Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1666

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1630 mnnx. Page. I Page. United States Courts, ; United States C0urts—Continued. appropriation for Chief-Justice of the Su- f proceedings for removal, bonds, etc .. 435 preme Court, associates, retired » in State court to stay .. 435 ` judges . . 294, 744 l actions on land titles; evidence .. 436 .for circuit judges ,... 294, 744 receivers to follow State law; punishment. 436 for marshal, Supreme Court .. 294, 744 may be sued in State courts ... 436 for distgict judges. . .§ 294, 744 national banks deemed citizens for acfor judges supreme court, District of tions ..,.. 436 Columbia . .. 294, 744 suits by the Government not affected. . 436 for district attorneys, marshals ... 294, 744 civil iights jurisdiction not affected .. 436 for judges, etc., Court of Claims .. 294, 744 inconsistent laws repealed ... 436 for stationery, decisions, etc 294, 744 pending suits not affected ... 437 gor pxpenses. . 1. 544, 377 relative of judge not to be employed in or ees. etc., 0 mars 1a s and eputies.545, T7 court ,... 437 for district attorneys . 545, 977 causes may be tried at Newark, N. J . 388 for special compensation ..,.,... 977 judgments and decrees of, to be liens on for regular assistants ... 545. 977 property in the States . 357 for special assistants 97 7 recording, etc . . .. 357 for fees of clerks . 545, 977 clerks to keep indexes of judgment recfor commissioners etc ... 545, 978 ords, etc .. 357 prpsecutions under i11temal—revenue a4judgments need not be recorded in any aws .. . .. 7 5 State office ... 358 for fees of jurors . , .. 545, 978 jurisdiction of , in condemnation proceedfor fees of witnesses. 545, 978 _ ings for lands for public uses .. 357 for support of prisoners; accounts 545,978 jurisdiction over Indians committing asgor ilgenltipf court-rooms ... 0545, 378 xultsf etc., against officials in Inor ais, criers, etc " 5 78 'an erritory . . . . .. . . 178 for sgerépgraphers to Justices Supremgh, 44 juries may be used interchangeably in 38 0 ..., 7 , circuit and district 6 for miscellaneous expenses .. 545, 936, 978 marshals to execute process in Indian e deliciency appropriation for rent of court- Territory . 167 rooms . 15,64,583 Owensborough division, district of Keufor miscellaneous expenses .. . . 15, 28, tucky, constituted . . . . 889 f b I H t 57,64, 598, 603, 924 rooms in City Hall transferred to city of 628 or ai i s e c ,... 583 Utica . ... for salaryé additional circuit judge, ‘ subdivision of western judicial district, secon circuit 57 Louisiana .. ,. 388 for special de uty marshals; roviso . . 923 circuit courts established in western dis- P P _ for fees, etc., marshals. .28, 57, 64, 69, 582, 598 trict of Arkansas . 655 603, 924, 932, 936 northern district of Mississippi ... 655 jurors 14638, 57, 64, 177, 598, 924 western district of South Carolina . 655 witnesses. .14,28 57 ,177, 598 603,924,9% terms i 655 district attorneys . . .’. . 14, 28, 64: 582, 924, 932 jurisdiction; pending causes ... 655 assistant district attorneys . 582, 583, 924 clerks, marshals, and district attorneys . 655 special district attorneys 583 appointment of clerks ..,.. 655 c erks 14, 28, 64, 583. 603, 925. 932 transfer of causes, etc. . to circuit courts in commissioners .14, 28, 57, 64, gt), 545, 584, 598, Arkansas, Mississippi, and South 03 924, 932, 936 Caro ina .. . . ... 656 for salaries, marshals ... .28, 598, 936 i repeal of former act . . . . 656 for support of prisoners . 15, 28, 57. 64, 584, 598 writs of error to Supreme Court allowed . 603, 924, 936 { in crimes punishable by death . 656 for Utah courts , .. Q?4 i proceedings5o stay, until decision . 656 for judge Indian Territory court ... 925 to be furnis e wit complete sets of Suconcurrent jurisdiction of circuit, with ! preme Court reports .. 661 y State courts .. . . . 431 1 northeastern division of southern district exclusive cognizance of crimes; under Q of Georgia established . 671 United States law . . . . 434 g establishment of circuit and district courts concurrent jurisdiction with district Q in new States on admission . . . . 682 courts .. . . . .. 1 .. 434 E terms of court in northern district of Georno arrests in one district or tria in an- Z gia ... 690 other in civil suits 434 Q appeals on writs of error to Supreme Court suits to be brought i_n district of defend- i as to jurisdiction of lower courts. . 693 ant; . .. ... 431 i district court established in Indian Terribetween citizens ofereut States 434 , tory .. 783 suits on choses in action . ... 434 { Chickasaw Nation and part of Choctaw, removal of causes to circuit courts from X attached to eastern judicial district, . 'tate courts .. ‘ Texas 786 non-resident defendpgts . 431 i expenses of prosecutions under interstate between citizens of i erent . tates 434 I commerce act, payable out of approlocal influence prejudicial to defendant 435 * priations for .. . . . . ... 859 suit may be remanded as to defendant 5 jurisdiction of . to compel equal facilities not prejudiced. . . I . . . 5 Z . . 435 to shippers by interstate common suits to be remanded if prejudice does carriers . . . ... 862 not exist .. . . . 4`5 _ peremptory mandamus to issue ... 863 no appeal allowed .. 435 other remedies not excluded . . 863