Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/506

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460 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 991. 1888. P°"¤m°““*- N avy-yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire: For one clerk, at one thousand dollars- N¤rf<>¤=- h Nalvyéylaril, Ndrfolk, Virginia: For one clerk, at one thousand two un r dollars; Washington- Nayvyardi (¥V3shington, District of Columbia: For one clerk, at onethousand dollars- M¤¤>1¤1¤¤¤- Ntpwéyiyard, Mare fsland, California: For one clerk, at one thousan dollarsrmming mmm. Training-sitation: One clerk (when required}, three hundred dollars; in all, nine thousand three hundred do lars. And no other fund appropriated by this act shall be used in payment for such services. ` Bureau0fOrd.uauce. BUREAU OF ORDNANCE. M¤¤<=¤¤¤ wd me Ounnnncu AND Onmmucn Sromssz For procuring, producing plies. . . . f pieservpngkaxrd thapdlmg; ordiiancie lmlateréal for tl5e_armament of s ips; or ue oo s ma eria an a or o e use in e genera work of the Ordnance Department; for furniture at magazines, at the ordnance dock, New ork, and at the naval ordnance battery and proving-ground and for prizes to enlisted men for excellence in olrdnancg (pzpercises and target practice, one hundred and thirty thousand dollarsd {or ammunition for the guns of the Vesuvius, twelve thousand o ars- For proof of naval armament, six thousand dollars; ` hF<InI· moderndguns argl azmmulpition (fof ipstructing the cadets of t e ava Aca emy ti y- vethousand dollars· For modern guns and ammunition for instrudting the apprentices of (thfgftraiing 1s1<fuadro(1i1,dii.3y thousand dollars; iu'all, two hundred an ty- ee thousand dollars. R¤l¤*¤ ZREPAIBSLBUBEAU OF ORDNANCE: For necessary repairs to ord- - nance buildings, magazines,'gun-parks, boats, lighters, wharves, maplnnery, and other objects of the 1ke character, fifteen thousand dollars. Contineeut- Conrrucmrr, BUREAU or ORDNANGE: For miscellaneous items, namely: Freight to foreign and home stations; advertising; cartage and express charges; repairs to fire-engines; gas and water pipes; gas and water at magazines; toll, ferriage, foreign postage, and telegrams to and from the Bureau, five thousand dollars. Civi1¤S¢¤bii¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· CIVIL ESTABLISHMENT, BUREAU OF ORDNANCE: For the civil establishment under the Bureau of Ordnance, namely: rcmmeum. Navy- ard, Portsmouth. New Hampshire; For one writer (wl1en reppuiredl five hundred dollars: B<>¤¤¤¤· 6 i avy-yard, Bppton, Massachusetts: Forone writer (when required), ve mn ree c dollars; New York I Npviyiyarrl, New York: For one clerk, at one thousand four hun- < rec e dollars: W¤S¤i¤s¤>¤- Navy-yard, Washington. District of Columbia: For one clerk, at one thousapdlsix hunidred dollgrs; two writers, at one thousand and seventeen dollars an twenty- ve cents each; one drau ht , t · one thousand five hundred and forty-five dollars; threg dlgiiglhtzmen, at one thousand and eighty-one dollars each; one assistant draughtsman, at seven hundred and seventy-two dollars; one foreman, at two thousand one hundred and fift -six dollars; two copyists, az seven] hugclrpdl apd twenty dollars each; one telegraph operator, a nine un rec dollars: Nmonm h Ngvggygrg, Norfolk, Virginia: For one clerk, at one thousand two 1111 l' dollars; Y~““'° **‘*““"· Néwygmrd, lgare clslimd, Callifornia: ger one writer at one thou- _ san an seven een dollars an wen y- ve cents- P¤m¤G·K¤>¤¤d· Naval ordnance proving-ground: For one writer, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-fave cents;