Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/695

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650 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 49, 50. 1889. Jurisdiction or Sec. 8. That the United States circuit and district courts for the °°“'°“‘ district of Minnesota, and such other courts as may be authorized by Congress, shall have, without reference to the amount in controversy, concurrent jurisdiction over all controversies arising between said company and said tribe or the individual allottees in said tribe and said company; and the civil jurisdiction of said courts is hereby extended within the limits of said Indian reservation, without distinction as tpl citizenship offtlip parties, so far as may be necessary to carry out t e rovisions o this act. commpueemeuuauu Sec. 9. That said railway com any shall complete their railway "°"‘p1°"°"· through said reservation within three {ears after the passage of this act, or the rights herein anted shall e forfeited as to that portion not built- and it shall notbe necessary in such case, for the forfeiture to be declared by judicial process or legislative enactment; that said railroad company shall construct and maintain continually all road mma m and highway crossings and necessary bridge over said railway wherever said roads and highways do now or may hereafter cross said railway’s right of way, or may be, by the proper authorities, laid out across the same. oonaamumqt Sec. 10. That the said railway company shall accgpt this right of ‘“°°* way upon the express condition, bin ing upon itsel , its successors an assigns, that they will neither aid, a vise, nor assist in any effort lookin towards the changing or extinguishing the present tenure of the Indians in their land, and will not attempt to secure from said Indian tribe any further grant of land, or its occupancy, than is here-

 to mm, inbefore provided: Provided, That any violation of the condition men-

‘ tioned in this section shall operate as a forfeiture of all the rights and privileges of said railway company under this act. mmm or more Sec. 11. That all mortgages executed by said railway company con- 8**8*** veying any portion of its railroad, with its franchises, that may be constructed in said reservation, shall be recorded in the Department of the Interior, and the record thereof shall be evidence and notice of their execution, and shall convey all rights and property of said company as therein expressed. ‘ Amemmmmem Sec. 12. That Congress may at any time amend, add to, alter, or repeal this act; and the right of way herein and hereby granted shall not be assigned or transferred in any form whatever prior to the construction and completion of the road, except as to mortgages or other ligne tlgat may be given or secured thereon to aid in the construction ereo . Approved, January 16, 1889. January 10. ima. CHAP. 50.-—An act to amend the postal laws of the United States in reference ········---——·-— to letters bearing special delivery stamps. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 0{ the tegpecm ueum-y new U mted States of America in Congress assembled, That section t iree, y;,,_ 2,, 6h_ wv p_ chapter three hundred and forty-two of the act of Congress approved ”·· ¤—¤¤¤¤·1¤¤· March third, anno Domini eighteen hundred and eighty-five, be, pndthe same is hereby, amended by adding to said section the folowing proviso: wrbrzucgnpéepgdmsuzge "Provzded, however, That the omission by the sender to place the ‘ lawful postage upon a letter bearing such special delivery stamp and otherwise entitled to immediate delivery under the provisions of this section shall not hinder or delay the transmission and delivery thereof as provided herein, but such lawful postage shall be collected upon its delivery, in the manner now provided y law for the collection of deficient postage resulting from the overweight of letters." Approved, January 16, 1889.