Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/714

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688 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I I. Ch. 211. 1893. thousand dollars; live clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; and one assistant messenger; in all sixteen thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars. m?_jg·¤,;_°*¤;¤;,·;,*g,*;f*],§;*_; COMIIISSIONER or INTERNAL REVENUE: For Commissioner of Ines. ’ ternal Revenue, six thousand dollars; one deputy commissioner, three thousand two hundred dollars; one chemist, two thousand five hundred dollars; one microscopist, two thousand five hundred dollars; two heads of division, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; six heads of division, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars each; one superintendent of stamp vault, two thousand dollars; one stenographer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; twenty-five clerks of class four; twenty five clerks of class three; thirty five clerks of class two; twenty five clerks of class one; fourteen clerks, at one thousand dollars eac ; forty-one clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; three messengers; fourteen assistant messengers; and thirteen laborers; in all, two hundred and seventy-two thousand five hundred and eighty dollars. S**'¤P *8•¤*- For one stamp agent, at one thousand six hundred dollars, and one counter at nine hundred dollars; in all, two thousand five hundred dollars, the same to be reimbursed by the stamp manufacturers. mgncuom Board- LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD: For chief clerk of the Light-House Board, two thousand four hundred dollars; two clerks of class four; two clerks of class three, two clerks of class two; four clerks of class one; ten clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; two assistant messengers; one laborer, at six hundred dollars; one assistant civil engineer, at two thousand four hundred dollars: one draftsman, at 0110 thousand eight hundred dollars; one draftsman, at one thousand five hundred and sixty dollars; one draftsman, at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; one drattsman, at one thousand two hundred dollars; in all thirty six thousand two hundred and forty dollars. I·V*s·'*¤¤s°"*°°~ OFFICE OF LIFE·SAVING SERVICE: For General Superintendent of . the Life-Saving Service, four thousand dollars; assistant general superintendent of the Life-Saving Service, two thousand five hundred dollars; one principal clerk and accountant, two thousand dollars; one topographer and hydrographer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one civil engineer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one draftsman, one thousand five hundred dollars; two clerks of class four, three clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; five clerks of class one; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; four clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, thirty B f N V, seven thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars. ,,,,,‘T’°°“ ° “ “" BUREAU or N AVIGATIONZ For Commissioner of Navigation, three thousand six hundred dollars; two clerks of class four additional to one clerk designated as deputy commissioner, two hundred dollars; one clerk of class three; two clerks of class two; three clerks of class one; ten clerks at nine hundred dollars each; one assistant messenger; and {me laborer; in all twenty-tive thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars. ,,f,‘§;§,“,§";.,g?,{,§,‘gF'“" BUREAU or ENeRAv1Na AND PRINTING: for Chief of Bureau, tour thousand five hundred dollars; assistant chief, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars ; accountant, two thousand dollars; one stenographer, one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk of class three; two clerks of class one; one clerk, at one thousand dollars; two assistant messengers; and one labore1·; in all, seventeen thousand fhur hun- _ dred and fifty dollars. B‘“""‘“ °‘s""‘“"°" BUREAU or STATISTICS! For officer in charge of the Bureau of Statistics, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; one special statistical clerk, two thousand dollars; four clerks of class four; three clerks of class three; five clerks of class two; nine clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; two copyists; three copyists, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each one messenger; one assistant messenger; one laborer; and one female