, Saint Croix River, transferred to... 15 appropriation for support of pupils, ete., gqthorized fn brid the Mississippi River Indian school at .. . ..-- 45. 465 at D¤bnque£»wa. . . ... 144 Chilton, John J., (ymoogo, Froqlon and Baint Paul Railroad payment to heir·at-law of -. .- ·--- 960 Com uy_ Chilton, Joseph 12, _ gnthprizedpgn bridgo the Saint Croix River, payment to . ... . . .. - . .--- 7: I between Prescott, Wis., and Still- Chillon, Mary E., water, Minn ., , . ... .. . . 23 payment to . ·-· - --·-- - --··· - -·---960 Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska Railway Cow Chin-Kiasg, _ "" ' pany, appropriation for consul at .. Ill, 499 authorized to construct railway, telegraph, China, _ _ _ ·- and telephone line through Indian apipropriatwn formmmter to . .-.---- 108.479 Tgggiwgy __ ____ _ _____ , ,_,,,_,,.,, ., 446 or secretary of legatiou ... 199, 479 smc: L—·¥0L xxxv-·-67