Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/17

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XV111 LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page. Elizabeth B. Crawford. An act to pension Elizabeth R. Crawford, widow of C. A. Crawford, soldier in Creek war of eighteen hundred and thirty-six. June 17, 1892 .. . . .. . . 7129 Cassie A. Davis. A11 act to increase the pension of Cassie A. Davis. June 17, 1892 . . ,170 Robert H. Alontgomery. An act for the relief of Robert H. Monltgomery. June 22, 1892 .. :70 Francie W. Wickham. A11 act for the relief of Francis W. W1c am._ Jrme 22, 1892 . - ... ::0 Duplicate bond: to Burton J. Parr. An act directing the issue of dnphcute United States bonds to _ Elijah P. T. Hollcroit, guardian of Burton J. Parr. June 24, 1892 ... - . 771 David Reed. An act granting an increase of pension to David Reed. June 25, 1892 . 141 George W. White. An act granting an increase of pension to George White. July 1, 1892 7-71 Thomas A. MeLaaughli1e. An act for the relief of Thomas A. McLauih11n. July 1, 1892 .. :71 Lucy Haekell. An act granting a. pension to Lucy Haskell, mother, y adoptmn, of John Haskell. 2 Ju 6 1892 .. . ... 77* Jennie Vaiglian. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Jennie Vaughan. July 13, 1892.. _ - .. 772 Eliza M. Boatright. An act granting u pension to Eliza M. Boutright, the surviving widow of Alexander M. Bontright, who was a. soldier in the Black Hawk war. July 13, 1892 772 Adalinc Alexander. An act to pension Adeline Alexander. July 14, 1892 .. . . . . ; .. ., .. 772 Kato P. Mitchell. An act for the relief of Kate P. Mitchell, daughter of Stephen Mitchell, late of the Fifth Maine Battery. July 14, 1892 .. -. . . 772 David L. Truex. An act for the relief of David L. Truox. July 14, 1892 ...----- 773 Adelia S. 1¢"erriu. An not to pension Mrs. Adelia. S. Ferris. July 14, 1892,. ... . ..-.--- 773 Andrew J. Jones. An act to pension Andrew J. Jones for services in the Indian wars. July 14, 73 1892 - ... . . . ... . - - ·--- 7 Nancy E. Rep. A11 act to pension Nancy E. Rentro. July 14, 1892 . .. 773 Willian S. oodward. An oct granting a pension to William S. Woodward. July 14, 1892 .. 773 Brid et Malay. An act granting a. pension to Bridget Maloy. July 14, 1892 . 774 Noe: Staley. An act granting n pension to Noah Staley. July 14, 1892 .. . .. 774 Janes A. Davis. An act granting u pension to James A. Davis. July 14, 1892 .. . ... 774 Horton H. 1[e.El•:o_y. An act granting n pension to Harmon H. McElvey. July 14, 1892 . . -. 774 David C. Barrow. An act granting a pension to David C. Barrow. July 14, 1892 . ... 775 Mary Gallia. An act granting a pension to Mary Gatlin. July 14, 1892 . . ... 7 75 Elizabeth R. Wilson. An act granting u pension to Mrs. Elizabeth R. Wilson. July 14, 1892 . 775 ' Hernnan Heinze. An act granting a pension to Herman Heinze. July 14 1892 . . .- .. 775 Williaan A. Bia-eh. An not granting an increase of pension to William A. l3irch. July 14, 1892. . . 775 llidnad Lakey. An act to increase the pension of Michael Lahey. July 14, 1892 .. . . 776 Frederick Meredith. An act for the relief of Frederick Meredith, late a soldier in the Indian wmof eighteen hundred and thirty-two. July 14, 1892 . . . 776 Aaron V. Hamilton. An act to increase the pension of Aaron V. Hamilton, late a. member of Fre- IIIDIIWB Battalion, Mexican Will'. July 14, 1892 .. . . . .. . -- - . 776 Meridg; An act increasing the pension of Meridy Smith, a. Revolutionary pensioner. July , . . ..- .. . - -. 776 Elizabeth 12 Boyd, Joel S. Haskins. An not for the relief of Elizabeth T. Boyd and Joel S. Hankins of Alabama. July 15, 1892 ... --- .. - ..,,, -.-. 776 Charles G. Sawtellc. All act for the relief of Lieute11ant—Colonel Charles G. Sawtelle, deputy qumtemaster-Igeueral, United States Army. July 16, 1892 .. -.-- .. -- .. 777 First Methodist Chun- , Jackson, Term. An act for the relief of the First Methodist Church, in the city of Jackson, Tennessee. July 18, 1892 .,.. 777 Coruelizés ilgggean. An act to correct the military record of Lieutenant Cornelius McLean. July , -·-·-- - ·--·· · --·--·---··-- ---- - --··------------.-.·-----... . .. . . . . 778 Bonnerémdgtiléerriman. An act to refund certain revenue taxes to Bonner and Merriman. July 1 , 1 .. . .. . .,... _ .,..,. 778 W. H. Hmvard. An oct for the relief of W. H. Howard. July 19, 1892 .. . ,,,,, . ___,_ _ ,,, ,.., 773 Mary E. Law. An not grantinr azgvcnsion to Mary E. Low, widow of Captain Richard L. Law, United States Navy. Ju y , 1892 ..., -- . 778 Sarah J. Waggmwr. An act for the relief of Mrs. Sarah J. Wnggoner. July 20, 1892 ,,____ , _,,,._ 779 William S. Walker. An act to remove the political disabilities of William S. Walker, of Atlanta, Georgia. July 20, 1892 . , ____,,,___ _ _________ 779 Mn;. E. Trunk. An act for the relief of Mrs. E. Trask. July 20, 1892 779 Fourth g' July Claim:. An act for the allowance of certain claims reported by thenccounting o cern of the United States Treasury Department. July 21, 1892. ...,..,,.. ... ,., 779 John Chamberlain. An act granting a pension to John Chamberlain. July 21, 1892. - 780 Michael 0’Bri¢n. An act granting an increase of pension to Michael O’Brien. July 21, 1892 . 780 Henry 0. Kent. An act for the recognition of Henry O. Kent as colonel of the Seventeenth New Hampshire Volunteers. J nlg 21, 1892 ,,,, ,, ,.,... . . . . ,_,_.,,_,_,_,,.,._,,.,,. 781 mlhel? ;9p¤;·¥eqge91;. An act for the correction of the military record of Wilhelm Spiegelburg. u Y 7 - ·----- - --·----·-·---· · -----· - -·-··-·~- - ·-------·-· - --·--..-.. . .. 781 Abigail L. Finney. An set ntin a ension to Abi all L. Finne , Jul 21 1892 .,._ , , 781 Ediih S. Read. An act to pmion S. Read. Jngy 21, 1892. ,_,,., __{___ ______ __ ________ 781 Dubueyéggimmons and Company. An act for the relief of Dabney, Simmons and Company. July 21, --··-—·----- · --·•·---·-------- - ---·-·--- - ····--·-- · --·-----·----.. .. . 781 John McMahon. .Au act for the relief of John Melinlian. July 21, 1892 __________,_____ _ _ _______ qgg Harriett W. Shccklctl. An act for the relief of Harriett W. Shacklett. July 21, 1892 ___________ _ _ 782 Amelia R. Webster. An act for the relief of Amelia R. Webster. July 22, 1892 _______ _ _______ _ _ _ _ 732 Patrick Hyland. An act for the relief of Patrick Hyland. July 23, 1892 _____________ _ ______ _ qgg Richmjl ggidfggga. An act for the relief of Richard M. Edwards, of Clevelnnql, '[ennesgee. uy ., , ...,,,,_, ____ _ _______ __ ______ , ______ _ _________ _ _________ _ _______ _ ____ 33 P. B. Sinnott. An act for the relief of P. B. Sinnott, late Indian agent at Grand Ronde Agency, State of O;·qg(·m_ J|]]y Q3_ 1892 ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _____ ___ _ ;_ ____ __ ______________ _ ___, _ _ 783