Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1125

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INDEX. 1105 _ Pa e. . _ E“°“•¤¢ of qv, _ g Feeblemsinded Children, D. C., P ge “P‘P*`°P¤**§i0¤ fm` Pi'\V¤t¤ BBBTGWBYY, 0¢0..189, 681 appropriation for education ______________ 165 °*` °°Pt¤Pg°“t °XP9¤¤f¤¤ ----..------~.. 190,681 Fees, United States Courts, Emmgvgngggggug bmding -·------ -· -··- 388, 612 to j\11‘01's1nr11d yvitnesses in certain States _ , r · ·» 811 errntories . “·PP¥’°P¤¤§10¤ fm ¤¤}¤I‘i0s and expenses.. 150, 538 constructive, not snowed ________________ for °°¤¤¤g°¤$ °XP¤¤S¤¤ ... 153, 540 Females, D. C, ii"' NM? “dV°YtiBi¤S --··---------·----· 153 M10, etc., of’li nors bv, prohibited . .- 568 iorndvertising taxes in arrears 154, 541 Fenton Metallic ganufacturing Company E*’P¢’¤d¢¢••M¤ of UW Government, deficiency appropriation for ..., . .. . .' ..,., 285 annual approprmtwns for, extended fifteen Fermented Liquan, D. C., MY! fwm J¤¤¤ 30, 1892 ·----... $7 regulations for sale of . ..,_,,,______ __ 553` oxznggzldy 30,, . .-..-... gg? Fernandez, Joseph, cx ¤ umm , ------·-. dwcieuc ¤ rv rintirm or -..--..-...-.. ¤{t¢!ld6d to August 10, 1892 .. . . 401 Fcrnandinl Fg, P f 293 Experiment Stations, Agricultural, appropriation for inside water route to Ser appropriation for expenses. . .._... . ., 80, 740 vmmah, Ga .. . .,,,, 101 Ezperimemtal Gardens and Grounds, Depart- immediate transportation privileges to ..- 148 ment of Agriculture, Ferris, Adelia S., appropriation for superintendent 76, 736 pension . . . ... 773 601:; labor, etc I .&...}_. ..é;(;lb.-.£é 78, 739 Ferris, Gilpcrt H3 encaronaonor e 660 sz ono' ‘ E I by P , F apr 3*:1 mahiju gment of Court of Clauns to 666 manifests oi, to be delivered to collector town site entry, authorized .. .-.. 82 xii fnwntépr . .. 197,% Fiber Immatigatiap, pens y or anspc ¤ wx ou ---.. .. a ro rhntiou or cx mm of ..-··.-. to be certified by shippir or agent .. 689 Iielldg, Jxohn, Po 78, 738 can not $1-;;,11354;;] tg ea,ve the country pension ,___,, . ,..,., , ,, ,,,,,,,,,__,_, 834 wi out delivery of manifest, etc .197, 689 Fifth Auditor, penalty for violation . . . ... 197,689 appropriation for, deputy, clerks, etc 1% 686 provisions applicable to transfer by ferry- Finance Committee, Smale, , boats, etc - . 689 deficiency appropriation for services by Denct applicable to goods in transit in lwud.197, 689 partment of Labor no ,,,,,,,_,,____ 5 Exposition, Warld’s (ace World’s Columbian Finka, John H., Exposition). paymentofjudgment of Uourt of Claimsto 304. Exposition, gladrid, t U t 350 Finley, Jann A., a ro na. ion or represen s 'ona ... - ma bea inked assistant surg•onArm dggeignoy appropriation for represents. y list {Y 815 tion; commissioners, etc ... -.-. 34 Finn, John, Extra Session of the Senate, may withdraw papers from Third Auditor’s proclamation convening March 4, 1893 1069 ofilce .. 825 Erlradition, payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 304 appropriation for bringing home persons Finnell, Joseph. C., charged with crime .. . 226, 499 payment of judgment of Court of Claims for advancing certain expenses. ... 226, 499 to .,.. 304, 667 treaty with Sweden .. 972 Finney, Abigail L. (mother), pension .,.._. . ... . ...,... 781 Ig Fira !)epar!mg·nl, l). C.,_ · appropriation lor chief engine-er, hwrmuen, Facing Slips, ctc., Postal Service, ctc_. , . .. ._ . . .. 161, 548 appropriation for printing .. . ... 146, 732 for uddntionnl ioroe from January 1, 1893. nil Hrhneulock, Edward G., lor ropmrs, hose, incl, utc .. I6]. 518 deficiency appropriation for salary, otc. . . 293 forhorsvs, tounge.. . . l6I,5—l8 Fair, World’s'(aeu Worlrl’s Colunnbimn Exposi- gor exchnngnig enniipo . tion . or new •-ngmo nm muse .. 6 ]•`¢;h·1y;g;;;;[ Vggllgy Railroad (jgmpqygy, f?}; contingent, gnpqnnqgg ________ ____ __ _]6],548 may bridge Hiwassco, Tennessee, and dehcnency appropriation for forage . .. 287 Clinch rivers, Tenn .. . . 422 for electrical appliances new engine Fairport, Ohio, _ house _ .. . . _ .. . . . . 6e;? appropriation for improvement of lmrlmr. 93 n.ttendanve_of witnesses beiorotrml boards. 28 fng signal established ,,.. . ... 453 false swearing deemed perjury ...,... 29 Hzlkner, Nathan, P compulsory attendance; fees . 29 ppnsmn ______ _ ,.,..,_,_,_,_,,,. . . 498 Fire Iuyarancc I ampamea, l ., Farms, Homes, and llfarlgages, . I 2 ·pt0\'1sions for incorporating .. 2 deficiency appropriation for compiling sta- First Assistant Postmaster-G4·nc:·al, names, Eleventh Census . . .. 658 · appropriations for, clerks, ctc .. . .218, 710 completion of statistics under Secretary of for postal service, office of . . . . . 145, 732 the Interim- _,_______,.. .- .. 658 I First Audilorpf lilo Treasury, Iarquharxcn, Mra. S. A. (widow), » appropriation lor, deputy, clerks, etc 193. 695 pension increased. . . ... .. .._. 826 I First ('omptrallcr of the T reasury, _ Fawcett, William H., V _ a appropriation lor, deputy, clerlrs, etc 193, 68;; payment ot judgment of Court of (Janus to 306 I First Method:;! Episcopal Church buutlr, Jack- Fa al, cou, emu., ilppropriation for consul at .. . .. .231, 503 payment to .. . . . . 777 Faye, Eliza (mother), Fiscal nlgeirls, pension . . ... , _ . ., , ,,... . . 766 appropriation for expenses .. . ... 363, 587 leather River, Cal., I delimency appropriation for expense 286, 310, appropriation for improvement of .-. - 109 . 315, 650 vm. XXV1I—-7 0