Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/26

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xxviii LIST UF PRIVATE ACTS AND RE¤OLU TIONS. Page. Edward L. Hill. An act granting a pension to Edward L. Hill. J 6, 1886 .. . ...-- Z Henry Am. An act gremivg =¤ p€¤¤¤<>9 fo H¤¤¤5’ A¤¤{- JMU 6· 1- -6 --······· _ _____ 8,4 Clarissa Taft. An act granting u pension fu Mrs- Cl¤¤¤¤¤ TMt- 6J;¤8g‘6 i ---- -·- ·—---- Z: 844 Josiah Fochr. An act gr¤¤¤i¤.·; o p¤¤¤¤¤9 W J¤S¤¤h F<3¢=h*· July J1 6 ------·--···· _ _______ 8,4 Amos O. 7Verz‘z. An act granting a pension to Amos (.. Wert:. J y .t J- -i- E ·--- · - l U SM David L. .1IcDcrmou. An act granting; pension to David L. Mcllermot . u y , · ·-·· · - 845 Elias Sheade. An act for the relief of h¤¤_Sh¢=¤<l¤· J ¤lY 6. 1886 -—--·- 6- iééé -··-—··----·- · · - · ···· 645 Henry Brooks. An not to i¤¤r¢=¤S<> the p9¤¤¤<>¤ ofH¢¤1'Y B¤>°k¤· IJ ------ - ·--······ I : I ,,45 Eliza Newman. An act granting a pension to Eliza Newman. Ju ya ,St . . . A . . - E · · i . {M5 Robert E. Stephens. An act granting increase of pension to Robert . Gep 88121 . y , ·- - *45 Allen P, Jacobs, An act granting a pension to Allen Jacobs. July , _ . . . . . :346 William J. Heady. An act granting a pension to Wlllllhm J. Hemly. Jmi J -6 ---- · -- · #46 Charles F. Ward. An act granting an increase of pension to Charles F. 188: Y i ---· - -- - gw .1Iarg<v·er S. Davis. An act granting ¤ pensive tv Mvmguret S- Dem; July 6. I 6-i ··—---·--·- M6 Margaret J. Reighter. An act granting a pension to Margaret J. Reighter. J u y , ---- - ··---· gm Henry S. Cohn. An act furthe relief of Henry S. Cohn. July 6. 1886. . . ·--· -- ·-··-· 847 Sarah Ann Murphy. An act granting a pension to Sarah Ann Murphy. July 6, - ------ - ----- *247 sarah Gregg. An act granting a pension to_Sarnh Gregg. July 6, 1886- .----- iéég- --—- ---- Ln John M. Morringly. An not granting a pension to John M. Mattingly- July 6. 6 -·-- l 7 Michael JIcGraye1. An act to increase the p<msw¤_of Michael McGmye1- July . - ----- - c4__ Leri M. Starnc, An act granting n pension to Levi Starne. July 6, 1886 -. -i% ..-- . .-.- 84 Nelson Monroe. An act granting an increase of pension to Nelson Monroe. July 6, . .-.. cl, Richard Horrigan. An act for the relief of Richard Horrxgan. _Ju1y 6, 1886 ..-..- . -..-- . ----- ---- #:48 Frederick Marion. An act granting a pension to Frederic · Marion. July 6. 1886 ...-.. . ----- · 2548 Euphemia It. Smith. An act for the relief of Euphemia R. Smith. July b, 1886 . . . . . . 646 Lucy Ann Drew. An act granting a pension to Lucy Ann Drew. _ July 6, 1886 .. - . .. . sim Catharine Whitcscll. An act granting agxension to Catharine Wlutesell. July 6, 1886 . ... 848 Isaac X Hawkins. An act to increase the pension of Isaac N. Hawkins. July 6, 1886 . 549 Annie s. mob. An uci granting a pension to Mrs. Anme S. Webb- JMX 6. 1886- ---· -- —·---- 549 Jamcn L. Miller. An act increasinglthe pension of James L. _M1ller. July 6, 1886. . . . ew AL/'red J. Hill. An act increasing the pension of Alfrod J- Hill- July Gi 1886 ------ · —-·· · ···· ·· ·· P49 Charles J. Esty. An act granting a pension to Charles J- Esty- July 8i 1886 - -------·-- :·- ······ 849 Margaret Howler Hardie. Anaet granting an increase of pension to Margaret Hunter Hurdle. July 8 0 8 1886 . . . ... . . . . .. . . ---- . ----- -· -----— · ---·- - ·-·•- - ·---· 5 Henry llellion. An act for the relief of Henry B01110lr Jllly B, 1886 ·-··-·-- - --·-··--··-· · - -· ---- 850 B. Frank Patterson. An act for the relief of B. Frank Patterson. July 8, 1886. .-. . .--- . -·--- 850 Libbie C. Mantis. An act for the relief of Libbie C. Monks. Julg 8. 1886;--- --·- - --···-·- · ---·-· 850 Zebulon S. Tompkins. An act for increase of pension to Zebulon . Tompkins. July 8, 1886. . 359 Amanda Houaell. An act granting a pension to Amanda Hougoll- Jill? 8, HSE ·-·· - -··· · ·-·- ---- 850 J. JI. Hiatt. An act for the relief of J. M. Hiatt, only surviving partner of Hmtt and Company. B0 uly 14 1886 . .. - ...---------- _ ------ - -·-------—--- " 1 J. H. Ilhornbzirg. An act to amend and correct the act approved June lirst, eighteen hundred and _ eighty-six, granting a pension to J. H._ Thornburg. July 14, 1886 5.. . . B?} Addie L. Jlacomber. An act granting a pension to Addie L. Macomber. July 14, 18.,6.. . 851 Hunna{» glabb Hutchins. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Hannah Babb Hutchins. July 14, 6 6 ... 1 .,... . ,.. . ... .. ..-...--- . ..-- :551 Ann E. Cooney. An act granting apension to Ann E. Cooney. July 14, 1886 ----- · ---- .-·· ---- -- - 852 Maria Walker. An act for the relief of Mrs. Maria Walker. July 14, 1886- ...- . .---- · 852 Mauhallan Pickett. An act to increase the pension of Manhattan Pickett. July 14, 1886 --..- 852 John {lobgson. An act for the ·relief of the legal representatives of John M. Robeson, deceased. ll yl ,1886 _, , ,,,,,-. ., -... ..,_, , ..,..,,. ., ,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,, ,_.,, ,,,,, ,., ,_,____ 852 Samuel E Garret!. An act granting a pension to Samuel F. Garrett. July 16, 1886 .. ..-. 852 Alcrandcr K. Shepard. An act for the relief of Alexander K. Shepard. July 19, 1886 . . . . 353 II¢y'•err¢l°gf1ta:6 on distilled spirits. An act for the relief of Richard C. Ridgway and others. July .. , .. . .. . . . . . ... . .. . .. 853 William H. F. Lee. An act to remove the political disability of William H. F. Lee. July 26, 1866.. 854 A7c¤‘r¢M?¢·r Harper. An act granting a pension to Alexander Harper. July 26, 1886 .. .--. 354 [Mary Jane Conrad. An act for the relief of Mary Jane Conrad. July 26, 1886 -.. . , -. 855 Ernest H. Wardwelt. An act for the relief of Ernest H. \Vardwell. July 26, 1886 .. . 355 Hiram L. Wait. An act granting a pension to Hiram L. Wait. July 26, 1886. . . . 855 Samuel frost. An act to increase the pension to Samuel Frost. July 26, 1886 .,. $55 Mm`!} Spmgue. An act granting a pension to Mary Sprague. July 26, 1886 . . . . . . ... . 655 Pao ick Jlurphy. An act granting a pension to Patrick Murphy. July 26, 1886 . ,,,.,,. , ,,,,_ 855 John W'. Payton, An act to place the name of John W. Payton on the pension-roll. July 26, 1886 555 .l{w‘Um J. Vorhca. An act toipension Martha A. Vorhes. July 26, 1886 - ., . ...,. 856 Ii¢lM‘m‘d Coleman. An act for the relief of Edward Coleman. July 26 1&s6 ., . , , ,.,.. 856 ·’¤7¢·¤ E- Dcyyctl. Am act granting a pension to John E. Doggett. July 26, 1886 .. . .. 855 Sno-ak M. Carroll. An act granting a pension to Sarah M. Carroll. July 26, 1886 . . . 557 I¤‘<¤•€¢¢ H. Plummer. An act for the relief of Frances H. Plummer. July 29, 18:16 .. . ...,.,. 557 J<¢v*¢‘# D. Wood. An act for the relief of James D. Wood. July 29, 1886 , ,,.., .,,, ,_,, ,,,, ,,____ 5;;,7 T homagg Ri éggre. An act to remove the political disabilities of Thomas R. Ware, of Virginia. July ` _ Edward Coming. An act granting a pension thl Edward Corning. July 30, 1886 ... 369.*1 L· Burbank. An act granting a pension toAbby L. Bur-bunk. July 30, mss ,,,_ ___, ,,_, ,___ Emily B- Baker. An act for the relief or Emily B. Baker. July so, 1886 ,,,,,,..,,,, _ ,_,,..,,____ B58 Jfvvrv B. Walker. An act for the relief of Moses B, Walker, July 30, 3396 ____ _ __________________ B58 € ’*<¤'l<`¤ "`$¤¤¢· An not granting a pension to Charles Wyant. July 30, 1886 ,__, _ _,__,_,,,,__ ___ , 558