Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1170

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INDEX. 1143 ., P . P g I’0Zice· Ilryulzxlions, D. C`·—C0utiuu¢·•l. age [ Porfage Lake, Mich., B 0. puualtws for violations of, to be enforced in appropriation {br improvement ofhnrbor. . 315 court having jurisdiction of minor I 1’m~tage Lake and River I m provcment Company UHEHSBS . . .. . . . . - . . . 369Canal, xv hcu ndopted,t0 be published in one or appropriationffor determining value of, by 32 more daily papers . -.. .. 309 board 0 engineers .. ... ‘ 5 I’oli¢·¢men, Special, Inauguration, 1885, Porter Cummins, dnticicucy appropriation for pay of ... 286 peusioq .. -- .. . .. 818 Polk, Robert, Porter, F1tz John, payment m .,,... . . . , .- . . 950 may be appointed colonel in the Army 10% Polk, Thomas B., to receive no p:ny,atc., prior to appointment;. 108 payment to .. . . . . . . . . 764 evidence, ansi, ofRcou;3;mz;_r:La1f{ri3llfp ba 19 Pollard, Elizabeth, prints in eco o 0 o c mn- 5 payment to administrator of . . .. . . 950 Porter, Henry, 764 Pulley, Thomas G., payment to .. . ... pension .,,. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . 926 Pvflef, J. H , _ 1'olygamy (see alao Anti-Polygamy), _ payment of damages to, Fox and Wiscoxnsnn husband or with competent witness in pros- 635 P { Eilvcg . .. . 283 ecumious for . ... or er, a ac , Pgmglogia gel lgirision, Deparlmenl0fAgHm¢Z¢ur0, paymcvnt to; - - ..-·- - ----- - -------··-- 764 appropnannus for .. . . . . . . . . . . 100 POTWT, IGUWUNOI, appropriation for pomologist, ctc. - P paymgngto . . . . . . . . . 666 f [jg9g_,_,,._.--..,,,--...".--.. OTIOT . .d7L 04m0S, pvmgzixggoygg P,, _ _ payment to surviving partner of .. . . - . 9()0 duticiaucy appropriation for transit pay.. . 258 Porter, Ur?:;:, 957 Penn Indians, P¤Xm6¤ 0 ----·- - -···- - --··· -· -- ~--··- -- appropriation for fulfilling treaty witlg .-._. 36, 456 Portland, Mc.', _ aiding civilization ; subsistence; dnstm- 36 appmlgnatggn for 1mprovcmont of channel 310 g, { ____ _ ___,________,,,,,,_..,. an cve ... . . detiuieuzylzzpmpriution for support of P tgor gagsor . .. ... . . . . . . . .. - . 310 f u uiti . ...· - ----- - ------·--··---- W “” » €9·· . P0M·:rP:;"q,‘gIm,and Oakland Agency, privileges of p0rt_ of ontry_for immcdxato gypmpriasiun for pay of Indian agent at:. .30, 450 gragsgslogatxou of dutmblo goods ox- 16 Pond, A., °“ 6 ···• · ·'·•' ‘• •·•· ’ ' ° "" - - - 665 Portman M. C. 8 ,,_-...•••-.• ¤•••••• ¤•¤•~ ·•• I P ymgut tg paymcht to . . . ... . . .. 774 Pond Rnrcr, Ly., _ _ appropriation for survey of -.. .3.51 Porlo Ricq, _ _ _ _ _ _ pw], Rob", 0_ pw suspension nfdnscrxmmating duties ou artn- Wyment to ndmiuistrgtyix of ,,., , ..,, 673 clcs from, rmycked .. · -}_ -·-- 1029 I _ F_ discriminating dutws ou pr ucts 0 susp0;,§,¤'gu':e;0 _] __,, _ , ,_,. _ _,.,. ,. .. 778 P I lp¤;1¢l6d -- ---·-- ·- ---- -— - ---- --1--- - 1031 Pooling, I or mz s,e c., _ _ _ _ { { g htb 'uterstubo com- captured during the war and deposnted m ° '°¥··»=?`¤?*¥*’$~?"?F`·;’?'·7¤<l$·=*·— ---· - ·---··- M T;°v:~::nms:&:::2:dbtz ,5 Poor, JMU, ° a ’ " _____ _ ____ _ _ , , ,_,. 957 Ports, _ 1-,::y g?'?. to ``'`````-t damn,] of cntry·t0 British North Amérlcull ,,],;,,-;,1,,-5:};;.,;. for relief of the ... . --·- 133. 577 xexcgggig tzgwsg ·a Prin . . '. .` Pzgprtpriagiyn br clark him, consulate- _ tam 1;: ghts, ctc .. . .. .. .. . . . 476 mmm] at ____ ____ _____ _ _____,. , ., lib, 4U5 Portnm0uH•, JN. H., _ Port Flifton Ohio appropriation for unpmyenmnt of harbor . 310 app;-oprim’iun 5:- improvement of harbor. 314 Iwrtamouth, liu., _ . , , . .- . 314 uppruprfatmn for 1mprovam¤nt of naval purchase of land, harbor-- . hospital P nk $37 ¤ d " ¢·· ‘ = -···-· — ·-·-·---·-- ··

 :;:;:1 fog—sign:¤l established ut, l Portugal, _ t. f r m_ inter to 108 476

H Sw 1··¤i~ 0¤·~1><> Bw- ---- --·-- W l_;{{rg;igy;$yr‘;e"t·¤ -—---— - ·-·-· - ¢ . . * . - . P:-ppr•g;$¤¢i·»¤¤ fvr ¤¤¤¤¤i M ---··-·---···-- 484 avéivxgggtrspslfgz <£_fél·`;m - -61; } Es 91. ¤*>0 r· ¢ 1; »· ‘ ‘* · I-3‘2‘§§"€}"J*"" °°"“ “‘ °‘ ‘‘‘‘ ’‘‘‘‘‘ ”"‘“3} M §f§r&;;e2a?.‘s‘m;;"ae1;g;;t;4e‘;3°"·“” ’ l • I•g 5 · ‘ { li shed mrney-General. . . .- ... 205, 628 dancin::?; ;£$;{’g{<¥1:::>l:wc0T.???..?¥ .»--. 270 for Aszistant Postmaster-Geuamligos 628 [bn (4 A c ar sae 4; _,____,,., . . : ... , ,.·¤;·;.;;;,··q*§*··*·'··* ¤°¤·¤ ’ ¤* --·· ·- ··~-···· “*·*“g {.,5*;,,3:,¤;:;;;·,;·;:;;·;;;*;§S{;t;;;¥:;,{é;;:i°5·6*8 0)* I t' . . · . _ _,,,.. , , 11:;,484 K 1 ks cw .. ...- - --------- 205.628 °m"`°Pn"¤°n for wuml M` 4 for 'lqbzd Assistant Postmaster-General, PM ¤····*·v -2** '*·‘·*‘ "“’{"“‘· O"'"' "’ ,83 qjgrkg W, ... . .. .. 206 me °'PPmP"°¤°° by mmm at ```` U U on N l for degdjlettcr ctiicu, superintendent, P"" T'"°'?°"?" gu]" Q;" bugging 223 · clerks ctc .-...- - -------··---··~·- 206,629

  • ¥iI;'i‘i£“’*;‘;“P°:; QQ allay and dciiééry of I for foreign mails; superintendent, clerks

P 5*** Im m,m,,,,,,,i.,,, .,;d..u.m., etc .. . ... . ... 206, 629 oak, exmhdtd t0_ ____ _ _ ____ ______ 16 { for superintendent moucy-order system Wg . •* 0.8I'kH,GtG ...-.-··-·---······· ----“,@

 iépggyggggf of harbor,- 316 for mail dopmdaticns office; clerks, atc -206, 629