Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/114

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60 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Gus. 150, 152. 1890. A1¤'¤¤.18¤0. CHAP. 150.-An act requiring purchasers of lands in the Pawnee Reservation,. "_`_'— in the State of Nebraska, to make payment, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Representatives of the ¤$J•:°hhéTn¥a°: United States of America in Oonggsss assembled, That all purchasers ,,f‘}f.°H:,,, Q; of lands of the Pawnee Indian ervation in Nebraska who may m¤¤¤.¤¤¤ In da be in defaugt lpfaptayment of gtheartpriplcipalltgr intermt iénder ttl1e rovisionso the a prove pri n eig en un re seven y-— m‘l]:·*'·P·“*’- gix, and the terms otp sale thereunder, afs hereby required to make fullhalnd complete fpaymtelrit therefor this Secpetary of the Interior ·nmum1¤w`.wi `twoyears rom epassageo isac·an an rsonin

;0,c,(:,·,_ default thereof for a period of sixty days thereafter shui fbgrfeit his:

m. right to the lands pure ased and any and all payments made thereon. ssa-an-y or ru. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized $‘¥"°?1°"“"° “““‘°· and directed to declare forfeited all lands sold under said act of %?‘m%°°’§£.“md’°P.£.‘l.“$l€£‘H1€i§.T.¥S§’§‘3L”?.i”t.€§'..Z1l“§}.‘dS}.?Z]§iI2»‘ii neun. thereupon cause all lands so declared forfeited to be resold at public ·1·¤-¤»,¤m¤,¤m auction Nebraska in such manner and upon such terms as he may deem aodyisable, except that tiheltime fpr {ud aindf copiplete paymeng ·shall n ex one ear wit c auseo a so u e or eiture in caseo mum. default: Andprooieid, That the same shall be sold to the highest. msnwsnunm bidder, but for not less than the appraised value, nor less than two dollars and fifty cents an acre. ‘ Approved, April 22, 1890. l Apr¤l¤.1¤¤¤. _ . G$AP.1§a.—A¤-wt°tto ¢z:nt‘l.n;Bp¤¤eha(ss:otadt;aandtheerectionot a l it enacted by the_Sénate and House- of Rgpresentatives of the ` »‘?¢¤"·-·¤·····" ‘ 'i"¥.?"' epa °“t'L‘“”“.i if Q‘"‘€'”§ “"e€”1{"‘- ’€ih““3h3~S°°€§§“‘tZ an .- p e ry ,.an e_1s_ere y,au oriz an 1rec mre b urchase, condemnation or otherwise, a site and to cause nummg- tldube erected thereon a suitable building, including firejproof vaults, heating and ventilating apparatus, elevators, and algroaches, for the use and accommodation of the United States post-o ce and other Government offices in the city of Allegheny an State of Pennsyl- 0<>¤¢~ vania, the cost of said site an building, inc uding said vaults, heat-- - ing and ventilating apparatus, elevators, and approaches complete,. no; to excvied? thelsum of tyvp hiégidredaapd pfty t_(pusz;1dld<;llal:•·s._ p.,,,;, , ro osas or esaeo an sui BOTS81 S1 sa in-

  1. $2 mmm vited by public advertisement in one or more of the newspapers of

said city of largest circulation for at least twenty days (prior to thedate specified in said advertisement for the opening of said proposals. Removes Proposals made in response to said advertisement shall be ad ressed and uiafled to 1;}; Secretary of Ehetgreasury, who sliallkthen cause e said propo si es an suc 0 ers as e may in roper o ];~nmlnad¢m,etc.,¤f designate, to be examined in person by an agent of the Pfreasury °°g';,l’{,{‘““ Department, who shall make written report to said Secretary thereon, an the reasons therefor, which shall be accompanied by the original prpopplsals, and all maps, plats, gid stafements vghicéh shah have come in is possession re atin to e said propose si es. upon consideration of said report agid accompanying papers the Secretary of the Treasury shall diem furtherhinvteitigation necessary hplmayhax E,.,,,;,,;,,; mm,. om a commission o not moret an ree rsons, one o w om s °*°¤ cc be an pilicer of the Treasury Department,wh€ich commission shall alsogarmne the said prgposed sites, aénd such othlpri as the Secretziiry of n · . e reasur ma esignate, an gran suc earings in re ation wings thereto as they shall deem necessary; and said commission shall, ¤<>¤¤mi¤¤¤¤~pm. within thirty ays after such examination, make to the Secretary of the Treasury written report of their conclusion in the premises, ac-