Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1140

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. 1 120 mnnx. Page. Page. Intcmatimsal Naval Rcudeztoua and Review, I Invention: by Women, appropriation for expenses .. . . . .250, 730 models, etc., oi to be exhibited at Wor1d’s tor reproduction of “Pinta"and “Ni11a” 250 Fair .. . 400 I••tc•·1•ational1\'avigalion Com any, Iowa, sale of lands near Fort Migin, Pa., to 414 appropriation for investigation for fish International Protection of indua¢rialPr0pcrty, , atc]}"? _ -----·- ; - - -—------ - - - - ; - - - 362 commutiou providing fm. expmms ____ _ _ _ _ 958 fonngostigating entries, etc., Dos Moines _ Intornotional Rod Crow paqferenoe, qa Iowa Indlggzgr loud grant .. . ,,_. e94 n 7 1 fdimgucy applopnumm flu d°l?gM°°e’ ew` appropriation for fultilling treaty with . . 127, 619 n ernalumul Unum of American Iiepublwa, for tmshfund interest 143 638 appropriation for expenses of commercial doncioucv 3 ,,0 dui0I;' '{O; 'E,;,;;,,' ’ umau `‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ "‘ ‘‘’‘‘ " ‘‘‘' "*‘227’500 etc` larligs iln Oklahoma y g, 29’ I°°‘°'°°°°°'i° Ram"! C“"'1’°"”• roclamation o’euin to settlerneiit-lanils D ngm or way w, through mmm and 031} P . P g . . in Oklahoma ceded by .. . ... 990 IIOHIR T8I'I1'i}0II6S. .· . . .. [awa Indians, Okla., I¤¢¢·’1‘P’•'¢¢¢•‘§, _ _ appropriation for fulfilling treaty with -- 127, 619 3PP!'0P¤¤•t¤0¤ fi)! lsgatwns ·--·-- - - - - --·- 225, 498 Iowa Northern Judicial District, for. consulates ------ - ------·-----.---· 232, 505 mms of court . . . . 1 Igterpy-4;,-;, jgdiqq, Ipswich Riper, Mass.,_ appropriation for _ _____,,,_,,___________ 122, 614 appropriation for 1mprovomont of -- .. 96 Iatmuato Bridge and Street Railway Company, Iwo, _ _ time extended for bridging Missouri River, standard gauge established for sheet and gopncil Blnils, lows, to Omaha, 427 d t_ Pla?} ·--- - · ------ · ·--·----- · --·.. e I- ______ _ ___________ _ ___________ u ies no increase . . Intervals c·»w¤», _ _ ,,_;=;j;;jy¤ v<·¤¤i*¤>·¤ --—- ----~-----—--- 746 Ilsxguagxtm gxgzjml mu S m531 gppropriation for invcstigntion of modes of 76, 741 appropriation for wmmmiomm ____ ____ 362, 585 oiwiency appropriation or expenses . 10 m eemmry .. . ... 362,585 I’“’% . t. f . . fo,. expenses ______ _ _____ _ ________ _ _ _ _ 362, 585 apipropria :011 0; {nimster - . 224, 496 deficiency appropriation for expenses . . .287, 309 °1i°°°1§ uy °t °§°lh°° ‘‘·· ·: ····· : ·?25r 498 no person excused from teotiiyiug in an- Pm Ta ";‘ °xb‘?“ ;”$f°°PY"g t P""' 1043 tions by, ctc., on ground o crimi- Im, F,_a:§°° ° ““ ·l°° S ° ····· ······ ·· nating himself - 443 * ,,* f. d t fc, fc, . no prozecutions, etc., on account of such 4 P“Ym°” ° J" gm°“ ° °“"° “m“l‘° 304 cs imony . . 4 4 no exemption in perjury .. - . . 444 J' penalty for refusing to testify . ... 444 , to certify standard height of drawbars J““’“’°"> w'}" . . . fm- height can ______ _’ _____ _ _______ 531 appropriation for public bmlciing 673 to lodge information of violations of pro- J'" *"”‘· T""'" Fi"" M'”“’d'“' { ’“"""'» visions for train brakes, automatic J P;*5';*°;l,t t° ······-··-····-- · -···--······· 777 wap1c"' atc ```````````°°`°`°'°'` 532 nai ’ ro iiiiation for warden 221 713 I,,,,,,,,,,,,,?, P"·?:?Di]%é Janppmp ... , ri*~i»?·#*·?`i*§~~*·?"°“ `°``°°°°‘`‘ “‘° ******;***:::1-‘:,z::‘i·:·::·.::·°·;:,.*:°zs·::.:·*(::.·;·; sale, etc., o , in Indian country forbid- Britain c,,,,,,,,,,':,`;,,,, 1002 ·*•=¤= v·~···¤*v —--- -- ---—---- 260 Jamaica B..,, Y., ``‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘``‘`` IiI20:€c¢l¢€lIy_ Llqlvfv, Dilflivl of Columbia, gpproprigtion for improvgmgmt of ,_,, _ __ , 90 sale restricted .. . 563 James Rirer, S. Unk., d¤`6}¤l¤0¤ of ··-· · ····—-·-· · - · - --··~-··... 563 appropriation for survey of .. 114 excise lroard onhblishod; duties, clerk, 56* James River, V",, f G 0 ---·----··----—-—-·---- · --- . n ro riation for im rovement 0 petitions for license; eonteuts . . . , 564 ,1,,,5}:,,-,.}Jp,.2,15,, 5.:54;,,;;,, 99 001180116 of PTOPGYYY UWDBT8 Bhd 1‘EBlIl0¤i)s . 564 gpprgprigtiou for _____ __ _____ _ ,, ,,_____ _364, 588 sales tominox·s,etc., forbidden ,_ ,,, _ 555Japan, Sunday closing; hotels, clubs, etc ..., 565 I appropriation for minister .. .-. .224, 496 H00D8GB Fo l¤¤\\¤ for 0¤¤ YW ---- -- ... 566 hir secretary of lcgution ., 224, 497 wholesale; b¤¤‘00¤¤ -···--·----· ·- ·. 566for second secretary ... 225, 498 to be conspicuously posted; inspection for interpreter ,, ,,,__,____,_____ _ _____ 225, {98 of premises, etc . . . . 566 . for rent ,,_____________,,_,_,,______ _ _ _225, 493 Billoo by d1’¤8§i¤t¤ ---··---------. 565 ‘ for inter ircters to consulates ,,,,__ 232, 5(5 pcnuliiy fo! l1Dli00¤B6il B8l0 -·.. - . . 5(H i for marsiinlg, consular courts ____ _ _____ 233, 5(5 for violations by licensees . 567 {er keeping, em,, prisoners ______ _ _____ 233,506 for aiding violations_ ... 507 _ Jqgeyg, Henry L__ prosecutions for violations . . . 567 z payment of judgment of Court of Claim. distance from sclioolhouscs, ctc .. . 567 { to administrator of ,,______ __ _ ______ aw renewals of licenses .. .- .. 567 1 Jpje,-rein Guy, 30,, internal-revenue laws not ahirotml .. , . 567 terms of pony; _ _ ___________ _ _________ ____ og sales by females, etc, forbidden .. . 568 i Jefersms ('mmiy, Ky., pool and llllliuril rooms, etv . . . . - . . 568 I appropriation {br paying claims of oitigmm mtorprothtion of Words - . . .- - - . . . 568of• examination by Secretary of \Vm· 57] repos] of existing laws and regulations . .. 568 i Jcjcrama Lianuacripw, except 1 mile limit of Soldiers' Home .. . 568 a proprintion lbr binding, etc .,,_________ 349 Invalid Pensions, Jejliraon, hr., appropriation for ... . ... . . . .119, 523 terms of court .. - ...,,_,_,,, , ____ 35