Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1555

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1506 GENERAL ACT—SAMOAN ISLANDS. JUNE 14, 1889. are collected in the Municipal District exclusively, shall be held for the use and paid out upon the order of the Municipal Council to meet gre expenses of the Municipal Administration as provided by this ct. Currency ¤¤¤¤¤¤·¤‘d· SECTION 4. It is understood that “Dollars " and "Cents," terms of money used in this Act, describe the standard money of the United States of America, or its equivalent in other currencies. Amen vn. ARTICLE VII. necmmou. A declaration respecting arms and ammunition, and intoxicatin . . . . 9 liquors, restraining their sale and use. ' Impo¢;;¢??bg5¤d8¤f SECTION 1. Arms and ammunition. The importation into the °""‘ " ° °‘ Islands of Samoa of arms and ammunition by the natives of Samoa, or by ghe citizens plr pufpjects of any foreign country, shall be prohibite except in the o owing cases : Exceptions. (a) Guns and ammunition for sporting purposes, for which written liceiisie shall haye beep previously obtained from the President of the unici a ounci . (b) Small)arms and ammunition carried by travelers as personal ap anage. 'llhe sale of arms and ammunition by any foreigner to any native . Samoan sub`ect or other Paciiic Islander resident in Samoa is also pro 1 1 . h`b`ted J mmeimm. Any arms or ammunition imported or sold in violation of these

 S‘“"°“‘ rovisions shall be forfeited to the Government of Samoa. The

Samoan Government retains the right to import suitable arms and amsnunition to prqlzepr ligself argg Ixzapitaip order ;(buéchalltsuch arms; an ammunition s a enter a e ustoms wi ou paymen of duty) and reported by the President of the Municipal Council to the Consuls of the Three Treaty Powers. mmuerrem-m10m. The Three Governments reserve to themselves the future consideration of the further restrictions wgiich it maygie necessary to impose upon the importation and use of re-arms in amoa. Intoxicating liquor SECTION 2. Intomicatirzg Liquors. No spirituous, vinous or fer- "‘m° '°’°*d °“· mented liquors, or intoxicating drinks whatever, shall be sold, given or oiered to any: native Samoan, or South Sea Islander resident in Samoa, to be ta en as a beverage. _ _ mmm. Adequate penalties, including imprisonment, for the violation of ‘ the provisions of this Article shall e established by the Municipal (éouncil for applicgtipln {vithm its jurisdiction ; and by the Samoan overnment or a the s an s. uncle vm. ARTICLE VIII. D°°'¤"***°¤· General dispositions. ¤¤¤¢i•>¤ ¤f Mt SECTION 1. The provisions of this Act shall continue in force until changed by consent of the Three Powers. Upon the request of either Power after three years from the signature hereof, the Powers shall consider by common accord what ameliorations, if any, may be introduced into the provisions of this General Act. In the meantlirlpe arg special alnepdnéeilnt may qegdopted by the consent of the ree owers wit e a erence o amoa. ’%*°*”*°€° °* mm- SECTION 2. The present General Act shall be ratified Without un- ' ntecessary delay, and within the term of ten months from the date o its signature. In the meantime the- Signatory Powers respectively engage them-

 to aélqpt no measure which may be contrary to the ispositions

0 e said ct.