Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/982

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PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. Arun. 15, 1891. 959 Mars pour protection de la 20, 1883, for the Protection of Inpropmété mdustrielle est abrogé et dnstrial Property is annulled and Vol 24. v- 13G1- remplacé par la disposition sui- replaced by the following provivante: sion. "_Les depenses du Bureau inter- **The expenses of the Internanational mstitué par Particle 13 tional Bureau instituted by Article seront supportées en commun par 13 shall be supported by the conles Etats eontractants. Elles ne tracting States in common. They pourront, en aucun cas, dépasser cannotinany event exceed the sum la somme de soixante mille francs of sixty thousand francs per anpar an.née." num." Anrrcua 2. ABTIOLE 2. Le present Protocole sera rati- The present Protocol shall be R.¤gc,m,_ ilé et les ratiiications en seront ratiiied,nnd the ratiiications there- éohangées a Madrid dans le délai of shall be exchanged at Madrid, de six mois au plus tard. within a period of six months at the latest. _ Il entrera en viguer un mois a It shall take effect one month m,.,,, partir de Véchange des ratiiica- after the exchange of ratiiieations, tions, et aura la meme force et and shall have the same force and durée que la Convention du 20 duration as the Convention of Mars 1883 dont il sera considéré March 20, 1883, of which it shall comme faisant partie intégrante. beaeonsidered as forming an inte- KP P · En foi de quoi, les Plénipoten- In testimony whereof, the PlenitiairesdesEtatsc1-dessusénumérés potentiaries of the States above ont signé le present Protocole a named have signed the present Madrid le quinze Avril mil huit- Protocol at Madrid, the tiiteenth cent-quatre-vingt-onze. day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. Pour laBelgique,Tn.n1nBou¤nnn For Belgium, T11. nn Bourznnn nn $,8,,,,,,,, nm Mmmmoitcx. Mmsnnomcx. ¢¢ le Brésil, Luis F. n’Ammu. “Brazil, Luis F. n*Annnu. “ l’Espagne, S. Monem, Mn- “Spain,S.Monnr,MAnou1s nn quits nr: Aeurnnn, EN- Aeurnan, Ermiqun On.- mqum Ch.L1¤.u,Lu1sMA- LEJA, Luis Mnnrmo nn _ 121ANo nm Luna. Lamm. “ 1esEtats-Unisd’Amérique,E. “The United Statesof America, Bunn Gaunn. E. Bunn Guunn. “ la France et la Tunisie, P. “Franceand Tunis,P.CAMBON. Cmuou. “ la Grande Bretagne, Fam- “GreatBritain,F1nANc1sCLAnE cis CLARE Fonn. Foun. " le Guatemala, J. CARBERA. “Guatemala, J. CARBERA.

    • Pltalie, Maura:. “Italy, MAFP‘EI.
  • · la Norvege, Amnn Hurr- “Norway, Amnn Hurrrmmr.

Fmnnr. ·* les Pays-Bas, Gmmcxn. “The Netherlands, Gnmcxu. “ le Portugal, Comrn nm CA- “Portugal, Courrr nn Gasn. sn. Rmmuo. Brsnmo. “ laSuede,Am1.n HUITFELDT. “Sweden, Amnn Hurrrmnnr.

    • la Suisse, Gu. E. Lunar. “Switzerland, Ch. E. Launm.

" “MOBEL. “ “Moum. And whereas the said Protocol 3 has been duly ratified by the signatory Powers, and the ratiiications thereof were exchanged at the City nmmgs nr mm- 0f Madrid, on the fifteenth day of June, one thousand, eight hundred and ““°"“· ninety-two;