Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1443

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1392 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 381, 386-389. 1891. February 27, 1891. CHAP. 381.-An act for the relief of H. J. Cheney. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the n. J. enemy. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretar P“’“"“‘° ”°· of the Treasu be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to H. Cheney, of Naghville, Tennessee, superintendent of the registpy department in the post-office at Nashvi le, Tennessee, six hundre and twenty-one dollars and sixty-eight cents, that being the amount stolen in registered letters from his office in said building, witht lt fltfh' thfrthd£yfMy`hteh ou neg ec or au o 1S, on e ou 0 a , eig en undred and eighty-seven, and by him romptl and ful accounted for to the Government P y y Approved, February 27, 1891. mebrmn-y2s,1s¤1. CHAP. 386.-An act granting an increase of pension to James McLaughlin. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the games Mielmugwn. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary °""°“ °'°“°°‘ of the Interior beilandlhe is giepgby, authorized directed to place on e pension ro , su jeo o e rovisions an imitations o th pension laws, the name of James l&cLaughlin, late ca tain of Com? pany I, Tenth Regiment Kansas State Militia, and pay him a pension of twenty dollars per month, in lieu of the pension he is now receivv¤1.2s,·i ing under act of Congress approved August twenty-first, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight. Approved, February 28, 1891. February $.1891. CHAP. 387.--An act granting an increase of pension to Samuel Walker. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the samueiwnker. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary P°¤¤i°¤ *¤°¤*¤¤°d~ of tlie Interior beilandbhe is herle y, authorized alnd directed to place on the pension-ro , su ject to the provisions an imitations o th pension laws, the name of Samuel Walker, late major Fifth Reg: ment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, pay him a pension of fifty dollars per month, in lieu of the pension he IS now receiving. Approved, February 28, 1891. Febmnryw. 1891. CHAP. 388.-An act granting an increase of pension to Wiley R. Reeves. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the wéga seem. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary

  • “°'“’°"· of thp Interior be,1pnd lge is herph y, authorized agi dirpcted to placg

on e pension ro , su ject to e provisions an imi ations of th pension laws, the name of Wiley R. Reeves, of New Albany, Indiana? te a private in the Second Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the war with Mexico, and play him a pension of thirty dollars pdr month in lieu of the pension e is now receiving. Approved, February 28, 1891. Februn-y2s,1s¤1. CHAP. 389.--An act granting an increase of pension to James Mcliullin. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ·}.é*'}f,'.g'gn” United of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary _ of the Interior be, and he is hereb , authorized and directed to lace Y P