Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/166

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FORTY-NINTII CONGRESS. Swiss. I. C11. 757. 1886. 13] other 11ecess:mryitems,tl1rc0 hundred dollars; in all, eight thousand seven hundred dollars. For sinkingfund 013500, under control of the Treasurer of the United Sinkin g-fund States: For one clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars; one clark, <>’<>¤k¤· nb nine hundred dollars; for contingent expenses, including books, Contingent exstationery, printing, and miscellaneous items, three hundred dollars; D¤¤¤¤¤· in all, two thousand seven hundred dollars. For c0r0na1·’s 0E0c: For one coroner, one thousand eight hundred Coroner. dollars; for contingent expenses, including ju1·0rs’ feces, stationery, Coutingcnt exbooks, blanks, removal of deceased persons, making autopsies, and DMB65- holding inqucsts. seven hundred dollars; in all, two thousand five hundred dollars. For engi11cc1·’s office: Ona chief clerk, one thousand nine hundred Eugiuccfscdico. dollars; three clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; one C’°'k¤» *¤¤P°°*· clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars; four clerks, at one thou- °"’ °t°‘ sand two hundred dollars each; three clerks, at nine hundred dollars each ; one computing engineer, two thousand four hundred dollars; one inspector of buildings, two thousand four hundred dollars; one assistamt inspector of buildings, one thousand two hundred dollars; one inspector of asphalt and ccmonts, two thousand four hundred dollars; one inspector of gas and meters, who shall pay I:0 the collector, for payment into the Treasury, to the credit of the United States and the District of Columbia in equal parts, all fees collected by him, two thousand dollars; one superintendent of streets, two thousand dollars; one superintendent of roads, one thousand four hundred dollars; one inspector of plumbing, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one assistaut inspector of plumbing, one thousand dollars; one superintendent of lamps, nine hundred dollars; superintendent of parking, OIIO thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant superintendent of parking, seven hundred dollars; one assistant engineer, one thousand six hundred dollars; two assistant engineers, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; one draughtsman, one thousand two hundred dollars; three inspectors ofstreets and sewers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each ; three markcbmastcrs, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one ·. market-master, at nine hundred dollars; one harbor-master, at one thousand two hundred dollars: Provided, That thefecs collected by said harbor- p,·,,,,;,,,,_ master shall be paid to the collcctorlfor payment into the Treasury, to the Harbor fcos. credit of the United States and the District of Columbia in equal parts; three rodmen, at seven hundred and eighty dollars each; three axmcn, at six hundred and fifty dollars each; one janitor, seven hundred dollars; two messenger clerks, at six hundred dollars each; three messengers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; three watchman, at four hundred and eighty dollars each ; two laborers, at three hundred and sixty dollars cacln; contingent expenses, including rent of pr0perty—ya.rds, books, C<>¤·*¤¤:¢¤¢ ¤· stationery, binding and preservation of records in the cngineaws and P°"”°"· ` survcyofs offices, printing, transportation (vehicles, animals, saddlery, forage, and repairs), and other necessary items and services, in all not to exceed five thousand dollars; for maintaining and keeping in good order and repair the laboratory and apparatus in the 01E0c of the inspector of gas and meters, eight hundred dollars; in all, sixtyrfive thousand six hundred and ninety dollars: Provided, That overseers or I’»·¤viwinspectors temporarily required in connection with sewer, street, or road R3`r‘;’“P°’“’·' °"°"‘ work, or the construction or repair of buildings, done under contracts ' authorized by appropriations, shall be paid out of the sums appr0pri—‘ ated for the work, and for the time actually engaged thereon; and the Commissioners of the District, in their annual report to Congress, shall report the number of such ovcrsecrs and inspectors, and their work, and the sums paid to each, and out of what appropriation. · For fuel, ice, gas, repairs, insurance, rabiuding and repairing record- Fu¤|,ic¤,r•~p:urs, books, and general necessary expenses of District offices and markets, °*°· tive thousand dollars. ’