Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1077

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P! Convention between the United States of America and the United States December s, ms. of Venezuela for a reopening of the claims of citizens of the United W States against Venezuela under the treaty of April 25, 1866. Concluded at Washington, December 5, 1885; ratification, with amendments, advised by the Senate, April 15, 1886; ratijied by the President of the United States of America, August 7, 1888; ratified by the President of the United States of Venezuela, August 2, 1888; rati/ications exchanged at Washington, June 3, 1889. Proclaimed June 4, 1889. BY THE Prmsrnmvr on THE Umrnn STATES or Amsmcs. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and rmmms. the United States of Venezuela for a re-opening of the claims of citizens of the United States of America against the Government of Venezuela under the Treaty of Apr11 25, 1866, was concluded and V0!- 16, P-713- signed by the respective Plenipotentiaries of the aforesaid‘ High Contracting Parties at the City of Washington, on the fifth day of December, one thousand, eight hundred and eightyfive, the original of which Convention, as amended by the Senate of the United States of America and being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: Coiwnxriorz ron A nm-ovnmxc or run Tnnsno rms LA nsvisron ms us cnsms or crriznss or run Umrno nncrsmlcionns mc crnnwsuos ns Srarns Acsrusr VENEZUELA uxmzn Los Esnoos Umoos courier Vass- Tun TREAT: or Annu. 25, 1866. zunrn ron nr. rnsrnno nn Annu. 25 ms 1866. The President of the United Habiendo aprobado el Presi- hJ:;¤irRe¤¤1¤ti¤¤:¤¤· States of America having on the dente de los Estados Unidos de §1,§,,,’§}'“"°*’°“ ““ 3d. day of March 1883, approved América el dia 3 de Marzo de V¤l·23·v·°*3· the following Joint Resolution of 1883 la siguiente resolucion del Congress: (Public Resolution—No Congreso, (Resolucion Pf1blica— 26.) No 26.") "Joint Resolution providing for a new “Resolucion conjunto, proveyendo una Mixed Commission in accordance with comision mixta, do acuerdo con el trathe treaty of April twentyfnifth, eight- tado de veinte y cinco de Abril de mil een hundred and sixty-six, with the ocliocientos sesenta y seis con los Esta- United States of Venezuela. dos Unidos do Venezuela. " Whereas since the dissolution of the “Por cuanto desde la disolucion de la mixed Commission appointed under the comision mixta nombrada segnn el treaty of April twenty fifth, eighteen tratado de 25 dc Abril de 1866, con los hundred and sixty-six, with the United Estudos Unidos de Venezuela, se han States of Venezuela, serious charges, im- hecho series cargos, recusandose la valipcaching the validity and integrity of dez é integridad de sus procedimientos ' its proceedings, have been made by the por el Gobierno de Venezuela, y tambien Government of the United States of cargos dc semejante caracter por diversos Venezuela, and also charges of a like ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos de character by divers citizens of the United América, que presentarou reclamaciones States of America, who presented claims para ser juzgadas ante aquel tribunal y for adj udicauon before that tribunal; and (103) o