Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/55

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20 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 81, 82. 1886. May 3, 1886. 81.-An act to estabnsn two additional land·districts in the State of ii-‘;; 8 3. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United N0.-n,w,st;,,,d- States of America in Congress assembled, That all that portion of the district ernebms- State of Nebraska bounded and described as follows: Oommencing on k*B;’:;§;;’;*s°d- the west boundary of the State of Nebraska. at the intersection of the ‘ township-line between townships numbered twenty-three and twenty- ibur north, sixth principal meridian; thence east along the townshipline between said townships to the lifth guide-meridian west; thence gorith alongtslaid guide-meridian 31 the north boundary of the State of e ras a- ence west alou said boundary to the northwest corner of the State; thence south altgng the west boundary of the State to the pine; pi;1 biginninlg, be, and is hereby, constituted i new land-district, to _ e c e thenort west and-district of the Stateo Nebraska the land- éocation eusmi. giiicetfor which shall be located at such place as the President may o ce. IRC . Sydney, Nehru Sec. 2. That all that portion of the State of Nebraska bounded and

;hd1¤¢1’i<=¤ cs- described as follows: Beginning on the west boundary of the State of

“B,;“'f,‘L_m' Nebraska at the point of the intersection of the townshiphne between townships numbered twenty-three and twenty-four north, sikth principal meridian; thence east along the township-line between said townships - to the fifth guide-meridian west; thence south on said fifth guidememdiamto the southeast corner of township twelve north, range forty- one west, thence west on the township-line between townships eleven

gdutwgviehréo£t(.t;·§1o‘it;1Se] west bouxidafly oétthe Sgatg of N gbraslka; thence

corner o e a e o o ora 0- ence west aéogixgtthe Eorthhboundary lof Dolorlaldo to the) west boundary of the State ras a; ence nort a ong e west oun ary of the State of Nebraska to the place of beginning, be, and is hereby, constituted a new land—d1str1ct, to be called the_ Sydney land-district of the State of Nebraska, the land-office for which shall be located at such place as the President may direct. llegistersaudre- Sec. 3. That the President, by and with the advice and consent of ¤:;¢;:1 fo be up- the Senate, is hereby authorized to appoint registers and receivers for 9 · such land-districts, who shall discharge like and similar duties and re- QSIVG the same amount of compensation as other officers discharging like duties in the other land-offices of said State. Approved, May 3, 1886. May 3, 1886. CHAP. 82.-An act to amend the act of June iiheenth, eighteen hundred and forty- ·—-—-—--·-———-— four, and for other purposes. Pmambm _ Whereas, by an act of Congress approved June fifteenth, anno Domini Vol. 5,p.666. eighteen hundred and forty-four, a grant was made to the county of Lotstgrantyipto Dubuque, Texéritory of gown, in the following words: 6 0 U D I1- ll_’ ·········=- im- gE‘{23°..£}‘5 g?vé’.I'23it§“t€.'&}’.`E§»’ .§?°i‘§°.3.3.§.’2°§‘.i°fi.§*?i‘°"*‘ °'° "°'°"’ _ _ , erritory of Iowa, to wit: Two lots and a half lying and being situate in the town of Dubuque, on the northwest corner of Seventh and Locust streets, in said county, being the same land upon which the old county jail now stanlx, and is ’designated on the Government plat of said town as pu c square. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That the county commissioners of the coimty of Dubuque be, and they are hereby, authorized and em. powered to make sale or otherwise dispose of the lots of land described in the first section of this act, in such manner as will best subserve thqégterestxmf county ;" and creas roug a c erieal error said jail lot or nbl' ng described as being on the northwzest corner of Segenthe sgdallroyust . streets, when it was in fact on the northeast corner thereof; and