Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1604

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1568 INDEX. page_ Page. Menees, James II, Michigan, aymeut to administrator of 1231 forfeiture of unearned lands granted to .M`§n0m0*nee Indians, railroads in ... 1008 appropriation for support, etc., of .. 231, 995 right of way, etc., not affected 1008 for trust fund, interest .. 237, 1001 rights of bona fide purchasers . 1008 Menomonee Wis lands earned not forfeited; location .. 1008 approprjahon fg]. repairs etc harbor _ _ 407 legal and equitable rights not prejudiced. 1008 for survey of harbor . .’ T ... ZZ . . 433 , ¤¤¤fi¤¤¤**<>¤ of 1¤¤d¤ Purchased; -------· 1008 Mm1wm¢$· National Bank, Poughmpm, iwés Mt w gv #0 State ¤<>rp<>¤¤¤¤¤¤, GW- 1009 _ N K , allowance to homestead settlers makmg duplicate bond to issue to; indemnity 1069 _ _ em}'? -····· · ;: ··-··--··-·· · ·-··· 1009 Meredith, Mmmm 1m, Mwhmem Cavalry. Fmt. _ pension increased ... 1196 d65C19m?? 3PPY0Pfm¤°¤ t0!` Wave] Hg €X· Meriwether, David; mp? Michigagcggej bh 29, 65, 596, 933 M£1:;¤"5;;1;cT1;§7E;?éé .6;; ... . ... • appmpriuiogl fOr·»impm`_em€nt of Outer 40 f · d fC f Cl · t 930 and inner harbor . . 5 M‘é?3f£2‘2f"}}e?l$‘(5“I$21E,‘·§, D?“»’¤?‘§, ""’“ ° my mqge Trail Qyeek . 211 Mpaymc% to . ... 1241 M»¢*<>8¢¤g·9gr¢¤;iVul{£_#;·S»¤¤, Demrfmwf of c·rri#. iw, . . , . . . ment of damages to executor of; Fox ¤PPI`0PU8·U0¤ for m10T0S00PM?, ¤$S1$m¤t·329, 835 Pay . and Wisconsm Rivers . 20 _ for °XP0¤S€$ -·-—-·--···—··- _ -·------·· 330, 857 Mer"" John G Mzddle and East Tennessee Razlroad Com- . · . ·· pany, Mpens1c'?)};;7?c;_<?ased ... 1079 autho . 1 to bridge Tenn I River at p3,y'[u€ntOf Of of Can? . I I l · I · I · · · . . I `Mertmz,-A', ·- , .•¤•••· ¤··••» Payment of d§1¥°a‘g°S t0; FOX and Wis' 19 Mgyugéetrég damages Fox and Wisconsin _ °°m,Sm vém '‘‘’`‘'’ Rivers improvement . . 595 Merwm, Mzlton (chold), Miki",

   . . . . ... . . 1131 Mgpmpgauou for consul at _ _ _ _ _ __ _ · _ ,252, 702

appm%mu;>¤ fdr pay or Indian agent at. 218, 981 Qggggbréagg fo, . _ 483 807 Mesm. rm es V. for maximum aiiovk-Qriéé I I I Z Z Z Z I Z I I Z ;483,8é8 Mg;?;; for maccounts -··-··-······--·---· 1081 ?llq\;rs;nce on subsidiqed roads ... , 8% appropriation for consul at . 252, 702 um ti.;-stl5g1E5in1I2i??;:? _ 8_8 ’“'°‘°“Z;,;’“"‘“ ‘f"”'"’· 1.,94 cle-ricieucy appropriation for Amy Om- Pens ···· ; ······ , ‘‘‘‘‘ · · ‘*‘‘‘'’‘‘‘‘ "‘ V .. 9 52 Mewmqn, Lumnda (szster), _ Mileage_c§;;.y ’ Mpgps1<>nd . . .t ... 1334 degciency appropriation for claims. · I 32, 68, 70. °·”°"” m";?]; for ubmhm etc _ _ 601, ams, nov, sm, ass SPPYOP f 0 P S· ·· suwcxsg 810 Males, Luzutenaut Charley R., U.S. Navy, M · Ow.. . §(;ld·•.L• an ••••••»• -• •,.• .. | , excancun ar wr , _ uses, ... 17 removal of charge of descmou on mus- MiLford,p(imm.,€ 9 r my-out roll ... _ ... _ .. . 870 qgimropnation for improvement of harbor. 402 mcases of return and servnce um:11 dns- Mele ary Academy, _ charge . _. .: . L. 870 apfropriation for support of ... 108. 662 deficwucy appropmatmn for pay. .29, 60, 70, 596 or pay of profesmrs, etc . 108. 662 Mexico, _ _ _ _ limit of adjutanfs pay . . . . . 108 appropnatmn for m1mster to ... 247, 697 for pay of cadets ..,. 108 662 for secretary of logation . . .. 248, 697 for pay of band .. 108, 662 ger c<fni11igeuera1 at . . . . .250, 700 to be in full . ’ 108 Opcer _ 254 ,704 forlon evi to f ,,., · to bg guligggem gum m mternatnoual con- 155 £0r pag et;; g?)f;elc1l;::1sE?g.; Z . . fig e . . or c . articles may be imported from, free for for repairl; :;$1p$£¤S§;6}é}{¤éh}§- - `.``._ exlgbition at Centennial Exposition for fuel and lights . . . , ```'.`·` mg, 553 at inciunati . 160 f t d wl g-m` m ````` ``````` ° convention extending time for enacting fg; §t(;;>§;·:;l T3 .,_, S ```'``'````` gg; Ipwgtoearrycommercial convention for transportation ...,_ · 1 Il · ° `'.` I l10g` 663 1ut0 effect 1370 for printing ... I . ,2. '`-```'` 109, 663 for sE;·v•éru1gdb0undary line West of the for clerks ,,.,,_ _ I . . ``.'` mg]; 3 'o ran e . 1390 f r d part ```````'````` ’ ° parcels-post convention with . .. .. 1428 0 (gilgggnimsenid p1l?5B;);€;;amral an?4)9 863 postal convention with . . . . . . 1385 modern languages `````` ° -109, 663 Mexico, SB0und:? Line between United mathematics . . ```````°'`'-``'-' 109, 663 deficiency appropriation for . 27 hi;ig1ygi ;;la;°§¥1ha‘;;(g1§c;°1°gy‘§2g' {gi Miami Indians of Eel Rim, Mtillery, cavalry had i¤f;mtQ-_Q; - ’ appyoyriation for fulfllling tl'€BtiB8 with. 223 tics ..., y 0110 664 Miami ndia·n.s¢§fKanaa:;, · ·-·--·· . .. ...310,864 . appropriation or fulmhug treatws with.228, 986 civil and ‘ 'é`° ```` ·` g `````` ]]0’664