Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/808

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784 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 247, 258-260. 1892. July 25, 13112. CHAP. 247.-An act granting :1. pension to Mary Isabella Hutchison. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Hf shun i¤=*l>*“= States of America in Congress assembled, Tgat the (Secretpry of tpe i>`m.a..¤.` Interior be, and he is hereby authorize an directe to p ace on the c pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of Mary Isabella Hutchison, sister of William Hutchison, late of Company A. One hundred and third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, deceased, at the rate of eighteen dollars per month, to be paid to her legal guardian or person legally appointed to have the charge of her person and estate. Approved, July 25, 1892. S July 26, 1892. CHAP. 258.-An act for the relief of A. S. Lee. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United A- S- Lee- States of America in Congress assembled That the Secretary of the P”""°”° m' Treasury is hereby directed to pay out of ,the Treasury, of moneys not otherwise appropriated, to A. S. Lee, six hundred and thirty dollars, in full satisfaction of rent tixed by an award of a board of Army officers convened under the orders of General Terry, commanding the Department of Henrico, Virginia. Approved, July 26, 1892. July 26. 1892. CHAP. 259.—A11 act for the relief of Nathaniel Lang. Be it enacted ln; the Senate and House of Representatives of the United §§,§f]fQ_}°’,f;,“,{},·‘§gb,° States of America in Congress assembled, That Nathaniel Lang be, and discharge. he is hereby, relieved and absolved from the sentence adjudged again st him by a court martial on the twentieth day of January, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixtyilve, and he is hereby restored as of that dateto his ra11k as captain of Company F, One hundred and twenty- first Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and that the Secretary of War be, and_he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue to said Captain Nathaniel Lang an honorable discharge from said company and regimerit, to datedanhi to sake efigct from January twentieth, anno Domini cig teen un re an sixty- ve. _t Sec. 2. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after 1 s passage. Approved, July 26, 1892. J¤¤lJ‘3\89?- CHAP. 260.-An act for the relief of Jerome H. Biddle. _ Be i thenacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ·',··*···¤¤ K B¤<**“°· States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretar ‘ of War be tmmted honorable . _ _ J q dmlmgs. and he {S hereby, {{.l;;ll0I']:l$d and giregcited to cegisagtlie charge of (16S6p -l0ll o ie remover om e recor 0 erome . ic die, late a private in Con;paln(yiK, SexLentl1_1fegimentHK•i:pti1i5ky Calvalry giolgnteers, and cause o ssuec o san erome . 1 e an onora e is h . of date November nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-tw:o,adi€6tl:i; ground of being a minor, upder the age of eighteen years, andhaving enlisted without his father s consent or knowledge and against his Pr _ will., and being prevented by his father from COl1lI)lGt1Ilg.lllS service: N°¤;1*;,·m fzoraded, That no pay or emoluments Shall accrue by \’1I'l$I.`I.8 of this c . Approved, July 26, 1892.