Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/569

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1126. 1890. 515 WATER DEPARTMENT: For deficiencies in the appro riations for wmr department. the water department, payable from the revenues of the water department, as follows: ` _For contingent expenses fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty- nine, twenty-seven dollars and sixty cents. _ For contingent expenses, fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty- eight, sixteen dollars and twenty-five cents For contingent expenses, fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty- seven, thirty-three ollars and twenty-four cents. WAR DEPARTMENT. Wu D¤P¤‘¤¤¢¤*· _ MILITARY ESTABLISIIMENT. mgm ¤¤¤bii¤h· PAY or THE ARMY: For pay of Hospital Corps, thirty-eight thou- Hwpiwi wps sand dollars; » For pay of retired enlisted men, twenty-six thousand dollars ; mum enlist ed For travel allowances to dischar ed men, twenty-nine thousand m.}';,,, mowmm seven hundred and three dollars anclthirty-five cents; · For mileage to officers when authorized by law, to be disbursed Himseunder the limitations prescribed for the appropriation for mileage to . officers by the Army appropriation act approved March second, eight- von. ns, p. ser. een hundred and eighty-nine, thirty-five thousand three hundred and fifty dollars; in all, one hundred and twenty-nine thousand and fifty- . three dollars and thirty-tive cents. For additional pay to officer in charge of public buildings and 0¤¤¤·.v¤b¤¤ ¤¤i¤¤— grounds in Washington, District of Columbia, our hundred and six- mgsmd gr°°”°°'D‘°‘ teen dollars and ninety-five cents. For mileage to officers when authorized by law, to be disbursed wwwunder the limitations prescribed for the appropriation for mileage to officers by the Army appropriation act approved September twenty- Yoh 25. p. m second, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, being a eficiency for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, fteen thousand dollars. PAY or MILITARY ACADEMY: One superintendent (colonel), in ad- élpiwtégdimy. dition to pa asljeutenant-colonel, from August twenty-sixth, eight- Win °”° een hu.ndred7 and eighty-nine, to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, four hundred and twenty-three dollars and sixty-two cents. QUARTERMASTEIFS DEDARTMENT. l$¤Qn¤;;¤:{m¤wr’s dc- TRANSPORTATION OF THE ARMY AND ITS SUPPLIES: To pay amounts Trnnspomcwn. found due by the accounting officers on account of transportation of the Arm and its sup lies, bein a deficiency for the iisca year eighteen humlied and eigllity-nine, 51irty-six thousand two hundred and ninety dollars and sixty-seven cents. FIFTY PER CENTUM OF ARREARS OF ARMY TRANsPoRTATIoN: To Arrws. pay amounts found due by the accounting officers on account of fifty per centum of arrears of Army tranzportation due certain landégirant railroads, being a deficiency for the scal year eighteen hundr and eighty-eight, ten thousand three hundred and ninety-six dollars and seventy-three cents. ( MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. mgigdicai depart- ARMY AND NAVY HOSPITAL: For completion of Army and Navy not springs has- Hospital, Hot Springs, Arkansas: For completion of steam-heating PML of south ward and mess-house, including IBS1B.` tors, connecting pipes, and so forth, two thousand dollars. ·