Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1628

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INDEX. 1581 Page- P . Bells, _ "Bethia," schooner, age ~ on free 1lSt,bl'0k81l,8Dd bell metal . ., 604 payment of French spoliation claim on Belt, John L., _ account of 899 payment to administrators of ... 1447 "Betscy," bri , . Beltzngs, payment og French spoliation claim on duty on woolen, etc . 597 account of . . . 901 OD silk . . . .,. 598 "Betsy,” schooner, Bench, Patrick .1, alias McBench, payment of French spoliation claim on charge of desertion removed 1217 account of r ... . . 900 Benedict, Benjamin L., "Bet.s·y," ship, paymentof;udgmento!CourtofClaimsto 891 payment of French spoliation claim on "Benefacto1·,’ Barge, account of 903 deficiency appropriation for payment to Betting, etc., D. C., owner 509 prohibited within one mile of Washing- Bertge,_Will1hm A. (son), ton or Georgetown; penalty ... 824 pension . ... · 1185 B°”°'¤9¢8. _ _ Benicza Arsenal, Cal., duty on spmtuous . .: .. 589 appropriation for water supply ,,,,,_,___ 395 Bwhweder, Pmdme (widow), Bennett, Elizabeth (mother), u Rl1g9h1g2O12ga. . E .. . . . ~116S nsion ..., 98 . nn » Belnenett, Jam vm, payment to administrator of .,.., 1447 pension ism Bidwell, Freneee E- (daughter). Bennett, Uupnm, MCO » 890 Bzlgérnslczlahéé J . . ... . 1391 paymento 'udgment urtoutlaimsto t _ .. _ Bennett, William s. , _ payment of Judgment of Court otclnnns to 889 charge of desertion removed .. . `1272 Bm"; E”?"'"'d· Benning: Road, D. C., ‘ pension increased ... 1438 app for new bridge over Eastern Big Bawqn River. Ky., , ch at ______ _ ________________ 840 appropriation for survey of . . ... 458 Benton, Warren JL, Big lack River, Miss., payment to adminjstmtm. of ____________ 1448 former appropriation for improving, avail- Bennington Monument. Vt., _ ab e . . z ... 444 apprppriation for stairway .. 958 B'9 H“t¤’!¤¢_R¤¤¢T, T¢"m·» Berg, aeob, §pP1j01]¤¤&t10¤ for improvement of . . ,_ ,_,, 445 pension . 14m Bw JM weed. Abeentee Shawnee Indmm, Berganwt Ou, apprgpnatnon for renmbmsement 356 on {rw ust ______________________________ wg _ m e of payment .. . .. 1008 Bmw Sw, Bipp give? Va. and 440 proc ‘ agami unlawful of . _ rm on or un rovemen o hmmm animals in wntqrs . . . 154.3, Bia gunnqwqr River, {Hoa., 1558, 1565 Blapprgeprmuon fgr improvement of 443 Benin, . V °"""’· “ ·, H, appropriatign for iecnetary of legation.§;g, I gum ggugmt °E by f°"St r°°°"°’ 651 or secon secre . . . . , . 2 ····· . ·······-· ; ····-·----·· for consul-generggrt 276, 1056 [ (ue Public Park' Cal')' for clerk lure ... 280,1060 { rmi2m` _ U _ :’ ··___ 1354 Be;'"' Bl"'- 509 Bingo; Lading, B o: . hc] er Of, deemed owner of imported Bapprgpriapiog for consul at . . ..278, 1058 Buungmmh ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘······· · ······· 131 erna on, . ., · : may acceapt two vases from Government tI°;_'?dmmi°¤"°' °f· ··········· 1446 °f “P"·“ ·······················‘·· 1825 yment to executor of .. 1447 "B··"‘¤·¤2*¤'·" . . . 25%. Msn. Amnncau regllwf 81’¤·¤¢€d to fo\’¤¤8¤·b\¤ll¢ appropriation for improvement of harbor. 431 Mtgé -.·--·---·-·-·····-- · ····-·-- 7 Q Bin ing. Pnolic (see Public Printing). Berne, _ 5 Binding Twme, appropriation for clerk hire ... 280, 1060 [ duty on 593 Berries, Bmdmgs. dut on ... . ..,. 568 ; dutv on, woolen 597 on gee list, crude, etc. .. . ... 605 ( _ silk ... . .. 598 Beru~ick’s Bay, La., z Bmghqmton. NZ K, _ _ appropriation for survey of . . 459 i deicxency appropnation for public build- Belmont, George W, _ _ mg . .. . ..,.._ 865 payment of Judgment of Court of Clarmsto 889 _ Bird, John. Beat, David, _ . padyment to executor of ..,.., 1447 payment to executnx of . 1446 Bar s. _ Best, Mary .L (widow), dutv on, for nullinery. . . 600 pension . 1426 · on tree hst .. . . 604 Bentor, Orson II, l _ Stpfed ..., . .. 604 payment to . . ... 1365 Birnmzghgun. Bestar, Selina, * appropriation for consul at 277. 1057 payment to . 1365 z for clerk hire ,.. 280. 1060