Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1190

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mxmx. 1 1 63 Pug . P SM10foT!. _ _ E Shannon, A. S., Age. appwpnmcu for pay and mileage of .172, 594 payment to .. . ... . . . . 679 S forfigyks to ---. . - . . . 173, 596 Shamum, Mary A. (widow), mem n mna ‘ ______ _ ___________ _ ___,_____ __ ____ 332 appropriations for fulfilling treaties with.37, 458 Shl;;;?%:;rnry, Seneca Indiana of New York, payment to, ..,,_ _ _____ _ _,,. . ,,,___,,_,_. 777 nppropriutiou for fulfilling treaty with . -.38, 458 Sharp, James M.,a1·., lands of, not subject: to allotment in sev- payment to . ...,. , ,,_,, , . . ..,,, , ,,,,. 951 &nam“:r;l$§”; . . . .. . . . . . . . 391 Sharp, Jolqza FBO · y , u mon 0 . . . . . . .. . . 4 payment to . . . . ,. 781 Shari, Samuel S., SGMG1", Nancy, payment to ...,. ... .. .. ,... .. 775 payment to .. . ... 766 Sharp, W. J., Seoul, C0f€¢I pa ment to .,.. .. ,_,_ ,,, . ..,, , ,,,,,.. 766 appropriation for interpreters and guards Shari, William R., consulate-general . . . .. 116, 480 payment to .. .,,,,, ..,. .-,,, . 964 Sorgeant-at·Ag·n• and Doorkoeper, Senate, Sharpe, Thomas A., appropnutron for pay of . 173, 595 payment to udmmistmtor of. , , , , , ,,.. 668 Sergeanbat-Ayma, House of Rqnwacntotivu, Shmge, V. B., _ _ approprmtmn for pay of . . . -. 175, 598 de mency appropmstxcu for pay of, as spc· S doticioncy appropriation for postage .. 287 cial policeman ... ..-. . . 286 crvia Shanyill Walla appxiopriatiou for minister to . -.. 109, 479 date Jf dcathyof .. . . . . . - ,2 . . 883 Setzcr, John, _ twolvc m0u1.hs’ psy to hams oi} prov1so-..- 883 Segsyuaoué to . --. .. .--- 067 gancamgmy of, to legal represc¤ta.tnva.. . 883 c . . ammo pqzment 10 .. . . . . 767 puymcut to zidministrator of .. . ... 667 Settle, Thomas Ill, Shaw, ['TCIOi! IL Sgfsymont to .. . . . . . . - . 674 honorable discharge to ... 904 len, Shaw George A. gpprnprintion for reimbursixg, on lands pn§ment 1:0.;. .. . . .. .. . . 679 granted to Northern uusas Bail- 550 Shaw, O. B.,t 87 --.. . . .. .. payment 0 . .. . . . •‘ Sen! Choi: Point, Mick, t Shaw, W., light-housccstablishcd at . 19 payment to ... . ,-.. .. 679 gpprcyriation for .,., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Shaw, William A., 3mm11g,] endian Lands in (an Laudsiu Sovsr· S paymcug 20.6... . .. - . . . . 674 • ty) Imwbel 0 n . allotment of .. . . --.. · 388 pcnsioin ..:. .-. . ·---.- ..-. ...· 693 Seder (busty, Ark., Slummee Indugm, _ rswdm-cddfrcm western to eastern judi- 83 apfmpriatwntfcr permanent anumtics to .§, ci strict . . . . ..-. or interest 0 -. .- .-.- . . , Sewell, General Mlliam JZ, Shawnee Indiqna, Eastern, _ nppointed Gxngnlslgcr National Home for Dis- 343 Shnpprogéiatxosfcir f;11fi11iug treaties with --38, 458 ble 0 mrs ,,., , ,. . . , . gada ia: at or Semen, 1;. 0.. pension . .----.. ’ . ... .··--· . ... 845 appropriation for construction, repair, ctc. 574 Shearer, Sarah M. (widow), Seymour, John R, _ _ pension . ·-. ‘. . 831 a. ment of damages to, Fox 8DdW1BCOHBlD Shem-man (or Sherman), George H., P y Rive 284 payment to 779 n . ... . . . .. . ..·.. . . . ---. . .. . . 8 ru William correction of amount to be paid to. ... 967 a;:;;::,;!!!; to wiéow of - -,.·.-. ..-... 676 Sheboygan, Uris., Shacklett, John S., 667 Sluggmcpristnongct img;ro;ement of harbor,. 316 gymenf t0.-...-.. . .-...-.."... w , dTOH1G · mot GV , »ShI¢;dri¢k, Thomas M, r pension. 7 .. 2 . . . .. ..-. 913 payment to ..-. .. .. . . 96o Sheep Show: Qhalatelghaa, 1880, _ Shafer, Peter, _ report ot Lcmjnnssmncr of Agncnlturc ou, payment; to. . .. . ...·- - ····- · .-.-. 96v to be prmt¤¢l..._.. -. 347 · Shag Dermal, Shespcntcr _Im1aans, Lemhs Agency, pgylmggt, m,,,, ,,,,,,_,,.. - . . -. .. 681 upproprmhou for support, eta., of .,,,.,_. 42, 461 Bhaffing, Shcepsheaet Boy, N. 1., for new naval vessels may be pgtchascd Shuppygprxatnou for improvement of harbor. . 3l2 abroad ‘f hupossibl to o tain in United étutcs ... 1 . ..,,. 2 15 sgigmivriatiou for consul at. . 111, 482 Shakogee, Min».,_Hrat National of. t for clerk hire . ... . 116,4*35 nut orlzed to mcrcaso its capxtal stock., .. 8 ‘ Shepfeld, Aly., _ Shad, Robert IK, administrator, _ coustructwu of budge across Tennessee _ pgyment ofjndgment nf Court of C131MB 120. 282 2 Rgver gt, gutlwnzed , , ,,.,._,, _ _,,,, 5aS Sinead, Robert WZ, trustee, _ j , Slujcld, Henry, _ payment cfjmlgmcut of Court ofC]61¤1¤ t0- 28: I payment; to'. . . - . . . , .. 467 Shongbes, _ Shejiclc, TVs1I1am H., gp mp;-iptmu for coun] -geqcra] at - .110, 481 peusmn . - .. .. ... . 838 {Y;} dork him .,,,,, __,_,, .---»· ·-·•·. -115, 485 Shgjigld Land, [rms, and Coal Cmnpqlny, _ {0;- png0n expense; __,,,, . 116, 486 authonzcq to brjdgc 'fcnnessoo Rrvcr . ::58 Skouka, Craven K., Sheldop, Efmra Blass (wadow), payment to . . -. .. 951 peusnon increased .. . . - .-... - . 888 I