Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1089

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1 062 INDEX. Pago. _ P¤z¤· Commercial Privileges,I C0himitt088—CODtlDHGdwhen denied to vessels of the United States y appropriation for clerks and messengers to, in any foreign harbor, ctc., may be * House, annual .. -- .. -.-175,598 suspended to vessels of such country. 83 I session - . . .. : .. 175, 598 proclamation to be issued suspending con- l House and Senate reports cf} to be indexed oession .,., 83 and bound at close of each session.. 346 Commercial Regulations, Common Carriers (acc Interstate Commerce), agreement with Egypt concerning ... 1004 regulations of business oi} in iutdrstate Commiaaary-General’s Opice, { commerce . . . . . 379 appropriation for pay of clerks, ctc .. 194,617 i Commons, Andrew J, for rent .. . .. . . 196, 618 1 payment to . -.- . ... . . .-. . 657 Comm iauion to Consider lhe Organizations of Sig- Commuck, Thomas M., ` nal Serrice,Geol0gical8un·ey,Coastand pension . . . . . . . .. . 709 Geodetic Survey, and H ydrogrophic of- Campion, Isaac, jice, payment to administrator of. ... . . 754 deficiency appropriation for expenses of .. 286 gompg,-0n,,,· of gh, gur,-amy, €<>»¤•·i¤¤i·>»•¤r of Am·i¤¤Y¢¤»·v, oppmpiamou for puv oc; aepuiyu .. 1s4, 006 ¤PP¥`°P\`i*Wi0¤ fm? ---··-·---·- - ---- ; -_ ---- 100»49$ for clerks, etc., office of . . . 184, 606 t0 “°t· °¤ b°{“`q of ¤PI}°aI from dcciswn vf for expenses, special examinations, etc., 184, 606 C°mm*$¤!°¤¤¥' °t I¤t°f¤¤l R¤V8¤u° ¤¤ l for expenses, national currency; superinto imitation buttcrbeing deleterious. 212 , tangent, clerks, atc ___________ _ _ _ _ 184, 606

  • 0 1>¤>¤<=ri¤¤ forms. ¤dvi¤¤, vw-, i¤v<>¤tig¤· ¥ may constitute mm or 50,000 population

QEODS at 3gI'iCl11tL\I`31 BXPCIiII\Bl1t BCE- L rgsgrvg gitigs _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ i_ _ _ _ _ |0¤¤ ·---- - ---·---·---··----- - ·---· muy constitute cities of 300,000 popu ation Commissioner of Internal Revenue, t { ·t‘ s _ _____ _ _______ _ 559, to re-examine claims fcrtuxes illegally col- { Comrade0a2J,; _;:;?:;;;:,:; lected on rope and bagging. .- . . 799Pensich855 duties of, redemption or sale of school-farm C t k jjj `' "" `` '"' `’ '"` ' lands, South Carolina .. . ... 551 oxzlgfoé iugrjmsed · 799 Commissioner of the General Land Opicc, . · 7 " '.` " ```` . t t t S F . f 1 d Comstock, William Heziyy, t° '°°°° P? °" ° °" f““°'°°° or ml payment of judgment of Court of Claims to. 275 com eyed by the United States to that Concord, Li; E, c,O"mm8f;£-L_é; B:  ; °'‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘*’'’ · ·‘’'‘‘ 352 appropriatigu for public building, ap- 510 appropriagion for salaries, office of -}.130, 571 for 15;;::; g°gI;£¤f}}5h;§ `°’`°° 512 not to ma c requisitions on Treasury or . . ’ ’''’'` larger amount than on revenues of C°"d'°t* J"""Y‘g° °"d C°mp°"y* . District ____ _ ______________________ 137 payment ofgudgment of Court of Claims to . 278 plans, etc., of new school buildings, etc., Cmd0N_; William, h sngect to xipprepal of..-i . . ag CWM;?;!;;-_ ---- B -----· - -----···· · · ·--··· ···· 707 aut. oriz to ma o po ice regu ations °”¢» WN · _ _ to authorize insurance companies to trans- P¤Y¤¤°¤* to ¤d;¤¤¤¤¤*·¤‘¤·t°1‘ of ··-··---··- -· 655 act business .- . . . . -- ... 366 Conecuh-Eecambia River, Fla. and Ala., to prescribe form of annual statements of appropriation for improvement of .. -. 321 insurance companies . .. .--- 366 Cong,"-,, 1;;,,,,,, ,g_ gw may F°q¤i¤‘° ¤P€<>i¤l ¤¤¤Wm<>¤¤¤ ··-· - --·- 366 appropriation for improvement of -. .. 320 to be sutisiied that asset? of insurance com- Congleton, L_, v=·¤·¤= fum ¤=·n¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤.¤* =¤·*·W 366 payment of judgment Ofcom Ofcom io. mv to approve iire·escapes and combined stony}- C0 Mm", gist? and hddus f°r um m th° Dm"' 365 appropriation for printing and binding ..255, 542 to convey by deed real moto bought at tax d°¤°¤°{;g*d;;!PP;_‘:`i>¤¤¢¤¤¤ fvr pnnting dm 353 t ¤=*!*{,¤· if 1**;* p·*°°;.¤•° *¤ tp FQ- **6* pmiing mi m¤EaHg`i.5§,` `J¤'¤i{£Q£éiii ’ ° Pr°°§2v;t;°1_§° ° wu °r °P°m "'g* ° '¤ 580 statement of work previously ordered <>·»···»·~·#··~·~» UM S··=¤·=·, to i,.,.,E,‘Z,l’§..‘;‘.‘£‘£’,‘.;;,a;.;5%;;:.1.;;.;1;e;.;, ”“‘ =·vgr·>¤¤¤¤¤¤ M fm ·-·--- · -—-~--···--- *5% 541 of vacancy in mm orrmsaam no de ciency appropriation for foes; proviso. 274 viw_PmBideut 1 forfees .. . .. .. ...,.. -., .,... @1,299304 · i °`°`·`°°`°"` `'``.` 'U Committee gn Accounts, House of Rqrreamtm , C0I:;;::;::5SD?;c;3;';°u¤ting electoral vow' 373 u: , _ . . ’ . . Qppfgvgl of expenses from (jqntinggnt fgud npptogrlatlcq for ccmplllng°' '°`' '°° conclusive on accounting officern . .. 597 C0¤9T¢¤§•0¤¤l L*b*'“"!I» _ _ Committee to Audit and gmnlrol the Contingent ¢!'¤¤¥·1Q¤ af 6¤'€·P!’°°f bmming fm': ¤·¤th0!'· 12 Expenses of the » male, 1Z§ ---· _· ··--· - -—-·· ·-·- - -··-· - -·-- approval of expenses from contingent fund 8d60W9H of SIW ·-·······• · · ········- •-· 12 cpnclngi ve on accounting 9E4g3g; , _, 591 PIN]! ·: ---- - - ·----- · ----- · ······--· ; - - - I2 Committee lfeporfs, commission to tanks charge of construction, may be reprinted in whole or in part upon up-,_0f --·· ·--• --·- ·--· - --—-- ·;-· -· paymem; of cost and ten per cent-- - 341 ¤PPT°P¤¤¤°¤ F° °°¤}m9¤°9 °°¤¤¤'¤¤t1<{¤·- U Committee Re wu, Compilamm oj, purchase of site; hl1I1Q3E10D as to price; appropriation for preparation ot} from Four- _ _ title ; conderpnotxon . .: 13 C {mouth tu Foygyqighgh (yung",, ____ 345 i additional oppropirnatxon for site .. 348 mmnit ecs · Congressional Rocor appropriotion for pay of clerks and messen— appropriation for printing and binding"255, 542 gen to Serum-, annual .. . . 172. 595 deficiency appropriation for printers on,. . 288 SESBIOD .-.. . . . . . . - - - 173, 596 1 for printing and binding . ...,, _ _ ,_ ,_,,_ 353