Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1138

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1 1 18 mmux. \ Page. Pago. Indian Schools-Continuod. Indiana-—Continucd. appropriation for transportation, atc . 638 appropriation for allotting lands in savordoliuiency appropriation for support 312, 316, 318 salty to tivo civilized nations .. 645 tor transportation; 312, 316 for paying taxes, Eastern band of Cherooxpcndituros, etc., to be directed by the koos . . . 348 rm . Sscrctary of ism Interior .. i_ 143 doiiciopcy approprgtion for ullottiéngnlnpd, 6 as, c c. to be ma o by Commissioner 0 `ort Bortho Reservation . s -. India? Affairs .. .1; ... iii 143 allotment in sovoralty to tivo ciéilizcd na.- 645 stoppage 0 rations atc. 0 c il n' — tions . . ing to attend ochool .. . . 628 allottoos to be deemed citizens .. . . - 645 Indian Schools, S1: 'ntendent, commutation of rations and clothing to a prosriation iéor ... ..-.122, 614 civilized ... 145 Ing] n applica, children of, taking lands in sovorolty not appropriation for expenses of purchasing. 138, 632 excluded from school benefits .. 638 or transportation . 138, 632 claim ofNow York Indians referred to Court dcilciexzcy appropriation for purcgaggpgim 316 of Claims- . .£- . . H .. Tgé 426 o c . commission to tron wi o vo civi iz for transportation . .. . . 1312; 316 nations for cession of lands 645 to be purchased only after advertisement. 143, 639 commutation of rations, ctc., rmittod to go i . , z . . . oxi noy p urchasos 144 639 civili od PG 640 irrigation expenses .. . .. 144, 62}) deeds by, to be recorded in Indian Olllco . 273 purchsscs from Indians. . 144, 639 distribution to Stockbridge and Munson purchases before conclusion of contracts.144, 639 Indians of tribal fun s and lands. . . 745 appropriations for. immediately available 144, 639 moneys duo, to be paid to Citizen band, advertisements to be made in tho spring.144, 639 Pottuwatomio Indians, in Kansas. . . 394 bums of contracts: . 144, 639 rations, sto., on account of children may subject to appropriations to be mado . . 144, 639 · bostoppod on failnroto attend school 628 diversions of certain funds permitted 144, 639 rebates to purchasers of lands of Otoon and rojoctiputof unslptisfactory bids; open-mari45 640 1 lginsourias, Nobigpka apddKansa§ -- 568 o purc asos . . .. . ease 0 o' sprin by neca n inns ow Indian Territory, , York, to Vg8B. Barker, ratified., . 470 •ppr0p:ri::i;on for judge United SliIt0&’ 714 solo, o1;_c.,bo§intox1cants in Indian country 260 0 . or ¢ on. . . J .. . ... for support, ctc., of Modoc Indians . 627 Shawnees to present all claims against tho Ear pbrrngnuo •;f(E]horokoe0ntlet E,- 640 I d lgpiged States and Charokoos ... 86 or o ing an s in sovora ty to vo n igmt Fern _ civilized nations ... 645 sppropriation,for burial of .. 377. 599 deficiency appropriation for court expenses 299 duticiency n. ro rintion for burial of 291 654 allotment of land in on orslty t five I d I ial H Ppscgool D C ’ z s ’ o n ua r mm: , . ., civilized nations ... 645 appropriation for maintenance .. 165,552 Chcrolneo Outlet opened to settlement 642 Induatrial Hanna, Unk, commnssgin to trait wiglht tire civilgzcd 64 I appmpfiingion for to ... . 385 no ions to ro nqu it c to an s. . 5 uduatria perty, action a had for ammo, { •tl'hg=kn£li•l8tntio|k convcntio;1 p:1o;rl¤llugf¤»rcx;»onac• of Inter 958 an to cago oc s and an unt. on lurouu . .. . ... Fnoitlc Rnilwsy Colnpany .. 495 Indus!-rica, Prodoocline, right of way through to Chicago. Rook information of, to be obtained for census . 86 Inland and Pacillc Railway Com- Infantry and Cavalry Schoul,l·l»·¢ Leaaronworvh, puny .. . . . ... . 492 n proprintion lor ... 379,601 Don bon and Northern Railway Com- 336 Ingam, Cavalry'! and Artillery Equipments, In 486 _ pon ..i... 1 n propriation or . . . . .. . , Gmrhesygllo, %lcOnllistor and St. Louis l Infgoted Veumln, uu f _ m_way ompamy . 525 1 to be scm to nearest mn-amino s on i Gmngsvnlle, Oklahoma and Gulf Railway local provision;linadoqu:;;o. .. 452 ornpany .. 465 Insane Asylum (ua Government ospi or Hutolpzoia 8:31:1 Southern Railroad Co., Dtho Insane). 0 H -.. - . - 2 Insane, . C., luna;-oeoanio Railway Com ny .. . . .. 747 a propriation for support of. 164 551 Kamas City, Pittsburg |nrY?}nlf Railroad I••;qI;ector—General'u I)epartmen t, Army, , h Company- .. - ..,. - . 481 appropriation for pay of officers; lou- Igding Wqr }?e|3p?n9, , gevity . . . . . . . ., , ,,,_______ 175, 478 gpP|·0pr]3,t]nu [or payméut of ,__,,,_,, , , , , 524 j for expat]; uclfolbnt Int - - . , .____ , _,___ _ _ 176, 4% pensions to survivors . . -- . .., 282 Ins tor-Genera a joe, tp widows; forfoited if remarried .__.,, 282 l apgropriation for clerks, obo- .____ , ,____, M1, ($8 only citizens entitled ...,...,,,,,,,. 282 ; transfer nf clerks, etc., from Record gud residence to be sudlciout proof of citi- Pension 0Boe .. . ._.. ,__ ____ 653 mnship .. . .~... 429 Q Inspector of Buildin c, D. C., rate of pension .. . . -- 22 l to prepare plans gu school buildings, etc., 160 proof of service; penalty for false swenr· g Iu.»pe<·tm·», lndiun, mg .. . . & · appropriation for expenses . . 122,614 loyalty not necvsssrv .. .. 282Iilstructian and Transit Pay, Indianapolis Arsenal, Ind., appropriation ilu- diplomatic and consular appropriation for workshop . , 596 oilioors , . . .,,.,, , , . . - .224, 497 Indians (nec also indian Department and In- Insurance Companies, D. I`., diam Rusorvstionsl. ‘ provisions for incorporating liro- . 2 spproprintion for allotment of lomls to v {nam-cation, Cboyonnes and Arspnhoos .. . . . . l l proclsmstion commanding persons in Idaho for costs incurrod by, in land contests. . 631 i in, todisponw .. 1080