Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/102

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56 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 47. 1888. of the accounting officers of the Treasury, six hundred and seventy-six dollars and thirty-three cents. i mmuym ¤¤P¤*‘· TKAVELLING EXPENSES on INDIAN SCHCOL SUPERINTENDENT: For ' necessary travelling expenses of one Indian School. superintendent, pw }f’°1`£§‘&gd it°“°“°“§..°§.%%‘}?€Z§>€S?"’.%GE§L°“b3?.‘L.L'éZ§€“g?}3L‘2£§° - un dollars, or _ : , M¤<>W¤¤¤¤· That he shall be allowed three dollars per dyay for travelling expenses when actually on duty in the field exclusive of cost of transportation. Pcmom PENsIoNs E¤¤¤”**¤K¤*'¤°°¤°— For fees and expenses of examining surgeons, being a deiiciency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, thirty-ve thousand dollars. . uggfmw "°¥"“"' POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. D¤¤»¤¤‘·N¤¤¤<=¤¤· cw LETTER-BALANCES, scams, mm TEST-WEIGHTS: For letter-balances, scales, and test-weights, seven thousand dollars. WM d ger compensation to clerks in post-offices, one hundred thousand o ars. Benn. fuel. iight. For rent, fuel, and light, twentgnve thousand dollars. Wmminz-mpcr. ger yrarlapping-papelpkiiounlegeén dollars; f . th d Bulkby, magm.1 & or ance ue ey, igne an om any, or one ousan °°· five hundred reams of wrap ing-paper furnished per order of Postmaster-General, being a dedciency for fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, two tghousand one hundred and sixty-ive dollars an seven y-seven cen . ¤§gg‘g mm ¤‘¤¤* Fonmom nun. cmANsroETAT1oN: To pay amounts found due for foreign mail transportation, being a denciency for the nscal ear eighteen hundred and eightv-seven, fifty-one thousand four hundred and seventy-one dollars and fourteen cents. uclgcpurtmeut of J¤¤· DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Support or convicts. Support of convicts: For the support, maintenance, and transporgition go arid {gem the tpecgiitegtiaiy, pif convicts from the District of 0 um ia., o expen un er e irect' f th Att -G · eral, fifteen thousand dollars. wu 0 0 Omey Gu oocemgcuzexpcmss QONTINGENT EXPENSES, DEPARTMENT or JUSTICE: For law and miscellaneous books for Department library, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hun red and eight -seven, one dollar. f Fo; sgaticinery for {the Dlepagtinfnt of Jyustice, beingla deficiency or the sca year eig een un re an eighty-seven, e even dollars and twenty·i:ive cents. 5 For iipscegllanéaoug expense%tDep]artn5en$ ofdJustice, being a decienc or e sc yeareig een un re an e' ht - ,f rt - six dodars and eighty cents. lg y seven 0 y For miscellaneous expenses, Department of Justice, being a deiiciency for the Hscaldyear eighteen undred and eighty-six, two hundred and fortiy-four ollars and four cents. For miscel aneous expenses, Department of Justice, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-five, sixty- eight ollars and eighty-eight cents. rmpm: mms. BUQLDING, Dnrnnrnmphor Jusgoiéztgor fitting up fire-proof recor -rooms o reserve e reco o D art t, h - sailrd five hun<1r0e<}l;dollars. 8 Bp men one t Ou P¤PU¥& or re irs eating a paratus, be' d iif th ii l year eiglllieen hundred aneleightyseveiglzivo $1o(ll;l1l?andr5ft; ceiitz.