Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/175

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Ssss. I. Ons. 292,355, 382. 1890. 12] provided further, That this act shall cease to be- in force from and 0<=¤¤¤*i¤¤ after the date of the proclamation of the President of the United States to the eifect that said reciprocal privilege has been withdrawn, reyoked, or rendered inoperative by the said Government of the Dominion of Canada." Approved, May 24, 1890. CHA?. 355.-An act to amend section twenty-two hundred and ninety-four of M¤y26, 1890. the Revised Statutes of the United States, and for other purposes. mm Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0; Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assemb d, That section twenty- Tubuc md, two hundred and ninety-four of the Revised Statutes be, and the same Hvmestwié, ew. is hereby, amended so that it will read as follows: ’m’p"21’ Sec. 2294. In any case in which the applicant for the benefit of the wm, ,ppH,,“,, homestead, pre-emption, timber culture, or desert land law is pre- gg mus ¤e¤‘¤@¤vi¤ vented, by reason of distance, bodily iniirmity, or other good cause, »r_`iifs¤¤°.i)°E$ist'i$°°`£§¤°iJa€i-Y from personal attendance at the district land office, he or she may $f¤°°“" °' °'°'* °‘ make the ailidavit required by law before any commissioner of the ` United States circuit court or the clerk of a court of record for the county in which the land is situated, and transmit the same, with the fee and commissions to the register and receiver. ‘fThat the proof of settlement, residence, occu tion, cultivation, rm: or residence, irri tion, or reclamation, the affidavit of non-allilenation, the oath QS m Em an of all ° ce, and all other ailidavits required to be made under the amended.` ’°’ ’ homegtead, re-emption, timber culture, and desert land laws, may be made befhre any commissioner of the United States circuit court, mzmunauansuas or before the judge or clerk of any court of record of the county or g‘,Z'g{{;,%{*§,*g”ggu?t**<;g· parish in which the lands are situated; and the lproof, anidavit, and` oath, when so made and duly subscribed, shall ave the same force and effect as if made before the register and receiver, when transmitted to them, with the fee and commissions allowed and reqluired by law. That if any witness making such proof, or any app icant Penney rm- me making such atiidavit or oath, shall knowingly, willfully, and cor- ”"°°""" ru tly swear falsely to any material matter contained in said proofs aéidavits, or oaths, he shall be deemed guilty of peigury, an shall ____ ___ be liable to the same ins and penalty as if he a sworn falsely · before the register. 'Fliat the fees for entries and for final proofs, rmrormmesew., when made before any other ofdcer than the register and receiver “‘“‘ "‘““’°· 'shall be as follows: " For each anidavit, twenty-five cents. _ "For each deposition of claimant or witness, when not prepared by the omcer, twenty-five cents. " For each deposition of claimant or witness prepared by the officer one dollar. _ _ , "Any omcer demanding or receiving a greater sum_ for such serv- _P,,,,,,,,, ,0,. ,,,,8,, ice sha I be guilt of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be me feespunished for each offense by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars.” i Approved, May 26, 1890. CHAP. 382.-An act to change the route of the Rock Creek Railway Com my 2mm_ pally. 3Dd t0!' 0d1C!` PUIPOSCS. "*"*”"‘** Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the charter mckcmerrupiway of the Rock Creek Railway Qompany be, and the same is hereby, gfamended so as to authorize said company to lay its tracks and to run %,¤§ {mm its cars thereon, through and along the fol owing-named streets, ,,,,,,;;,,dj"‘