Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1122

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IND E X . 1 095 HMM, JGWZM; H-. Pegs. I Hutchison, Martha, poymen o .. ..., , ,,.,___ __ ____ ______ ____ a Hm_;_{::_;p;·0w., 2: HM1.'f‘2,iJ°w:; ‘‘‘‘‘··‘‘ · ····‘ · ··········· °"’ -··-·- · ····--- · --—------·- ···- t to . ..,_,_, ,_, 753 Hunt Thomas L - Hpa:w8% "' H¤·=·;‘¤·¤·~= ¤·» . . . 944 1‘Lp’}`5p¤?.i?3£’£“{K;.m..,.,..tof __,,,___ . 311

4); , W. W., _ Hyatt, pruncr D.,

Y Y'“€"‘f *0 ·--·-· · ··----··-· · ·-·-·· - ----- 660 pcusron .. . . . . ..___, , ,_,,. 728 I’;:;'*£g;¤;•). 660 nyar, mmm", . ··--·- · —·—-- - --·-·----·--·---- payment to - . 759 H;;tmsl3: G-, 661 Hyda, Tazeézcgll, . ----·- - ··--··-·-·. . . .. a men . . __,_ _,__ ____ ,___ _ _______ Hunter, Abraham, 3;,;;, W, gqc Gm P“Y"'°”* *9 -··-·- -··--- · ·---- · ------··-·- 772 payment to . ...,, . ,,... ___, __,,_, *58 H3?. Agrvvn P-. 661 Hyaq, m·ru·»gm». H., I uw" ° ---····--- - ···-- - ---··.-·- payment to . , . ,,_,_ , .,,_,____,_,_ 758 Hygagmwd An 759 Hnfdranlic mining,

  • 0 -····-·-- --· -··--- - ·--------·· Sgt proceedings to be instituted to pre-

Hnmler, John H., t ·“·n j B n as P°“”i°“ ··--·· - ·-----· - --··· - -···- -· ------ 843 I X3;. lll`!/crr¢:'Cal.Ef;;nli:tl.t?’.%`l..t?il;, 326 H*"•‘¢"y -,0}** L-. _ Hydrographic Opie-4;, P°¤¤*°¤ ·····-·--- ·- ---· · ·--·- - ------- ·-·- 728 { appropriariou thr pay of clerks, em ,. 197,620 H;I|y¤;; W·, ~ 08 I for scrvnce of draughtsmen, eugravers. ¤ -------- - ··--· ------ . .·... '7’ ‘ z , m .. -- .. ..-.19“,(`20 H¤¤W» William H-, I for 3E11n2h;: §f‘lnaterials,etc .. ..-.19*;, d20 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to. 281 fm- mnt ____ _ __ _ _ _____ _ ___________ _ ____ 191,620 Hmrtcfs Qreclc, Va., for contingent expenses of branch offi;:es.l98, G20 H::¢l:·m¥o:¤¥;'Q5lf3F 8¤¥'V¢Y of ···· - -·-----·-· $$4 dchcieggyczgggropriatiou fur miscellaneous 267 9 1my S- . .. . . . payment to, of balance due marshal Wash- printing and engraving for, to he sepnmtel y ‘ H tk lggmll T¤¤`1*0!’Y - ----·-·---· - ---·-- 878 estimated and appropriated for . 25 “' yr U"`]: ' Hpsymsat gra; . . ... 959 |, 0 NIN!" ·, Idaho wnmnmou of public building at, author- 417 appropriation for incidental expenses Iu- 1 --·--- - ----------·-·----.-·---- dian service in .. . .. 43 463 npwvprintivu for .·-.-- - - . . . 417 for salaries, government? in 191:614 Hwntmllg and Birmingham Railway Company, for legislative expenses ___,,_ ____ ____ _19i_ 614 nutlnonzed to bridge Tennessee River at fur contingent gxpgpsgg _____________ 192, 614 `Hma n(:::%HViH0, All ..----. .. . - 566 fo; nay ogsnrvviiyor-general, clerks _,,,gg:, · . · 0 con m an ex enses . . -.. ‘ Hllilimggg $0-:---- · ····- - ----- ~ ------- -·-- 286 deficiency appéoprintgwn for contingent ex- , urem, 0 pauses snrvo or- al .. - . 290 upproprialion for improvement of harbor. . 314 forincidental cxllrensgfllscllian service in. 292 Burst, _Am y A. (widow), for settlement, etc., of Indians in .. 295 Hlpiegxsnopnbg; 2 .. . . . . . - 701 certified ’ copies fof papers hist, ctcé, Lu , ‘ - ¤ c mms 0 , or c m xm roo s 0 e payment 1:0.;--. ---. .. . . 660 evidence. . ,,,, _,., 217 Hursleyijfohn, Fred Radlkin, and Marlin Rad- I Idaho, Nez 1’erc:·s Indiana in, ie * appropriation for su 1 rt etc., of .-..42,461 paymennof damages to, Fox and Wisconsin t Iden,JoIn•, IPO ’ Rivers ... . - . . .. . . . . 284paynwnt to , , __.. , .,,_, . ,.,., 677 Husband, Illegifimate Children, {'tab, mav testifv in prosecutions for polygamy, I not entitled to inherit fm:hm·’s estate; ro- ' etc635si 0 P 6"$7 .. ..-. ..-- .. . ... · . * s . . . ... .. ... . Husband, Thomas J., I Illinois and Jlichigan Canal, payment ofjudgmeut ofCourt ofC1nims t0. 275 · appropriation for determining value of, by Hussey, Patrick, _ Board of Engineers. ... 326 payment of damages to, Fox and Wiscnnsm , I Ilinoia Northern Judivial District, Rivers . . · ----- - ---. - . . . 9383 coungivs mlclcd to]; ... . .. 442 Hulchens F. J. uort ern and sont em divisions cstublishe 442 payruelw to., . . ... . .. .--. 956 Illinois River, Ill,. f 306 Hutcherson William appropriation for improvement 0 .-. . .. payment, to . 3 . . .. . . . . ... . 691 construction of brid e across, as or neat Hutchings, Lydia O. (mother),Lamm, Ill,, nntgnorized .. . , . 27 pension ... - .. 799 Inmuwliule Ilelivery, Poalal Service, 2 Hutchins Hannah Rabb,extended to all mail matter .. 20 pension ., .. . ... . . .. .. 851 alluwmrce to postmastcrs for .. . .. W1 Hutchinson and Broan, ] contracts may be made for, regulations to payment ofj udgment of Court ofC1aimst0. 279 be prescribed by Postmaster-General 221 Hutchinson amt Diumick, _ penalty for false return .. . . .. 221 payment ofj ndgmeutof Court of Claims to- 279 persons making, to be considered in postal Hutchinson, Daniel I'., service 221 payment ofjudgmeut of Court ofcluims fo. 275 , Immediate .Tran.spoH¤ tion of Duliable Goods, Hu/Minn, George WZ, pnvnleges ol`, extended to merchamhse payment to -. .. . . 959 } transported m pouches .. -. . 411 S