Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1020

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FIFTIETH CON GBESS. Sess. II. Ch. 411. 1889. 975 For construction. including the same objects specified under this €<>¤St¤¤c¢i<>¤t head for the Central Branch. twenty thousand dollars- For farm. including the same objects specified undef this head for Farm the Central Branch, twelve thousand three hundred and fortv-three l dollars, and forty cents; in all two hundred and twenty-four thousand six hundred and ninety-four dollars and fifty-two cents. Ar inn Socrnunx Bnslxcn. AT Hruirrox, X/TIRGINIA: For current nnntptnn, vs. expenses. including the same objects specified under this head for the onnent expenses. Central Branch. twenty-tive thousand dollars; For subsistence. including the same objects specified under this Subsistence. head for the Central Branch, one hundred and sixty-one thousand six hundred and forty-three dollars and ninety cents; For clothing. including the same objects specified under this head Clothing. for the Central Branch, thirty thousand dollars; For household. including the same objects specified under this Household head for the Central Branch, forty thousand dollars; For hospital. including the same objects specified under this head H<>Svit¤1· for the Central Branch. twenty-one thousand dollars; For transportation of members of the Home, two thousand dollars ; Transportation, For construction, including the same objects specified under this Construction. head for the Central Branch. twenty-five thousand dollars; For one additional dining hall, nine thousand dollars; For farm, including the same objects specined under this head for Farmthe Central Branch, seventeen thousand seven hundred and sixty- four dollars; in all. three hundred and thirty-one thousand four hundred and seven dollars and ninety cents. Ar THE \Vnsrnn:< BRANCH, AT LnAvnNwon·1·H, KANSAS; For L€¤*€¤“`<>"h·K¤¤¤· current expenses, including the same objects specified under this Curreutexpenses. head for the Central Branch, twenty-five thousand dollars; For subsistence, including the same objects specified under this head S¤bSi$‘**¤°**· for the Central Branch, one hundred and five thousand one hundred and twenty dollars; _ For Clothing, including the same objects specified under this head Cl°“’““g· for the Central Branch, thirty-five thousand dollars; For household. including the same objects specified under this head Household. fioiilthe Central Branch, fifty thousand one hundred and twenty-five o ars; For hospital, including the same objects specified under this head H=>¤P*¤>*· for the Central Branch, twenty-five thousand dollars; _ For transportation of members of the Home, five thousand dollars; '*"""**¥*°"*“‘°"· For construction including the same objects specified under this *`··***"**°**·*"· head for the Central Branch, thirty-five thousand dollars: For farm, including the same objects specified under this head for F¤¤¤¤· the Central Branch, nine thousand dollars; i11 all, two hundred and eighty-nine thousand two hundred and forty-five dollars. _ _ AT Tun PACIFIC Bmixcn, AT SA>:1·A Mo1~:1cA. OAL1Fo12s1A: For ”‘{**‘”°"'““·°“‘· melutenance of six hundred members, at one hundred and fifty dol- M“’“*‘“"“"°"· lars per annum each, ninety thousand dollars; _ _ _ For out·door relief and incidental expenses. thirty-one thousand °¤**‘°°' ""‘*f·‘**°· fire hundred and fifteen dollars; in all, one million nine hundred and

lU10ty-tive thousand eight hundred and sixty-six dollars and 111119ty-

wo cents. . . SFATE on Tmnmromnn Hoyms; For continuing the aid to State h0§f*__;*?“”"T°""°““' QP Territorial homes for the support of disabled volunteer soldiers, Assistanceto. m C0UfOI'II1lty with the act approved August twenty-seventh, €Igl1t· Anteyv- 4¤0· een hundred and eighty-eight, in addition to the unexpended balance of the appro riation made by said act, three hundrer thousand dollami Providgd, That hereafter no State under this app1‘OpI‘13·t10I1 gazgbmymm shall betpaid a sum exceeding one—half the cast of maintenance of each sol ier orsailor by such State.