Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1329

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INDEX. 1 Eastern Shaépne; pugé El @0, Tc::!, l 8PP!'0P¤¤ 0¤ 0I` Hg 68 Wi -- approtion orroadto ew Fort Bliss' , Eashrwn Mary A. L., mx., from __,____________________ 275

 i¤<¤1‘€¤B0d --..-... - .. 1044 deficiency appropriation for public buildenryv r• I ..-- ---· ----.. L ·.·. 428
$ yn1ent of éourt of Claims judgment to- 470 E1   Com ng,

E, may bridge South ggnadian River, Okla- 011 l1st,l'0ugh, etc ..,...,__.,___ 546 hom; ____________________________ 644 E'¢h0 Bay, N K, Elections (ue also Elective Franchise),

£:·e11n11nary gnmgohong. to b$me.‘ 366 qw? for voters, first, inCherckee  

mg on an 0 zers’ ameway _,_..__,..,_________________ ‘ 8 Qampany, D. C'., Elective Franchise, extension of route changed; capital in- repealff sections oggtevised Stagutes re- , ... - ... mn' g use oops at t opolls- Eckington Valley Sewer, D. O., . pcrformanceof qunliflcationsforvoters, approprmtion for CODSQIHSUDQ ; con- ew .,,..,.._., 36 tracts 749 suits in United States courts for alleged Emuxdor, denial of right to vote, etc 86 apsropriatiou for minister 141, 816 power, etc., of circuit court at Conde cieucy appropriation for Santos arbi- gressioual elections ... 86 tration ... 844 supervisors of elections .,. 86 convention with, cl.uimofJuli0B. Santos- 1205 duties of I11B;iSh8¤1S and special deputies, Edgingc etc., at ections . . 36 duty on flax, etc 530 chief supervisors of election, etc ...,.. 86 Education, gurecgu of, mmamentéor hindoring,etc.,citiscns approprm on or mner, c er , om vo ng .. ctc . 196, 798 offenses at Congressional elections 37 _‘ for information from agricultural col- conspiracies ugainpt voters ... 87 leges, etc- - - . T .,.. 798 offenses by supervisors, etc ... 87 for books; stat1st1cs,etc 196, 798 mterference with supervisors, etc . 37 for disuibuting documents, etc . 197, 798 obstructing veriiicatxon of registration for rent ,.,. 197, 799 lists, etc . - 37 Education, Commissioner egtransfer of election suits from State approgzation for, cler , St8tiSlIlCl3Di ..,... g

.  4 gener IGPG8  , ,

printi1;%;·ep0rt of, authorized; distribu- appr0;: ri:it1o1: s% for peying §:;s? éa:<;1L ng Educationirlglolslro;-U__----------`----- t coutimwd .. I 1---: 414 appropriation for-1 ... 399, 941 Elcqtrjic Léqhting, Eduoatz0nalImt1mt1om, I wirmgo publ1cbu1ldingsfor,auth0r1zed- 914 maximum of oicors detailed 1:0, in- Electnb Lighting, D. C., creased ___,,__,..,,...,,.. 7 ¥ appropriation for expenses 252, 751 detail of retired o&cers to, not restricted- 235 { arrangement to furnish Capitol with, ordnance issues; pay _,,...,,...,... 285 · for one year, authorized ...,., 935 Edwards, Charles, Q Electrical Measures, Jemtdgww iripostsl accounts 1035 1 legal units .. , e ,, * IBIDBS BD 8 1 0118 .,... pigayment oloigdgment of Court of Claims I details to be prescribed by National m mmimmam of ... 467 Academy of Sciences . 102 Eyyv, James J.,I Electrotypc Plates,

;3y1neut of Court of Claims judgment t0. 458 l SSW Ohh; - -  .   ... gag

y es au ; con ons futy on _,,,_ . .. 528 Eledmzgiw, gn nw1mg __________,___,____. . ,-- r 540 ; direc for certain matter .. 804 gilk warms ______________,___ _ _,,, 544Eleventh Census. importatiornof game birds', prohibited; I Mdmckappmmadon for com , 1 _____,___,___,,, _ ,.._,,. IES .. . , L•g;"tqu?x§fQ};)y!;)l2_, for printing office 18 payment of judgment of Court of Claims I for 0120 ...,. 18, 596 to gdminigtrgtor ____________ , ,,___ 453 I time or closing work on, extended to Eichgym, R , JUDO 30, 1894 .. - .. 3 Payment to qhj1d;·e¤ of r__,___.._..,._. 993 Commissioner of Labor may act as Su- Egght-Hour Law, permtendeut - -  : .. 3 payment to letter carners of clmms un- accounts to be &xm1nM gw Auditor for or ,... . ... - P¤·1’¤¤¤¤ -------- ; ----· Eight Per Cent gonds, gt, i abstract 0€ m§H facts to be published; redem ti green , directed; in- , u on . Z geregt il ... 278 I to be printed instead of Dngest 439 Eighth Judicial Cirwif, _ I distribution of rep<>r’¤¤--._ ..» 611 gcgditioual cgrcuit judge authorized . 110 scheduleisf during the war not " C lla ," t , 0 pu _._.__,,_.___.. Ametiicsn reéicsitlegrissued to, and nametransferred to Peusion Office ...,. 60 changed to "Oueida " _____________ 43 I reports on Fish and Fisheries and Agri· El Moro, Cal. , culture to be bound together .. 60 preliminary examination of harbor to be collection of information relating to ani· ‘ made ,... 364 mals not on farms repeal ... 60