Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1176

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1 156 mpmx. Page- Pago. Saint Roan Industrial School, D. C'., l San Joaquin River, Cal., appropriation for .. . 165, 552 appropriation for improvement of ; pro- Saint Simofa Light Station, Ga., viso .. . . . . . . .. . 109 appropriation for range lights .. - . 352 for survey of . . - 111 Saint Stapicny, for sinrvqy of Old River Brunch . . 111 apprepriatwn for consul at .. 230, 003 · for hghting . .. 303. 576 Saint Tlwmaa,Por1 Stanley aud, ’ light and fof signal established at Naw appropriation for consul at- . .. . . 229, 502 York S ougb ... ..- . 455 Saint Thoqas, West Indies, i regulation of hydraulic mining on 507 appropriation for consul at .. 229, 502 Sm, ,1,,,,;, (row, Rjca 3*1** Cmkr N- J-» 1 appropriation for consul at -- .. . .229, 502 light established, mouth of . . . 454 I Sm, Jud. dd No".,} B“1°"”» M“P*·; _ appropriation for consul at , . 230, 503

;ppr0 mation for 1mprovemc11t0f harbor. 89 g San Juan, p,u,,.t%Ru.0 

•¤••<£·¤1-» * ·¢‘ It .. 2,3 apsiopnation for Indian school .. 142, 636 1 Sazpgzgglgziggz galwmsu a 30 50 _ do ciencyapprepriatiou forlndiau school-- 312appropriatiou for improvement of huh0L 95 8¤F¢·» River, {W J-, _ san igeam Bay, cm., 3PPf9Pn**1°¤ for *mP!`°V€m°ut of -—-- · - · - 98 examination for deep-water harbor to be Sales ¢$Bcal Estate, made ______ _______________________ 95 und decrees of Federal courts to be at San Salvador ‘ I Y.`};'.`:?;;';`}?,$i.Y°"f1YI.?YY1’..`T.?'} vm S =~1_;¤g>¤*jy*g!¤ {0* ¤·>¤¤¤1 M ------ — ------- 230, 503 m ‘ s ‘ H .. - . 751 ‘"' "“°. .'°· . Salim ;§;2,i°gf,; mqmm appropiéuitxou for improvcmont of harbor ,,,‘$"*"°¥.}`f§ff.§’“ *_‘,;$,{‘,'},‘,T"°°’ °f ··············· m Saw H*gv,r2f:7•€>°S1¥¢W>}; `````````` ```"`` 94 nan ea . . appropriationffor proiioctiou of .. 366, 590 SJ:·§g:h°‘?° qstgb lshcd ‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ *53 for Jmblishiug Presidcufs proclma& ig: °"°° ‘* 831 · mu '' ""·" ’'``' ". '’'’' ’ Sandusky lbleiou-no.---`-------.-----

;g·>i?:2c£ a£?ropr1ati0¤ for protecting. .. 669 ?PPm£;_i3t?;1 for iuzpgovom ff hmézoh 93
;ppz0pri•tion for survey of bro•chway-. . 114 S;:;::°;;‘;?_;7e:°'6$·I;3r B wu Pm1I °g°° ‘ "

°°d°° ¤ . . . ‘ ’ tioia for im rovcmeut of . . . 105 appropriation for minister .. 224 497 appmpna P ° ·P3;·(;3l3.pggt qguvgntigu with _ _ _____ _ __,_ , ’ 841 Sandy Bay! gap! gn"! Ma88" t f h b proclamation announcing reciprocal com- °PPr°P§.m ;.°° °r 1mpr°v°m°“ ° H or 88 mania] gngpggmgnt with __,_ ,_ ,996, 1056 0 1.0 ug? '``` f'°````` ga.,)"' Sandy Hook Proving Ground, N. J., refund of tho duties paid on wreckage of appropriation for expenses and mainte- ·< Tmutoyr and uvmdaljav pm- ¤¤¤¤•> ----·-----------—-·---·—---· 259. 460 szxted wing of ,,,,__ , ___________ 417 gm oxpcinses otgotiiaors 56 . . . . . gg Janpwn, canon , or {mrc nag 0 rm ma rac s, o . Inmo corrected ..,,,,, _ ______ , _____ _ _____ 294 for cccmctxve ,,,,_,,___ ___ ______,_,,,, 460 .8qg1;|m•, B, 0, for re airs etc 374 596 &W!mw§0fj0dgmc¤t of Court of Claims to 308 S“t”"3;%£if°é”• kl b hY rl m wp amy; ·0 u u cc y c nstl ... . -·-- ah nfnc Zorrectéd to Alexander ...,__, _ _____ gg; domcgticntc be obtained weekly .. -151 San Bcmardirao Forest Reaervatiom, Cal., Santa rc, t\. {lla., pmclmmticn setting uput ...,__ _ ________ 1058 approprmtnon for Indmu school .. - . . 141, 635 1I 'ar on A em- an a e, rceco t an mum: cu may om~ Sa pcroinri ti n 1hr Indi t t 122 613 S { 11* gv t d Ph l R U, C a • u o an a a ... , — ¢¤ . Sam giegot Col., gm i grunted riéht of way a.cr0ss \\’hipp1o Barappropriatnon for improvement of harbor _ 95 I ragks Reservation, Ariz . 462 012 quarantine station .,,.,_,__ __ _ ____361, 590 ; Santa Manu-·a Bay, Cul., dotimcncy appropriation for quarantine examination for deep-water harbor to be

 station  .. .,.__, ____ 551 made  - . . . . - . . .. 95

n Domh1go , Santa Monica. Cal. “PP"°P"“1°“ f°r °°“S“1 *1- · -·-— · -—-·---- 231 appropriation {01 expenses Volunteer Sol- .10r c0nS¤rg€¤¤P3} at ··--. . . . . ..,,,, , , _ , 501 diets' Home _______________________ 385 606 San Franefeicq Bay, Cal., Santa Rong Sound- Fla., S:P¥;'°£;{:;:°2_3?r ““"°Y °f -·-- - ·-------- 111 aoprcgpriatiou for survey of . , , , _ _ ,___ 111 n ·u { , . i an ee gency ¤Pl>|'0P¤¤t_\0¤ f¤f_d¤¤P¤t¤h ¤$¤¤¢ .-..225, 498 appropriation for Indian agent at _,__... 121, 613 ior salaries, usmstzuit treasurefs office.203, 694 Santee Rirer S. C., for Salauesg cu}: mint at · · · — - ~ - - ·-·. . .204, 695 appropriation for i]]]I}[0V(§HlEl|t (yf ____ _ _ _ _ 100 foi' “’¤g$*=*§ 1¤<¢1*]€¤m1 €XP€¤¤¤¤ --·. ----204, 695 Santee Sioux Indians of Xebraaka. f°¥' m=“'m° l]°“P‘t“1 ·······- - —--- - ----- 351, 572 { appropriation for fulrilliug treaties with,132 624 1 for qrmr¤¤f¤¤9 station -··-··- · · -_- ·. 367, 590 1 for matron ______.,...___ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ 132, 624 fm' °{’m1’l“‘“g ···········- · — - -··-·—- - 367 ~ for industrial $011001 . - .,,_ _ _,___,_ 13; 624 for ¤¤t10¤1¤l¢€¤1€‘*6YY ---·~—·------·---. 377 who have not received allotment; to be for survey of G<>I•1<¤¤ G¤t¤ --.. . 111 paid msg, _______________ _ __________ 145 deficiency nppropriution for improving cessioupf cemetervloii to American Migharbor ---- .-. 313.670 swunry Association authorized - 630 for qnaramtmc station . - ... 651 Santiago, Cape Verde Inland;. ` ‘]im1t of cost increased of public building- 572 appmpriationzibr consul ot -.-,,, . -.- g3l_ 504 San Gabriel Ibrevt Beserratimo, Cal., Santiago de Cuba, Proclamation petting apart ...-. , ..-... .. . 1049 appropriation for consul at --.-,-..-...- -;_>;_>g_ 593