Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1121

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1094 mnmx. Page. P*E°- Houce of Repo-.seulath:ea—C0ut»iuuad. I Hubbard, Dr. Charles H., deficiency appropriations for . 286 paymfmt to · ..-···---·· - · - · ·--··- · · ~ - ··-· 773 for allowances, ccutestedmlection cases . 286 Hubbard, Edward, _ _ _ _ for 0l0&k·IOOIll men .. . . . . . . 287 payment to ¤§¤1\¤lStI‘¤·f·!'1X 05 fvr GBFFYIUZ for glufjongry ______ _____,_,, ___, ,.,,,,, 287 the m&l[187I to 1873.. ·.·..· -·- 822 for materials for folding . . . . .-.. 288 Hgbbqrd, Hezekiah Jn for miscellaneous items . .. . .. 288 payment to _________ , ,_ _,,,,,,,. . . . . . 661 for stpuographic vyork for oomnnttces .. 288 Hubba,-(1, Wm5am, °·°ti°¤ ms °¤ °bj°°¤°¤¤ W °°¤¤*\¤8 °1°°· payment to a.dmiuistrat01·0f.. . . .. 676 tural votes .». .. . . . . . 374 Hgdd[gg[g"' Alla; D_, employees to be paid December salaries Dc- psyment to __________ ;_ ____,___ _ ,___ _ ____ 963 ¤¤¤¤¥¤>r 21. 1885 ------------ -- -·---- 339 Huddleattm, J. L. H., . employees to be paid December salaries Ds- Payment to __ _ _______, _ ,__, - ,_ _,,,__ ,, __ ,, 758 cembar 20, 1886 .. .. . . .. 643 Hudgcl, Jang", _ P¤'°h¤¤°¤ vf f¤°l_t° b° ¤dV¤!’¤¤¤d for ---- · 596 payment to administrators of .. ... 678 purchases of stationery, ctc. ; bonds .. 596 guage", 1).,51,,, payments from contingent fund to be ap- payment to administrator of . . . .. . 945 proved by Committee on Accounts.. 597 Hydgqng, Martha, appro val of committee conclusi vc on an- Payment to cxgcutrix of _________ ___ _ ____ , 650 counting officers .. . 597 g,;;;,",?, A_ gn regulations for contested elections 445 paymgut to _________ _ ______________ _ _____ 55[ Hvwff, =¤M·•4· (wdw), 850 mamz, Bmrzy, 286 P0¤9¥°¤ ·---·· · ··-·- · ----·· · ···- - ---·----- ·pnym0ut tc, for services .. ..-. Houston ·L HZ H d B y T_ d¤ii¤i<;¤{¤{*¤;i13r¤pri¤ti¤¤ fvr pay 013 as svc- 286 ;¤?¤;2¤;E:¤¢a£¤ or .. . .. 661 cm IW Waman ·· ··-- · ··•-· ·· ····-·- Hudson, E. ., F¤¤•¢···T¢·¤· as a ta»t f 944 ,n..:. of public banding n, .·.m. I HB33Q,';?";;,? i'£]““"‘ ° l [_ - - y - - · ·---·•·-···- · -·--·----·-- 4 6 payment to adnnnistrator of .. 759 ¤v1>¤>y¤{m·¤¤ for ---·-- - -----··-----·. - 511 znam, William .L, Hgvcgnglftigv K. 959 pensiozihi -5 .. . . . 841 3 ---»•·»··•-•-·»•·•·-»--·•••··• udggp an C _, HW?. EP’•'“‘”h _ _ appr<;priation go? snzyéy oy harbor .. .. 335 v¤s¤¤<=¤¢ ip ·d¤¤¤¤¤¤¢r¤¤>r<>f ·---·—-- · ----- 759 Hudson 1zam,1v. Y., H;??;';:: li'?:" Su 956 apgnropriatiou for improvement of ...- 317 ¤ ° ······· ···· ·····•··•··-··---•· i i . .. . ... ... H¢;r·;_:¥;"·g··;g¢¤¤~ S-, T2 rg; lL5E;;?): .. . . . sz_ n . . 4 Howard, Nehemiah, _ H¥T ::;n{qT’ 945 payment- in to executors of - ..-. . . 758 HP mtt L `- '``’' ° ' " umma, rwup .1,, V 'W m°"Q m“"'“» 660 payment to widow of ,___,,_______ _ _______ 956 H¥}*g;"'¤ Adnané-- · ····. ...-.. .. .. Hmmni C “AHM avment to cstnéc of *60 trausfnixgrngd from wcstornto eastern judicial Hsgbim He"' N (f“¢dé;) ‘ ’'`’ " '‘‘ "’° srict. . . . 83 · ' Howard U“_w"_my’ Hgolnznog .. ... . . . . . . 803 appropriation for expenses; repairs . 242,528 znsfmy " 833 H°'W» Z*b*d“» H ll p g ;·'; b ;] é paymmt to '‘'' """ ‘’‘' °‘ '’'‘ "" 943 ;n;·mzen ; of_{n$;menT£Fa% urt ofC]a sto 275

’w ’  e   { ? 5 H um b0Zdt Cal    

paygwngixé mmm‘°“M°r °f‘°i"‘‘‘'°‘‘‘ 7°8 { appropriation for improvement of harbor

::;;·n;gf1; to    _ 758 1 and buy; proviso .. . ... . , , . 316

Harrell, Willianigr: I H*‘m*’s Fmmkv p,,y,,m,t to ____ _ _________ _ _____ ____ ______ 758 deiicicggiizpprepriaticn for rations, Marius 268 H ll Willie; P. · ----- - -·--··-~·~-•··-···-~·-· ztgynepz m ____ _1_, ,___ ,,,_ ____ _ _________ 753 é Human, Eliza (molher), Howes, Fenehm, · pension .. . . .. .. . . 750 payment to ____ ,, ,,,, , __,,_ ,___ ,,____ ____ 673 Humphrey, George: W., Hmeey, James 8., _ ; payment to .. . . . . . . . . 7 9 paymem; to administrator of ..., , ,,,,, 773 Humphreys, B. UZ, Howlett. John, 4 payment to administrator of __ _ _ ,_____ 773 payment to .- . . . . . ,,,,, ,. 672 ¥ Humpnrcys, Rebecca Hollingsworth (widow), Howlett, Sterlix g B. , { YGDSIOD .. . - . . .. . ... - . ,_,____, 860 payment to executor of .. .-.. . ..,.,,_ C60 Handley R. O., H.n,m·, Philip A., r payment to widow of . ..,,,______ 672 payment ofjndgmout of Court of Claims to. 277 Hvlfufy, Sidi"'}! S-, Hoyt, E. W., and Company, 5 payment to widow of .. . ...___ ___ ____ 672 pa;-ment ofjndgment of Court of Claims to. 275 » HMM ¢'¢W¤¢ (¤¢?d0·w), Hay: and Gardner, pension ... - . , , ,,,,, _ _____ ____ 135 payment: of j ndgment of Court of Claims tu- 278 Hull, Eliznbelh A., Hualapeia Indian in Arizona, 5 payment to administrator of ,,,_ __ ________ 753 nppmpriaticn for support, ctc., of ..., ,.,_ 4] Hun!. Frank W., Hubba: d, Ann B., mlxniniawalrix of Edward ¤¤fh0l‘iZ€d to maintain. a ferry gem; Mig. Habana, _ _ scuri River at Fort Buford, Daiwa,. 401 payment to, for norvwes in cnrrying the Hunt, Green W., mul 1871 to 1873 ... 82*2 payment to .,. . ,,,, _____ ____ ______ __ 945