Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/931

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886 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 403, 40-1. 1889. or im rovements the said company fails to do so, the Secretary of War slhall have authorit to make the same at the expense of said uM11g3ftés ¤¤¤*·¤'¤¤- company, and all the rights conferred by this act shall be forfeited; °°S ”g°u°°' and Congress shall have power to do any and all thin(gs_11ecessary to secure the free navigation of the rivers; and the said railroad compapy ian towgpling, operating aind maaitaining sagddbridge?_(shall_be su geo o e provisions an pena IGS prescri in sec 1 ns nine C0§3•gWSi)*jg5¤°¤¤- 50*-** and ten of an act entitled "An act making appropriations for the "` construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on glvepsl-and harbpigi an?. fprdotéierj pu13p<isesi;’ Iwhgihtwas iiptceiveld by e esiento e nie taes uy i y- rs,eig een undred and eighty-eight, and not having been returned by him to the house of Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Cgonstitution of the United States, became a law without his _ approva . °P°'"”¤ dm'- Ec. 6. That the draw rovided for the said bridges shall be o ened promptly, upon reasonalile signal, for the passing of boats; and said _ railroad company shall maintain, at its own expense, from sunset till L'·'¥*‘“·°°°- _ %u1trisei3suclai ligms or otllrer signals on said ridges. as the Lightouse oar s a prescribe. , Use by Mw ¤¤¤¤- Sec. 7. That all railroad companies desiring the use of said bridge "` shall have and be entitled to equal rights 3Dd(?1'lVl1Bi0S relative to ge pmsage of railwayktrgins over thipame, an oiper t ie approlaches - ere , upon paymen 0 a reasona e com ensa 1on or suc use; °°¤*P°’*“°¤- and in case the owner or owners of said bridige and the several railroad companies, or any one of them, desiring such use, shall fail to ,_{,’y$’f§";#"l’¥ S°°'°· agree upon the sum or sums to be paid, an upon rules and conditions to which each shall conform in using said bridge, all matters at issue between them shall bedecided by the Secretary of War, upon a hearing of the allegations and fproofs of the parties. www Sec. 8. That on the failure o the said railroad company to obey c this act and to conform to the provisions thereof any municipal cor- ° poration adjacent to said bridges, or interested in the enforcement of this act, or any other corporation, person, or persons injuriously ` affected by such failure, may institute suit against said railroad com- ESSEJ S? E“‘“t“’*iE$ °§t°¥’§§’.$`i*€Ei°p£i{‘"°·*""°.i‘$"gS’ i" lt? i’i’°`*ii S e m a n e]ur1sionow1csa1 bridges are located, in the name of the United States, upon the relation of the Ipartysomplaining, to enforce the provisions of this act. Such suit s all brought by the United States district attorney for the district within which sa1d bridges are situated, and said court shall have full power by its judgment and decree to compel said railroad company to comply with the provisions of this law. Approved, March 2, 1889. 1l•f¢b 11*9- CHAP. 404.-·Au act making appropriations for fortihcations and other works of """"’_'_"'— defense, for the armament thereof, or the procurement of heavy ordnance for trial and service, and for other purposes. . . _ Be fit enacted by the Senate cmd House of Rggaresentatives of the pr*,}’{,'°*§,_°°“°¤°“PP'° United States of America in Congress assemble: , That the sums of money herein provided for be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, BQ;<},¤*¤¤v¢¤*i$*°¤°f to be expende under the direct supervision of the Board of Ord- Ami. p. mo. nance an Fortincation, created by the fortincation appropriation act apppoved September twenty-second, eighteen hundred and eighty- _ eig) t, and in the manner prescribed by said act, namely: p£f°°"¤¤°¤¤¤°** _ RESERVATION AND REPAIR or Foizrirrouioxsz For the protec- 13011-Epreservation, and repair of fortifications, one hundred thousand . . 0 rs.