Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/200

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154 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 290. 1888. promptly by said corporation, upon reasonable signal, for the passage Lights- Bw- of boats, and said city shall maintain. at 1tS own expense. such hghts or other signals thereon as the Light House Board may prescribe, and said city shall provide at its own expense such sheer-booms. guide piers, or other device as may be at any time deemed necessary by the Secretar of War to facilitate the safe passalge of boats or other water cred through the spans of sa1d bridge. 0 bridge shall be erected or maintained under authority of this act which shall at Umuammed nsvi- any time substantially or materially obstruct the free navigation of

  • "“°“· said river; and if any bridge erected under such_ authority shall. in

the opinion of the Secretary of War, obstruct said navigation, he is hereby authorized to cause such change or alteration of said b1’1dgO to be made as will effectually obviate _ uch obstruction, at_the ex-

 pense of said city of Grand Forks, and m case of any litigation arising from any obstruction, or alleged obstruction, to the free navigation of said river, caused, or alleged to be caused, by said bridges.

or either, the case may be brought in the circuit court of the United States of the district in which said obstruction or bridges are located: Provided further, That nothing in this act ·shall be so construed as Fl¤¤¢i¤¢l¤*¤ torepeal or modify any of the provisions of law now existing in reference to the protection of the navigation of rivers, or to exempt any brigdgp or bridges constructed by virtuehereof from the operations o the same. ' $*****1, ,,°,' W“'"° Sec. 4. That an bridge or bridges authorized to be constructed mm or m` under this act shall be built and located under and subject to such regulations for the security of navigation of said river as the Secretary of \Var shall prescribe; and to secure that object the said corporation shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his examination and approval, designs and drawings of the proposed bridges and a map ofp the location, giving, for the splace of one mile above and one mile below the proposed ocations, the topography of the banks of the river, the shore lines at high and low water, the direction and strength of the currents at all stages, and the soundings, accurately showing the bed of the stream, the location of any other bridges, and shall furnish such other information as may be required for a full and satisfactory understanding of the subject; and until the said plans and locations, or either of them. are approved by the Secretary of \Var there shall not be any bridge built at said point; and should any change be made in the plan of said bridge or bridges, during the progreps lpf ézonsiiructiogiv/such change shall be subject to the approva o the ecre ary 0 ar. b01:l·;¤¤f¤¤¤~¤¢~¢¢i¤¤ Sino. 5. That the said city of Grand Forks, in the Territory of Da- ‘kota. is hereby authorized and empowered to issue in due form its municipal bonds to an amount not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, payable in twenty years, with interest at seven er centum annually, at said city’s depository in Grand Forks. Dakota, for the urpose of defraying the necessary expenses, in whole or in part, for tile erection of said bridge or bridges, and all acts or parts of acts of Congress or of the legislative assembly of said Territory of Dakota heretofore passed in conflict with this section be. and the same are hereby. repealed. ¤¤°¤·*¤°¤*·°'°· Src. 6. That the right to alter. amend, or repeal this act is hereby expressly reserved, and the right to require any changes in such structure or structures. or the entire removal thereof, at the expense oftthe owner? whepever Congress shallddecide that the public interes requires 1 , is a so ex ress y reserve . m‘}gl;¤,g;’f;L°°¤°“*¤° Sec. 7. That this act shall be null and void if actual construction of the bridges herein authorized be not commenced within one year, and completed within three years, from the date thereof. Approved, May 21, 1888.